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28 Help - Graft Numbers?

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  • Regular Member

Hey Guys,


I've been monitoring my situation over then last year and my hair loss has progressed, especially within the temporal regions.


I am thinking of getting a minor BY albeit a very conservative one. I've never had a NW1 hairline even since I was young and tbh is rather keep it 'rounded' I just want to take the visual appearance of it being somewhat disjointed away.


Could someone please advise me what you think in terms of grafts numbers for my current state? I know it's determined by things such as hair characteristic (of which nine is fine) etc. I don't wear my hair up or with a quiff, I tend to just let it hang or swoop it to the side - if hairstyle has an effect upon the outcome?


I have attached some pics, thanks in advance guys.








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  • Senior Member

I replied to your other thread that didn't have photos. Now I see your photos I really don't think you need a transplant at this time. Your hairloss is very minimal (perhaps a bit more pronounced at your left temple than your right). You say that you never had a NW1 hairline, in which case you must not have lost much hair at all as you aren't that far off a NW1 now.


I'm guessing from what you said that you first noticed your hairline was changing a year ago. The best advice is to wait and see how it progresses over the next year. Personally I wouldn't even suggest using meds at this early stage.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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Yeah, your hair looks great. This could very well just be a case of something becoming more prominent in your eyes once you become aware of it - and given that we are our own worst critics, it seems much worse in your mind than it actually is. Try not to stress or obsess about it, and if you're going to continue monitoring it, I wouldn't do it more than once every 3 months or so.


So keep your head up. For now at least, you seem to be one of the lucky ones. :)

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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  • Regular Member

Hey Guys,


Thanks for all the informative advice. I've noticed a real change in hair quality and texture, a lot of hairs around my temporal regions are turning into peach fuzz - when this happens my hair just becomes brittle and frail, then slowly but surely it falls out. I've seen my hairline retreat backwards over them last four years. My side temporal regions have really regressed too, again I've never had a solid NW1 hairline or strong temporal points.


I will continue to monitor the situation, it seems like we may be entering into a 'golden age' in terms if treatments, but who knows?


Hypothetically speaking, given my hair texture (fine) and hairstyle I'd want to employ (straight swoop across it even a caesar cut) how many grafts do you think I would currently require to fill those zones? I'm not looking for a NW1 hairline, something a bit more rounded and less disjointed. I suppose it's good to keep track of these things as a reference point.


Cheers Guys,



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  • Regular Member

Thanks Matt, I appreciate your guidance.


The loss is definitely more pronounced on the left, the right is so brittle and weak - I have a cows lick situated there, the hair was never running in the same direction as the rest. I would just love to fill those areas in, in a rounded fashion - that way the wind wouldn't be my worst nightmare ?.


Thanks again,



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Your photographic angles make any assessment difficult. However, the situation cannot be addressed without first doing what you can to halt the progression. If you have not begun medical therapy then surgical intervention would be a band-aid solution as you will undoubtedly need more surgery in the future. Our business is FUE hair restoration but we want our patients to enjoy their result for as long as possible without having to resort to frequent touchup sessions because medical intervention is not considered. You're only putting yourself on the merry-go-round.


For graft numbers, the estimate can vary. It depends on if the areas you outlined are the only areas to address or if other regions of the frontal hairline should be altered as well. Rarely does it make sense to only address one place in a hairline because oftentimes when you alter one area, another needs to be altered as well to maintain a balance. You should submit a full series of photos for online consultation to get a more comprehensive plan for how to proceed.

Dr Lupanzula E.

MeDiKemos Hair Transplantation


Dr. Emorane Lupanzula is recommended on Hair Transplant Network


Email: info@medikemos.com

Telephone: + 32 2 535 55 40

Website: http://fuehairdoctor.co.uk/

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MHairTransplantation

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I'm not sure what city you're in, but if you're fortunate enough to live close enough to a credible hair transplant surgeon (preferably one recommended on this forum) you could set up a consultation with them to get their professional, in-person opinion. If your hair loss is isolated to the hairline and they're able to do miniaturization tests to determine that you're not at great risk for continued, advanced hair loss, then this is something you could address with a relatively low number of grafts. There are a lot of factors that go into how any one patient should proceed, and getting face to face with a doctor is always going to be your best bet. Many will even do Skype consultations as well if traveling to them isn't practical.

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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Hey Guys,


Thanks for all the informative advice. I've noticed a real change in hair quality and texture, a lot of hairs around my temporal regions are turning into peach fuzz - when this happens my hair just becomes brittle and frail, then slowly but surely it falls out. I've seen my hairline retreat backwards over them last four years. My side temporal regions have really regressed too, again I've never had a solid NW1 hairline or strong temporal points.


I will continue to monitor the situation, it seems like we may be entering into a 'golden age' in terms if treatments, but who knows?


Hypothetically speaking, given my hair texture (fine) and hairstyle I'd want to employ (straight swoop across it even a caesar cut) how many grafts do you think I would currently require to fill those zones? I'm not looking for a NW1 hairline, something a bit more rounded and less disjointed. I suppose it's good to keep track of these things as a reference point.


Cheers Guys,




Peach fuzz is a term used for vellus hair. The good news is that hair follicles are still generating them, whether or not vellus hair will develop into terminal hair? Eventual shed of vellus hair would result in replacement of healthy terminal hair and that's too in the same follicle. Intake of protein rich diet or supplements can solve the problem to some extent. Opting hair transplant at this stage is not a good option because of the presence of viable hair follicles plus immature hair loss pattern. To know more about probability of hair re growth in your case, (promotional link removed by moderator).

Edited by David - Moderator
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Take preventative treatment such as finasteride and take pictures every few months to assess if things continue.


Right now you're too early in the process to merit surgical attention.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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