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Hi, how many grafts do you think i need?

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  • Senior Member

From the photos you are undergoing some amount of hairloss, but at present it doesn't look like a high Norwood number. If you were willing to buzz your hair low and get a consultation with an experienced surgeon you could out what stage your hair miniturization is at, and from there get a good idea of how much future hair loss you need to anticipate for.

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  • Regular Member

Thank you for respond. Yes, the thing is that i ruined that part mostly by myself in 2011 when i was putting hell lot's of gel and pulling out hair from that area because my anxiety disorder. One day when i use shampoo for dandruff i lost unbelievable amout of hair on that area like it burn my folicles or something. It is like than since that year, nothing got worse but nothing regroth as well. I am hitting 30 soon and i think it is good time for me to change it.

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  • Senior Member

no idea how old you are, but if I were in your shoes with your current state of hair loss (which is not significant), I would not be jumping into surgery as your first option. I would consult with a good doctor who might prescribe meds, are you trying rogaine? shampoos with DHT blockers? supplements? and finally I would look into whether PRP might be a good option for you. just some of my thoughts having been someone who just panicked and jumped into having HT surgery at a young age, not having done my research and regretted it the rest of my life!

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Hi. Thank you for your answer. Well i take a lot of hair suplements for over 10 years and I am on Nizoral 2%(twice a week) frome some time.

I do not take finasteride, I developed bad sexual side effect, imposible was to me fall in sleep and also gein gyno(i will need surgery for that as well) :/ This drug is not for me aperently.


I am 29, and my hair loss i believe is stable because i do not notice any changes in my hair since i was 21, when i ruined this part of head that is thinning. Nothing is hapening, i am just tired of waiting for "cure" and since nothing is changeing i want to fix that part.

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Hi ffar1989,


From pictures there seems to be some thinning on the area, but at the same time you have a very decent amount of native hair.


As you have been advised, a personal appointment with one or more doctors could be a good idea so you can get a more detailed assessment.


As a 1st impression, maybe a hair surgery is still not the option. As said above, you still have native hair and a surgery could maybe create some permanent shockloss so you can ended up as before the procedure.


You use Nizoral and some complements, but neither finasteride nor minoxidil, right? Maybe you could try Rogaine + Saw Palmetto instead of finasteride. Nevertheless the best advice is to see a dermathologist in your area and see the exact situation nowadays.


Best wishes,

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  • Regular Member

Hallo. Thank you for answer. Well this thinning drive me crazy :( Yes I used rogaine for while and all what happened was make my hair growth faster. No higher thickness and any regrowth. In my supplement list there is saw plametto and biotin + multipack of vitamins for hair. Like I said before I am not younger, but my hair are not changing (happy for that of course) but fix this is my dream, if I will follow my family pattern I will end up as defuse thinner, not fully bald. I can get another hair transplant if I will get shock loss, or I don't know now what to do :/

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