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Number of hairs in FUE vs FUT procedure

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  • Regular Member

I can't seem to find any good information on this topic. If someone gets 1000 grafts will the actual number of hairs vary depending on the procedure (FUE vs FUT). From what I understand during FUE each hair is plucked out one by one. To me it would suggest that each FUE graft would contain a single hair. So you would pay for 1000 hairs. I am aware that FUT methods group hairs in 1, 2 and 3 hairs per graft meaning that 1000 grafts could contain double the amount of hairs. Can someone clarify this? I'm trying to figure what I would be paying for. Thanks.

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With fue they can cherry pick which grafts they choose to use based on whats needed. If you're doing the hairline for example and need some single hair grafts you get those, but if you're looking for coverage and need 3s and 4s they can go get those so the average hairs per graft can be adjusted as needed. I just had some midscalp work done and the doc average 2.6 hairs per graft for over 2000 grafts, or 5000+ hairs. I don't know how that compares to strip as Ive never had strip done.

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  • Senior Member

FUE grafts are harvested in naturally occurring follicular units. These units can contain anywhere from 1 to 4 grafts. As mikey stated above, the FUE surgeon can cherry pick the groupings needed for the given areas being addressed.


In strip surgery, the donor strip is dissected under microscopes and the grafts are sorted into their natural groupings. If more single hair grafts are required, larger grafts can be split.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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Many of our members have already given you some excellent advice. For the most part, the number of actual hairs will likely be similar whether or not you undergo a 1200 hair transplant procedure via FUE or Strip. As previously stated, FUE grafts can be cherry picked which means if you require more larger follicular units to maximize density, they can easily be targeted, extracted and implanted. With strip surgery, what you see is what you get. It's like buying a box of M&Ms. There are only so many brown ones, so many green ones, so many yellow ones, etc. With FUE, you can select exactly the amount of yellow ones, brown ones and green ones you need for the procedure.


Now keep in mind that we're not talking about a significant thing here. Maybe a few more 3 haired follicular units would have been nice, but physicians can always "couple" a double and a single to make a three haired graft and put them in the same recipient site. The practice of "coupling" happens a lot and is very effective. "Splitting" can be risky but in experienced hands is also very successful. Splitting 2 haired follicular units into singles for example may be required in an FUT/Strip procedure if the surgeon needs more singles to create a natural looking hairline. Again, this practice is very common and successful in experienced surgical hands.


And FYI, the average number of hairs per graft is about 2.1 to 2.2. So theoretically if you are having a 2000 graft procedure done, you'd be getting approximately 4200 to 4400 hairs.


Best wishes,



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