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22 yr old thinking of HT

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Hi, Im new to this forum have been reading posts for months and finally this is my first. I have a few questions regarding a HT. I read a discussion regarding the scarring on the back of the head. This worries me alot as sport is a huge part of my life and I have read that it gets very noticable in the rain. Also if i want t shave my head the scar will be noticeable. For this reason I was wondering if FUE is better for this but I read also that FUE means you will have less donor hairs for future transplants. I am thinking of booking an appointment with DR. Feriduini in Belgium but I am weary as I am travelling from Ireland but I have heard good reviews from him.

I got screwed over by a co in Ireland that promised me Laser for 6 months and meds would stop hairloss and cost me 2500. Since I stopped this, hair loss has continued on hairline but the crown of my head is still full and prob better than when I started laser but I dont know if it will stay there. its 2 years since i had laser and Im getting part refund for it so it is some consolation.

If anyone could inform me on these matters it would be really helpful.


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  • Regular Member

Hi, Im new to this forum have been reading posts for months and finally this is my first. I have a few questions regarding a HT. I read a discussion regarding the scarring on the back of the head. This worries me alot as sport is a huge part of my life and I have read that it gets very noticable in the rain. Also if i want t shave my head the scar will be noticeable. For this reason I was wondering if FUE is better for this but I read also that FUE means you will have less donor hairs for future transplants. I am thinking of booking an appointment with DR. Feriduini in Belgium but I am weary as I am travelling from Ireland but I have heard good reviews from him.

I got screwed over by a co in Ireland that promised me Laser for 6 months and meds would stop hairloss and cost me 2500. Since I stopped this, hair loss has continued on hairline but the crown of my head is still full and prob better than when I started laser but I dont know if it will stay there. its 2 years since i had laser and Im getting part refund for it so it is some consolation.

If anyone could inform me on these matters it would be really helpful.


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The advice you'll get here is don't let travel or cost influence your decision. And your case, travelling from Ireland you'll save money and get a bit of a holiday thrown in, even taking into account, cost of procedure + travel + hotels. As for the inconvienance of travel, the only possible issue that I can think of this, is the akward 3 seconds when you remove you cap to get through the metal detector, but you're in another country , so who cares?


Regarding the scarring from strip, it was never a problem for me playing sport in the rain as I keep a reasonable length at the back and my scarring was pretty bad from inadequate old procedures, but regarding how low can you go on a buzz cut after strip, I'll leave that to the other posters who have experience of this, but obviously will depend on skill of surgeon.


Obviously at your age you should look at the medication (the big 3)options first as 22 is quite young to be considering HT.

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The advice you have been given is justified. If you have frontal hairloss only, then it's a problem because it makes you a bad candidate, plus meds rarely work in the frontal area.


I'm 22 myself and have had 2 procedures - but i'm a diffuse thinner with some top/crown hairloss as well. Could you show us some pictures?


Also, feel free to ask me any question if you want to know how it feels to be young, having lost your hair, and regained (most) of it.


11/04-07 - 800-1600 ish grafts - danish clinic - poor results


12/02-08 - 2764 grafts - Dr. Devroye - good result but needs hairline density


03/12-10 - 1429 grafts - Dr. Mohmand - result pending


Feel free to visit my picture thread


My Hair Transplant Photos - Surgery with Dr. Devroye


Young lads below 25 unite!

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dont listen to mikethedance...in fact only having frontal loss makes you a great candidate b/c the surgeon will have a "clean" workplace. They wont have to worry about shock loss and damaging surrounding folicles. I dont know where mikethedance got his info from but its wrong.


what makes you a bad candidate is your age. your only 22, so if you can hold on til 25-26 that would be better. good luck

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I'm confused on two fronts with what you said:


1) I think its actually the complete opposite of what you're saying.


2) Didn't you have frontal loss? I've seen your pre-ops and looks like you had a massive receding hairline and thin tuft in the front?

Current Regimen:


.5mg Fin ED

Minox 2x daily

Nizoral 1% 2-3 times a week

Fish Oil capsules w/ Omega-3


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If you want to restore your hairline the only way is with a hair transplant procedure. The lasers, Propecia, and Rogaine all have most of the effects take place in middle and crown areas. Make sure if you do decide to have a hair transplant that you stay conservative with the height of your new hairline. Being as young as you are you want to make sure that you will still have enough donor hair for future transplants if necessary. The donor scar if done properly should only be a pencil thin line that will be very hard to find. You should still be able to cut your hair relatively short.( #3 or #4 with a clipper )

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At 22, I would suggest you stay away from HT's, stay on the meds, nizoral...and wait till your at least 27-30....Remember, after a HT there is no turning back....Better safe than sorry.



Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

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  • 1 month later...
  • Senior Member
Originally posted by hdude46:

dont listen to mikethedance...in fact only having frontal loss makes you a great candidate b/c the surgeon will have a "clean" workplace. They wont have to worry about shock loss and damaging surrounding folicles. I dont know where mikethedance got his info from but its wrong.


what makes you a bad candidate is your age. your only 22, so if you can hold on til 25-26 that would be better. good luck


A clean workplace yes, but as the hairline continues to receede it creates an unnatural gap which has to be filled in, probably in small steps to avoid detection.


While shockloss is a risk as a diffuse thinner, you are able to transplant within the existing hair - meaning that as you continue to lose hair, it just get's thinner while looking natural - no noticible "gap" without hair.


Plus, theres consensus that diffusers respond better to meds, especially if the loss extends to the crown.


This is the way i see it, if anyone has any compelling arguements why i'm wrong, feel free to share them.




I had a weak front with loss both in the middle and crown and thus were able place behind the hairline. propecia and my 2.nd surgery have almost eliminated the last two, they pretty much look full now. Front still not perfect but i'm only 7 months post op so i'm expecting further growth.




Also, sorry for the late response.


11/04-07 - 800-1600 ish grafts - danish clinic - poor results


12/02-08 - 2764 grafts - Dr. Devroye - good result but needs hairline density


03/12-10 - 1429 grafts - Dr. Mohmand - result pending


Feel free to visit my picture thread


My Hair Transplant Photos - Surgery with Dr. Devroye


Young lads below 25 unite!

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