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so i went to a friends bbq today....it was about 5 pm in southern cali and the sun was setting plus it was a very cloudy day.


i couldn't tell whether i was sitting under a shade that was due to the sun being blocked off by the distant mountain or if it was due to cloud cover. Regardless, i'm worried that if i was sitting under a cloud covered shade, that UV rays can still sneak through and effect my grafted area. After i went home, i checked the area that received the graphs, and i noticed nothing that would indicate any noticeable redness or anything obvious that would indicate sun exposure damage--it was the normal light pinkish hue that still covered parts of my scalp from my procedue about a month and a half ago.


I just would like to know what is the first immediate sign someone would see/notice that would indicate that sun exposure has effected the recipient area. I'm real paranoid about this, and am quite unaware about the specifics regarding what the effected area would look like or experience when exposed to too much sun.


PLEASE, PLEASE let me know

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You should wait at least 5-6 months after hair transplantation before exposing your scalp to the sun. It is always best to wear sunblock as too much sun (especially the ultra violet rays) on any part of the skin is bad for you. Always wear a hat when you are out in the sun for longer periods of time.

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  • Regular Member

thanks, but that still doesn't answer my question.


is it fair to say that if one doesn't see any sign of blistering or "obvious" redness that one shouldn't worry?


In other words, i just wanna know exactly what i should expect to see or experience if i have exposed my recipient area to too much sun.

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you dont say how long its been since the HT. If its more than a week dont worry; from what youve said its nothing. I think you would need some serious sunburn, like blistering and heavy peeling in the first couple of weeks to kill grafts and i dont even know the medical reason how grafts can be killed by excessive sun after the first week....maybe someone can tell me..... but pinkness from sun exposure I think would have no bad effect after the first week or two. i got some sunburn on my crown after 1 month...I mean I felt the sunburn...very warm to the touch and obviously too much sun but no peeling or blistering.... I was worried at the time, believe me, but I dont believe it killed any grafts. cheers



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

That's a fair barb by vincehair, as it is certainly better to be safe than sorry in order to protect your investment. However, sometimes exposure happens, as does life, and of course you-know-what happens all too often so let's not point fingers.


I was a lifeguard in college in the strong Los Angeles sun and saw many sunburns. Any wounded flesh or scar tissue is extremely sensitive to the sun and should always be covered up, especially until scabs form! The main thing is that if there is no redness or swelling that leads to peeling or dryness of the skin, then there should be no problem. On the other hand, healing skin that is burnt can scar permanently and seriously mess up your baby follicles trying to grow!


Panama Jimmy

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