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Fue Concerns - 30 Year Old Male

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I am 30 year old male with a receding hairline and some thinning in the back. I have had a few consultations and all doctors have told me that I am a good candidate for FUE as I have good thick hair. The doctor that I met with came highly recommended. He uses an Artas robot.


Here are my main concerns:


1. Will the donor area be noticeable thinner than it is now? I think I only need 2,000 grafts

2. As I keep balding, how will it look? Will the transplanted hairs ever fall out again?

3. Will I have any scarring?

4. Will it be obvious that I had the procedure?


Overall, I really want to do it, but I am having a lot of anxiety about the future of my hair. I am willing to do things to maintain my hair as well (Biotin, micro needling, PRP, etc...)


Here are pictures:





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1. Will the donor area be noticeable thinner than it is now? I think I only need 2,000 grafts


This is a very real issue that is becoming more and more common. Your donor will be noticeably thinner if the doctor does not take the grafts from too tight of an area in the donor zone. To reduce the visible impact from FUE extraction the pattern of extractions must be over a large area.


2. As I keep balding, how will it look? Will the transplanted hairs ever fall out again?


Transplanted hairs are taken from the recognized "safe zone" of the scalp where DHT is supposedly not impacting the hairs. This is not 100% true of all donor hair for all patients as some people do have DHT sensitive hairs in the donor zone but it is generally considered that transplanted hairs will grow for your lifetime.


The hairs that you have now on top of your scalp however may continue to be affected by DHT if you are not taking DHT inhibitors such as Propecia so you will need to expect needing more surgery in the future as your native hair loss progresses.


3. Will I have any scarring?


Yes, all skin forms scars when it is cut, but how visible these scars are depends on the size punch used in the donor zone and the size of the tool used to make the incisions in your scalp. When performed correctly, FUE scars are not visible unless the hair is shaved to the skin.


4. Will it be obvious that I had the procedure?


Your doctor will most likely want to shave the donor zone of your scalp so that the robot can visualize each graft properly. The recipient area might be shaved as well for the placement but some doctors like Dr. Arocha do not require recipient shaving ever.

Online representative for Dr. Bernard Arocha


Learn more about Hair Transplants in Texas!

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Do you wear your hair short? I hate when a young patient defaults to FUE for their first transplant, unless they know their hair loss is stabilized.


Are you on finstaeride?


The reason I dislike FUE for a first procedure in a young person is that it can deplete the donor area and make it hard to address future hair loss in a satisfying manner.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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Based on those pictures you just added, I would be surprised if 2000 grafts would satisfy your density concerns.


Please get on finasteride asap, it is the only known means to slow down or halt future hair loss, which will be crucial to avoid further surgeries if you begin this journey.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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  • Senior Member


I am 30 year old male with a receding hairline and some thinning in the back. I have had a few consultations and all doctors have told me that I am a good candidate for FUE as I have good thick hair. The doctor that I met with came highly recommended. He uses an Artas robot.


Here are my main concerns:


1. Will the donor area be noticeable thinner than it is now? I think I only need 2,000 grafts

2. As I keep balding, how will it look? Will the transplanted hairs ever fall out again?

3. Will I have any scarring?

4. Will it be obvious that I had the procedure?


Overall, I really want to do it, but I am having a lot of anxiety about the future of my hair. I am willing to do things to maintain my hair as well (Biotin, micro needling, PRP, etc...)


Here are pictures:






Have a look at a couple of hairline experts for different opinions. You have many more years ahead of you. There is so much information for you to see. Take some weeks to search for cases most similar to yours and compare the details. Consider that your case may advance to the extent that the donor area is insufficient for treatment. Anything you do will require a commitment. For now, the non-surgical solutions are a great start.

My opinions are my own. I am one representative of MyWHTC Clinic's European branch.


Consultation Dates & Cities for Dr. Patrick Mwamba

London, United Kingdom - Available (Sat.)

Zurich, Switzerland - Available (Saturday)

Bologna, Italy - Available (Saturday)

Brussles, Belgium - Available (Sun.-Sat.) *No Fee*

Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Welcome to our hair restoration discussion forum community. It seems that most of your concerns are related to scarring and being able to wear your hair short. The good news is, today's modern hair transplant surgery, regardless of which donor excision method chosen enables you to wear your hair cropped quite short on the sides and back. FUE in particular eliminates the linear scar associated with strip surgery and enables a lot of patience to shave down even to a one clip without being noticeable. Do you understand however, that FUE is not a scarless procedure and the look and feel of the sides and back will ultimately depends on many factors. That said, most patients can wear their hair Kropp real short without any visible signs of scarring. Just be sure you select an excellent hair transplant doctor.


Best wishes,



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