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Going in for a HT consultation this weekend! What should I ask?

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Before even discussing about any HT procedure my first points of discussion will be about the costs, and depending on that I was thinking to ask:




  1. Will the main doctor oversee the HT process and/or be the the one to do the actual implantation?
  2. How experienced are your technicians? How long have they been doing the procedures?
  3. What is your policy on 'touch-ups'?
  4. What is your policy on return visits?


Is there anything else I should be aware of or ask during the consultation?



Also, if it's possible to examine the condition of my donor area, is it also possible to figure out how many grafts I have and what number of those grafts are 1 follicular unit grafts, 2 follicular unit grafts, 3 follicular unit graft etc.?



If so, would it be better to shave the back of my head really low?

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Excellent questions to start off.

I'll also add a few points...


Ask how long have you used the surgical tool for this particular procedure? Meaning if it is SAFE punch or blunt punch or ARTAS or Motorized Punch or whatever extraction device, when did you first start using it and how many months experience with it and if possible how many surgeries with it.


Also, see if they let you see the actual surgical consent forms as some docs allow this at this stage and not put it in your face on the day of surgery. Prior to deposit, they should show what they want you to consent to before taking your deposit money.


Ask if they have any real patients that are willing to meet you with similar hairloss level as you.


Ask if they had failed cases and if they can name any in forums that you can look at.


Be totally blunt with your questioning and be safe. Wish you best of luck.

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  • Senior Member

Thank you very much Sean this is some awesome advise I never would have thought of.


Btw this clinic seemingly offers FUT, FUE and ARTAS. I say seemingly because it seems that the clinic and/or surgeon's preferred method is ARTAS, followed by FUE over FUT.


I'm not sure what to make of this so I will have to inquire about the rest during the consultation.


Excellent questions to start off.

I'll also add a few points...


Ask how long have you used the surgical tool for this particular procedure? Meaning if it is SAFE punch or blunt punch or ARTAS or Motorized Punch or whatever extraction device, when did you first start using it and how many months experience with it and if possible how many surgeries with it.


Also, see if they let you see the actual surgical consent forms as some docs allow this at this stage and not put it in your face on the day of surgery. Prior to deposit, they should show what they want you to consent to before taking your deposit money.


Ask if they have any real patients that are willing to meet you with similar hairloss level as you.


Ask if they had failed cases and if they can name any in forums that you can look at.


Be totally blunt with your questioning and be safe. Wish you best of luck.





Hi Spex, would question 2 still apply in the case of a FUE?


Make sure you have these written down and any other questions you can think of. Also if at all possible take someone with you you trust as your emotions will be running high and its easy to forget to ask the relevant questions.



1.What kind of procedures do you perform does the clinic perform ie. Strip, FUE , BHT - if so for how long and ask to see results and be put in touch with actual patients.


2. What type of donor closure does the hair transplant surgeon use? Does he use sutures or staples, and why does he use his chosen technique?


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Good list Spex although I do want to suggest that the items you list as "red flags" are not surefire problems. But they should be seen as potential issues. For instance, I've seen reputable, top notch clinics called prospective patients and offer to get them in sooner due to cancellations. That's not necessarily a sign of a problem. Discounts can be red flags, but again, not necessarily.


I know you are aware of this, I just wanted to mention this for those reading it and thinking that these are definite problems.


Best wishes,



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Bill, should I shave down the back and sides of my head before the consultation so they can examine my donor region? Can a clinic determine how many grafts are available during the consultation?

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Hey Jim... You do not need to shave down the back and sides of your hair before the consultation. In fact, it's probably beneficial to the surgeon to have it longer to be able to see how dense your hair looks when grown out, how it lays, etc. They can estimate your donor area during the consultation and also get a general idea of your projected future hair loss based on miniaturization levels of your hair, family history, etc.


I'm gad Bill pointed out that some of the red flags Spex mentioned aren't always problematic. The fact is that sometimes, patients do get cold feet and back out a few days before surgery - so instead of having the day wasted, why not offer that slot to someone who is looking to get a hair transplant and doesn't want to be put on what is often a several month long waiting list?


I do think one of the best things you can do is ask to be put in touch with a former patient, preferably someone in the same demographic and hair loss situation as yourself - and if they can't provide that, then that's something to actually be concerned about. I do this for Dr. Mohebi from time to time, and it was provided to me as well before I committed to having my procedure with him. I can't tell you how helpful it is to speak to a peer who's been in the same boat you are and get their firsthand account of how it all went.


The fact that you're doing so much research already puts you in the front of the pack, so keep it up and I'm sure you'll settle on the surgeon that's right for you.

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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  • Senior Member

Many thanks, you raised some good points and I'm grateful for your input.


And I will leave off shaving the back for a bit, though the sides have been shaved.


This consultation may end up looking more like an interrogation from my side. But I will be going in with an open mind and really basic and moderate expectations

Hey Jim... You do not need to shave down the back and sides of your hair before the consultation. In fact, it's probably beneficial to the surgeon to have it longer to be able to see how dense your hair looks when grown out, how it lays, etc. They can estimate your donor area during the consultation and also get a general idea of your projected future hair loss based on miniaturization levels of your hair, family history, etc.


I'm gad Bill pointed out that some of the red flags Spex mentioned aren't always problematic. The fact is that sometimes, patients do get cold feet and back out a few days before surgery - so instead of having the day wasted, why not offer that slot to someone who is looking to get a hair transplant and doesn't want to be put on what is often a several month long waiting list?


I do think one of the best things you can do is ask to be put in touch with a former patient, preferably someone in the same demographic and hair loss situation as yourself - and if they can't provide that, then that's something to actually be concerned about. I do this for Dr. Mohebi from time to time, and it was provided to me as well before I committed to having my procedure with him. I can't tell you how helpful it is to speak to a peer who's been in the same boat you are and get their firsthand account of how it all went.


The fact that you're doing so much research already puts you in the front of the pack, so keep it up and I'm sure you'll settle on the surgeon that's right for you.

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I went in for the consultation today.


The physician/surgeon I spoke with was nice enough as was the staff members I spoke to.


Anyway here are the questions I asked (and the answers I received in bold)


  • Will the main doctor oversee the HT process and/or be the one to do the actual implantation?

3 main physicians/doctors usually carry out the procedure however the nurses are the ones who do the implanting. Dr makes the slit for the incision for the nurses to implant, and the nurses harvest the hairs after the initial punches are made (fue/artas). Usually up to 3 people (surgeons and nurses) work on the patients head simultaneously.


  • How experienced are your technicians? How long have they been doing the procedures? How long have they been working at this clinic?

Nurses have been working at the clinic for 3 - 4 years. He said they are used to the work.


  • How many procedures have you done with FUT, FUE and ARTAS?

Depending on the surgeon roughly 2-3000 procedures. This particular clinic carries out roughly 200 procedures per year.


  • What is your policy on 'touch-ups'?

I was told that not much is done if the surgery does not meet expectations, unless there is a serious mistake of the clinic.


  • How long have you been doing procedures?

Artas since 2012, FUE (powered, rotating punch tool) since 2004.


  • Can I see examples of other patients?

Was asked to refer to the websites and other examples from the clinic.


  • What type/size are the instruments used to make recipient incisions?

From the hairline 0.8mm, and past the hairline going further back 0.9mm or 1.0mm.


  • How long will the grafts remain outside of the scalp?

I didn't get an exact time in hours but I was told ATP and other graft preserving mediums and holding solutions are used (he also mentioned antioxidants which I noted down. And now looking it up again it seems to be a supplement)


  • Can I see some failed procedures?

I was told there aren't any prevalent cases but I can check with the concierges to look up their procedure history.


  • After costs and medication costs?

If I use their services/buy their medicine etc outside of the costs of the HT.


  • Can I see the surgery consent forms now?



  • Can I meet or see some other patients of this clinic?

I was told if really needed I can request this (and that they would try to contact past patients if anyone was willing)


What does everybody think?

I would like to go in for a second consultation / q&a soon.

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