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Veteran Transplant Patient Looking for Options


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Hi. Hopefully looking for someone with a similar story. It's probably familiar, but here it goes:


I started losing hair when I was 27/28. I had EXTREMELY low self-esteem then. Not earning much money, no steady girl, awkward, etc. Losing my hair was probably the worst thing in the world, and I went into a pretty good depression. I felt HT was the only option for me since drugs weren't working.


I got several small transplant procedures over the last 17 years and thought I would be good until I hit my late 50s/early 60s.


Recently I discovered my crown losing more hair, but worst of all, the middle back of my head is noticeably thinning. To me, this is so horrible. I have a significant scar from the FUT procedures I had. I don't see much point in having more procedures to fill in this area. I don't have the $$ for it anyway. So I'm now contemplating a few options:


1. Shave my head completely and use a concealer like Microskin to hide the scar until I can possibly get dermabrassion/laser therapy to mitigate the scar.


2. FUE procedure to fill in the scar and wear a fuzzy, buzzed look.


Option 2 is my preferred solution. But the $$ is an issue. I can make it work, but it'll hurt a little. Slight pitting might be an issue too, but I don't see much where the transplanted hair is.


Option 1 is probably what I should do given that it's much less expensive. But being the introvert I am and spending as much time in my head as I do, I keep obsessing over how I'll look and the initial shock not only to me, but to those around me. I think it'd be a drastic move and people would wonder what happened. Mind you, although you probably can't tell, my self-esteem is much better than it was when I was 27. If I started losing my hair now, I'd probably just buzz cut it. But I've "had hair" for the past 15 years now and I'm just obsessing over the perception people will have.


So, that's it in a nutshell. Looking for some advice and perhaps shared experiences. Has anyone here shaved their heads or known an HT patient who has done so? How did you get over the anxiety of doing it?


Or has anyone repaired a FUT scar with FUE? Were you happy with the results?


I appreciate your time. Sorry. I have a hard time thinking about anything else lately and probably needed to vent to someone more than anything.

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  • Senior Member

The pitting is a problem if you want to look like a naturally balding man. The crown can be covered with a concealer like Couvre or Dermatch. The scar can be treated with beard hair grafts or a concealer too.

My opinions are my own. I am one representative of MyWHTC Clinic's European branch.


Consultation Dates & Cities for Dr. Patrick Mwamba

London, United Kingdom - Available (Sat.)

Zurich, Switzerland - Available (Saturday)

Bologna, Italy - Available (Saturday)

Brussles, Belgium - Available (Sun.-Sat.) *No Fee*

Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Senior Member
Hi. Hopefully looking for someone with a similar story. It's probably familiar, but here it goes:


I started losing hair when I was 27/28. I had EXTREMELY low self-esteem then. Not earning much money, no steady girl, awkward, etc. Losing my hair was probably the worst thing in the world, and I went into a pretty good depression. I felt HT was the only option for me since drugs weren't working.


I got several small transplant procedures over the last 17 years and thought I would be good until I hit my late 50s/early 60s.


Recently I discovered my crown losing more hair, but worst of all, the middle back of my head is noticeably thinning. To me, this is so horrible. I have a significant scar from the FUT procedures I had. I don't see much point in having more procedures to fill in this area. I don't have the $$ for it anyway. So I'm now contemplating a few options:



1. Shave my head completely and use a concealer like Microskin to hide the scar until I can possibly get dermabrassion/laser therapy to mitigate the scar.


2. FUE procedure to fill in the scar and wear a fuzzy, buzzed look.


Option 2 is my preferred solution. But the $$ is an issue. I can make it work, but it'll hurt a little. Slight pitting might be an issue too, but I don't see much where the transplanted hair is.


Option 1 is probably what I should do given that it's much less expensive. But being the introvert I am and spending as much time in my head as I do, I keep obsessing over how I'll look and the initial shock not only to me, but to those around me. I think it'd be a drastic move and people would wonder what happened. Mind you, although you probably can't tell, my self-esteem is much better than it was when I was 27. If I started losing my hair now, I'd probably just buzz cut it. But I've "had hair" for the past 15 years now and I'm just obsessing over the perception people will have.


So, that's it in a nutshell. Looking for some advice and perhaps shared experiences. Has anyone here shaved their heads or known an HT patient who has done so? How did you get over the anxiety of doing it?


Or has anyone repaired a FUT scar with FUE? Were you happy with the results?


I appreciate your time. Sorry. I have a hard time thinking about anything else lately and probably needed to vent to someone more than anything.



Hi please may I ask , we're you on finasteride and have still lost hair around your transplanted hair ?

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Would you mind posting a pic of your situation?


You my also have an option of a hair system, which can be pretty damn good now but will run you about $100 bucks a month (maybe $120) if you are a do it yourself guy and attach and detach yourself.


Temporary micropigmentation could also be a an option in the scar, but there is a maintenance cost to that too.


I hear you. There are a lot of people that may pass on a transplant in their 40s that "needed" one in their 20s, particularity this with aggressive hairloss. But you have guys like Spex and Bill who.have grown older into their transplants and look great. It's a bit of a dice roll when you are young.


I PREFER people to be 35 ir older instead of the traditional 25 metric that's commonly cited. However, it doctors like Konior and others didn't work on the twenty somethings, they would still get transplants and be in worse hands, so its kind of a conundrum. On the bright side it sounds like you got many years of more confidence and hair. If the same happens to me I'll just have to look at it as a price paid for a long time of better hair.


If you post some pics I could probably suggest more options.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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