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Regimen after HT

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  • Senior Member

What medicine, shampoos, supplements, Oils,Vitaminsand Creams people use after HT for best and affectiveresults.


I understand its' a personalized thing and one regimen might not work for others, but from your personal experience which are the essentials to take after HT to keep thicken and have affective good results.

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  • Senior Member

Spex has a good article on post-HT recovery. I suggest reading his blog and watching all of his informative videos on YouTube.




My HT Journey

The FUT surgery experience and results


Disguising my FUT Scar


Medications and Supplements

Supplements: Biotin, MSM

5% Minoxidil Foam

Regenepure Shampoo (re-starting 1mo after HT)

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  • Senior Member

Did it include his supplement list? Oops.


Try this one.



My HT Journey

The FUT surgery experience and results


Disguising my FUT Scar


Medications and Supplements

Supplements: Biotin, MSM

5% Minoxidil Foam

Regenepure Shampoo (re-starting 1mo after HT)

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The nice thing about a hair transplant is that it doesn't require any vitamins, minerals or medications to grow to its potential. All you have to do is wait and in the first couple of weeks post-hair transplant, follow your hair restoration physician's postoperative instructions. That said, to alleviate scalp itch or inflammation, you can use Aloe Vera on the scalp. Some use Rogaine (minoxidil) to attempt to jump-start early growth but there's no empirical data proving that works.


Best wishes



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  • Senior Member

What Bill said.


Basically, to protect the HT itself:

1. Protect grafts according to clinic post-op instructions, especially thru first 10 days

2. Sit on your ass and wait a year



To protect further hairloss, take finasteride. Minoxidil proven to work too, but I don't take it so I have no opinion on minoxidil

3185 FUT with Dr. Rahal on 2/17/16



1204 FUT with Dr. Rahal on 3/27/17



---> total of 4389 grafts to my frontal third via FUT

---> 1mg finasteride daily since 1999:)

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  • Senior Member

First, what Bill said is point. There's really not much you can do to speed up the process. I will say though, that one of the best things you can do after a HT is to avoid direct sunlight/exposure for the first 6 months. This is probably going to be in post-op instructions that Bill mentioned, but I can't stress it's importance enough. Sun exposure can compromise the growth of the grafts in the recipient area and impact the level of scarring in the donor area.


As for vitamins and supplements, some common ones people use are Biotin, Saw Palmetto, and I use Choline/Inositol as well. Taking things like this are a personal choice. Some people swear by them. Some people think they're nonsense. Personally, I'm a fan and figure they can't hurt. :)


The most common medication is Propecia/Finasteride. A quick search on the forum for this medication will quickly show you that it's quite controversial, and whether or not you take it is up to you and something you should discuss with your surgeon. It's proven to work, but there are some risks. Just how prominent these risks are is one of the highly debated issues.

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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  • Senior Member
What Bill said.


Basically, to protect the HT itself:

1. Protect grafts according to clinic post-op instructions, especially thru first 10 days

2. Sit on your ass and wait a year



To protect further hairloss, take finasteride. Minoxidil proven to work too, but I don't take it so I have no opinion on minoxidil



Some sound advice there, the large part of the leg work is choosing a surgeon who produces few if any subpar results prior to the surgery and then taking care of the grafts post-op weeks 1-2.


The rest is just maintenance and avoiding known evils -> especially sunburn, over using Nizoral, and getting things checked when you see something out of place.

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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