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Am I candidate already for dense packing?

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Hallo. I am 28 old now. Soon 29. I am struggle with this type of thinning for long time. On my left side of the crown. I remember horrible period when I was 21, I was losing hairs from this are only and I got mad about it. However it stopped after 2 years and as much as I am observing my hairs, nothing really changed since that time.


They looks good, without any bald spots after wash. Pictures are taken 5-6h after wash.


In my family history there is no completely bald members. Dad has decent head of hair, my grandfather is 86(if I could give compere my grandfather has better hair density than Harrison Ford at present day). Both of them have, same area thinned like myself now. If I am about to end up like them I am confident to believe that worst episode with hair loos is behind me.


So what would you recon? Should I consider FUE or wait perhaps with hope of release Replicel or any other treatment?





Edited by ffar1989
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I have to agree with the above. Definitely consider medically stabilizing your hair loss with Propecia (finasteride) and Rogaine (minoxidil). Give it a year. If you respond well, you may not require surgery for years to come.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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Here are after wash photos…





and tile





I have started using Nizoral 2% week ago(every 4 days I am about to use it).

I must painfully admit as well, that I suffer for anxiety disorder with often panic attacks. I am saying that because it was quite long period in my life that I was pulling out my hairs. It happened to be usually on that area.

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The best thing you can do?


It's pretty simple, use finasteride and minoxidil if you can and want. The former is more important.


Finasteride or the combination of finasteride + minoxidil will likely thicken your hair up and increase your density.


Your current hair loss pattern (diffuse) doesn't lend itself that well for a hair transplant surgery. If you want one anyway, I would wait longer.

Proud to be a representative of world elite hair transplant surgeon Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic.



Online consultations: damian@bhrclinic.com

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It's a very good sign that your father and grandfather have only very limited hairloss in the same pattern as you. That family history plus the slow rate of loss that you have experienced are both strong indications that your hairloss probably won't progress very far. But this isn't certain.


On the subject of HT surgery: I don't think you've lost enough hair to justify a procedure. I think that most reputable doctors would advise against surgical intervention at this time.


The main thing to take away from this is very positive. Hairloss too minor for surgery and a family history which suggests that your hairloss won't progress very far. This is a good reason to feel happy.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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