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Shaving head POST FUE

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Hi all!


Quick introduction. Im a 32 year old bald guy. Norwood 5. I head a head a head full of thick hair till about age 21 and in the span of 1-year lost the majority of it. Ive buzzcut or shaved my head every since so most of my friends & work colleagues in the past 10 years have known me as a shaved head guy. I'm completely comfortable with being bald and moved on long ago from that dark period post hair loss. the shaved head look doesnt suit me so much since I have a wierd shaped cranium however its the best option I have available to me.


Lately my friend had a very successful FUE with a random, little known doc in Turkey and has got me interested in having the procedure done too. My main concern is the healing time as I do not want anyone to know ive had a procedure done.What I would like to do is return to shaving my head post-op for at least a year until I can let it grow in the knowledge that my hair will come back at its strongest as ive read it takes 12 months to see the full result of an FUE op.


My question is therefore at what stage can I return to shaving my head without damaging the newly inserted hairs? I would also be interested to know how red my scalp will be as like I said, I do not want anyone to know I have had anything done. Lastly, approximately how much time will I need to take off work to allow my scap to heal post op since I know during this delicate stage I cant be touching my scalp, especially not shaving.


Thanks in advance! Wish you all a good day

Edited by PirateofPenzance
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Well IMO, my HT was undetectable after 12 days. I had very little redness and it just looked like a buzzcut. Nobody blinked an eye. But everyone is different with the redness thing. If you are very fair with blonde hair, you may be more susceptible to it than others. I had my first haircut at 4 weeks.

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Well IMO, my HT was undetectable after 12 days. I had very little redness and it just looked like a buzzcut. Nobody blinked an eye. But everyone is different with the redness thing. If you are very fair with blonde hair, you may be more susceptible to it than others. I had my first haircut at 4 weeks.


Thanks Baldrick! Could I potentially shave my head after 4 weeks though?

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There is no reason why you can't shave your head 4 weeks after your hair transplant. Keep in mind however, that you can still experience shock loss during that time in both the donor and recipient areas so both areas may possess less hair than they will many months from now. As long as you are ok with that, there's no reason to shave. I know I did for both my 3rd and 4th hair transplant.


Best wishes,



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I took this same approach and buzzed my hair relatively soon after my hair transplant so that that all the hairs would grow in together at the same length. I stopped buzzing it around month 3 when I started seeing new growth. Every doctor will have their own guidelines, but I think 4 weeks post-op is definitely safe. The grafts should all be secure even by the 2 week mark, but I would defer doing it that early to your physician.

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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Excellent information gents. This is something i have wanted to know. Im due to have my surgery next Thursday (21st Dec) in Turkey and will do a review once im back home. I have shaved my head with a barbers hair clippers (0.1 - 0.5mm blade) for few years and recently I bought a new razor with a 0.8mm blade would this be ok to use 4 weeks after? Like PirateofPenzance i want to keep the attention off me for a few months. :-)



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I think the best thing to do is ask the surgeon when you can start cutting your hair. I'm 14 days post op and in similar shoes to you, where I was shaving my head all the time for the past 6 years. I came back to work 13 days post op and all people noticed was my hair was grown out. (I grew it out 2 months prior to the procedure so my surgeon could get a better idea of my hair loss) . I would say be conservative with shaving your head since short term pain is worth the long term gain and really who cares what co-workers think. I too had it in my mind that everyone would be asking questions, etc. My first day back a few people commented on my hair and since then nothing.


I really wanted to shave my head, but after reading some of the forums, I decided I'll wait a good month or more post op. I feel if there's a 10% chance I might mess up my results, why take that chance? But to each his own.

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Hi all



Thanks for your response and glad that this post also helped others with the same question. I will ultimately ask the doctor I go see but wanted to know from people with 1st hand experiences and i thank you again for sharing those.


I have for years shaved my head with a regular Gillette Mach 3. I used to buzzcut it with a balding clipper that goes down to almost the skin but found it pretty convenient & much quicker with the Mach 3 blade. As i already shave my head, not bothered as I have less hair than I have now post-op for a few months as it wont really show that much but yeah, good to keep in mind ;)

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By the way, if and/or when you shave your head a few days post-op from hair transplant surgery, make sure you are very careful around the recipient and donor areas. The recipient area most likely won't need to be touched, but the donor area is still healing, so be very slow and delicate.


Best wishes,




Bill, I read that it's best to wait at least a week after the new hair sheds before cutting or shaving your head. That seems to make sense and that may or may not happen by the 4 week point. Do you see the logic in that? I'm 2 weeks post op and wanting to shave my head in the next few weeks since that's been my routine for 6+ years, but I'm sticking with caution given the cost of this transplant. I've also read some drs say wait 3 months to shave head, which I may reluctantly do.

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Bill, I read that it's best to wait at least a week after the new hair sheds before cutting or shaving your head. That seems to make sense and that may or may not happen by the 4 week point. Do you see the logic in that? I'm 2 weeks post op and wanting to shave my head in the next few weeks since that's been my routine for 6+ years, but I'm sticking with caution given the cost of this transplant. I've also read some drs say wait 3 months to shave head, which I may reluctantly do.


By two weeks, those grafts are secure. Of course, you would wanna be careful as everything will be sensitive/healing, but there's no reason why you can't buzz around the recipient area (no need to shave the recipient area at this point anyway). I buzzed the surrounding area before a week was even up - obviously being very careful not to get close to the grafts. (But even then, the grafts are still fairly secure by day 5.) I didn't damage any grafts.


Ultimately, you should listen to your doctor, but I think any surgeon that says you have to wait 3 months is being overly cautious and just covering their own butts. :)

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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