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My 4200 grafts FUE with Dr. Cinik


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First, I have sent my pictures to Dr. Cinik. He examined and suggested to implant 4200 grefts. At the day of the operation, they first took my blood for the tests and prp. During the operation, I felt first 5-10 minutes a bit pain, but afterwards it was OK. There were translators at different languages. After the operation, they bring me to my hotel. The day after, I come back to hospital for the controls and final checks.




Dr. Cinik suggested me to implant in classical oval shape. But I insisted more pointed one, as you see in the pictures. It corresponds to evaluation of my hair fall, and I hope to look 10 years younger and more natural.


Turkey is very good in medical treatments, and in hair transplantation Istanbul is the number 1 place in the world. Of course, you have to find the best clinic, since there is a huge competition. At several sites, I come up with Dr. Cinik's treatments, and I have met people who already operated by him. The results convinced me to proceed with him, and I think the experience I had and the results I have seen so far confirms my decision.





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  • Regular Member

nice hair line, would like to see more pics of your result soon ....

Online Representative and Patient Advisor for:

Dr. Kapil Dua, AKClinics - Hair Transplant in Delhi, Ludhiana and Bangalore, Chennai - India.

Dr. Kapil Dua, Board of Governor at ISHRS(USA), Board of Governor at AAHRS, President of AHRS India

is a recommended surgeon at Hair Transplant Network.


Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Michaelbus and all,


I am very sorry for not being able to give you an update over the progress.

Yes, Dr. Cinik has done the operation with his assistants. He has opened the channels for me.


Here are my pictures from the 7th and the 8th month. What do you think? I am personally quite satisfied with the results so far.





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  • Senior Member

Good overall results as of yet. Likely could do with 1000-1500 grafts more to refine the hairline to perfection but very nice improvement for 8 months, and of course for one of the cheapest consistently impressive surgeons out there.

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