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Does anyone know of reputable surgeon to remove or repair scars from the donor area . I made a massive mistake about 8years ago of a transplant In Athens Greece and although the donor area was sutured ,it quickly stretched to a 2 inch gap and approx 4 inches in length and is now totally scar tissue as the hair around it fell out , to make matters worse the transplant did not grow! The donor area appears to be quite lax now and I want it removing or reducing . Any reccomendations would be gratly appreciated .


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  • Senior Member

Hello ej,


I'm sure there are a number of world-class surgeons who could do that for you. I had a rather poor transplant back in 1991 and my scar was visible when I tried to cut my hair fairly short or even when I went swimming.


Let me tell you, Dr. Cooley did my last transplant and at 5 months or so, it was completely undetectable. I'd recommend finding a doc who does the trycho. closure (not sure about the whole spelling).


Just last night, after 9 months, I was running a comb up the back of my head and I'm telling you it can't be seen. He's in Charlotte, NC, but I'm sure there is a good clinic near you who could do that for you. Just make sure they do this type of closure.


And while you're at it, I'd have him/her do a transplant as the donor part is generally the most complicated part anyway.

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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That is a big scar at 4 by 2 inches. It may take more than one procedure to deal with that. It all depends on how stretchy your scalp is, and where the scar is exactly. Put up some pics.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Senior Member

Thanks dwayne for your advice and help Im glad something can be done .

Thank you Dr Lindsey for your reply I have emailed a photo directly to you please let me know your thoughts . The Dr wanted to do 1 strip but couldnt! therefore he did 2 either side of my head one seemed to distress the other and the photo I sent is the worse scar the hair just fell out around it leaving a lot of white scar tissue .

Many Thanks EJ

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  • Regular Member

I replied to your email and I feel confident that we can make things significantly better.


I saw EXACTLY what you describe being done by a guy I know here in Northern VA about 8 years ago. He no longer does hair.


While I have blogged that Hair is not as challenging as some surgeries, a preop plan is key. Proper planning should prevent an aborted strip, or a strip of wrong dimensions--too wide to close.


I have an acquaintance who had a similar problem with facelifts. He excised a set amount of skin FIRST, then worried about how to close the wound with the lift. Having done 3000 lifts, I can definitively say...not everyone's lift will be similar, and not all tissues stretch evenly.


As bad as your situation is, it can be improved, and it is not on your face.


Dr. Lindsey McLean VA

William H. Lindsey, MD, FACS

McLean, VA


Dr. William Lindsey is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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