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Kind of Stressed and Stuck at a Crossroads.

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Hey everyone, I recently posted a thread about my hair thinning, and which way to go about it. Ever since then, it seems like I'm more confused or going in circles.


The first step someone suggested was to find a hair specialist. I visited Dr. Arocha in Houston, he examined my hair, said its very thin all over and could be genetics, and gave me a printout with the following:

- Rogaine 5% daily

- Propecia one per day

- Nizoral Shampoo - lather every other day 5 'mins

- Biotin 5000mg (already taking)

- Laser Cap Pro (Laser Light Cap)

He favored the propecia and Laser Cap Pro, along with the other methods above.


So now, I have the shampoo (I have really bad dandruff, so I hope this helps), I'm already taking the biotin, drinking plenty of water (since I used to just drink only juice), and exercising more. I also am planning to get a 3 month supply of rogaine from target, and possibility go with the laser cap around Feb./Mar. next year.


I am staying away from the propecia cause honestly I'm scared I'd be one of the few that might have infertility/sex side effects, and I rather lose the hair then cant have children/perform in bed ha! Dr. Arocha said he's been prescribing it for over 20 years, and very few have had those side effects. I also have gynecomastia, not sure if thats causing the hair loss, or hormone imbalance?



But as I'm reading other members post, and suggestions, I see some saying the laser cap doesnt work, that its either propecia or surgery, that rogaine isnt a good solution (only temporary) and the shampoo can lead to further hair loss.


So I'm back at square one.:confused: Dr. Arocha and his crew really suggested the laser cap. They said it can it keep 90% of your hair back, and grow 50% new hair. But it comes at a price ($2500+), and I think I have to wear it forever like rogaine.



What do you suggest I do in this case? My hair isn't terrible, but its starting to thin (it was shedding a before I visited him, I think I got really stressed out, or the biotin and exercise started to kick inl, and now its stopped), and I would like to get it flourished, and hang on to it another decade or so.




P.S. I see theres a topical finasteride, not sure if it works?

Edited by HouTx88
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The man in that video is a real a$$. He is saying that because 60% of men over age 60 have noticeable hair loss that it isn't a disease. First of all how does a 16 to 21 year old with hair loss compare to a 60 year old with hair loss? This guy is a Dr and he's really saying that it doesn't matter if you have hair loss because a certain percentage of older men over 60 have it? I can say that about any medical issue. Let's see... 60% of people over age 60 have high blood pressure. Great we no longer have to worry about that. It's not a disease any more because enough of a percentage have it now. People over 60 have high cholesterol too. Great news! We no longer have to think about that. You have diabetes? No problem. The rates for that are going up, so in another 5 years it won't be a disease anymore because 60% of people over 60 will have it and you won't have to worry about it anymore. Look at that! I just solved the healthcare issue! Nobody needs healthcare anymore.


I would like to know if that is his view with any other disease other than hair loss. If he really feels hair loss isn't a disease why doesn't he include women in his message?


Again.... what an a$$ !!


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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I think we have all been where you are at and it is not a fun place to be. There are so many opinions out there and it makes it hard to make a decision. Having said that there is no reward without risk. Some have great response to propecia others do not. I had sides but it passed when I cut the dose. Some have great transplants others do not there is no guarantee of anything especially dealing with hair loss. I had problems with the shampoos a ton of shedding but I was overusing it. There is 0 evidence that a laser cap can keep 90% of your hair it simply isn't true. Laser therapy has kind of fallen off in the last few years as snake oil. Can laser therapy be helpful ? The jury is still out on that and better to buy a laser comb for cheap than blow 2500 on a cap. Yes the cap has more lasers but why burn all of that money? I was back to square one many times before I found the right doctor so don't feel bad. You should consult with more clinics and compare what they recommend.

Edited by JON86
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Nizoral shampoo does help with dandruff. Use it about 3 times per week.

You should probably try Propecia. If you start getting side effects then stop or try lowering the dose.

I personally didn't like Rogaine. It made me dizzy and made my heart start beating fast. I don't think it really does much anyway.

I did use a laser comb for a few years. It helped with scarred areas that didn't have much hair growing due to old transplants. It did get a bit of hair to start growing in those spots. I also think it works to a small degree at helping and speeding growth of new transplanted hair as well as thickening up some existing hair shafts that may have begun to miniaturize.


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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...really suggested the laser cap. They said it can it keep 90% of your hair back, and grow 50% new hair. But it comes at a price ($2500+)...


I think the operative word above is 'can'. It leaves a lot of wiggle room. I can win an Oscar someday. I can be the next Warren Buffett. :D;)


Haven't had a transplant yet myself, but been on finasteride and minoxidil for almost 5 years now and have maintained wonderfully what I had when I started. Not much in the way of regrowth though, which by that point I needed. My major regret is not starting finasteride a decade sooner.


I hated the idea of meds. Nope, just wasn't for me. If your hair loss bothers you to the core though, you'll probably eventually become desperate enough to try anything. Every morning I start coffee then clean out the cat's litter box. If I had read somewhere online that rubbing cat shit on your head cured baldness, I might have given that a crack too.


Don't waffle. Don't waste more time. Maintenance is pretty doable, regrowth is tough.

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Laser therapy worked for me and I would suggest trying it. I still use a 7 year old hairmax laser comb. Does the same thing as the cap, you just need to work it though the hair on your own, I think you can get them for about $200.00.

My scalp immediately felt better, has a similar effect as propecia. I doubt you grow much if any hair. The goal of all of this is to minimize loss.

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No way a laser comb or hat does the same as propecia. Nothing does more for loss than propecia but the risks are in my opinion high. The reports on propecia I believe to be false. There are more people that experience sides than 2%. Of people I know in my personal life it's rare someone does not have side effects in fact it is almost 90% of people I know that tried it.

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Well I dont want to use propecia for that. My concern is if I start using it, and have side effects, or I stop, and I still have side effects (possibly permanent). Feels like I'm like gambling (like eventually the effects will come, and the way my luck has been, I'm usually the 2% ha).


Here's what I'm planning as a strategy for my thinning:


- Biotin 5000mg everyday

- Take Saw Palmetto every few days

- More water intake/exercise/better diet (more greens and vegetables)

- Nizoral Shampoo every 2-3 days

- Coconut oil twice a week

- Rogaine 5%

- Laser Cap or Laser Comb


I have a few questions though for everyone:


1.) Whats your take on the strategy above. Would I be able to maintain most of my hair, and regrow a good percentage of it?


2.) Is it best to start with a month supply of rogaine or 3 month supply?


3.) I'm African American (my hair is coarse, but very thin), would the laser comb be as effective as the cap, or would i need the cap? I'm just curious cause $2700 is quite expensive if doesnt work compared to around $200.


4.) An op posted I should consult with more professionals. Why is that, I thought Dr. Arocha was one of the best professionals on here?


Thanks for all the advice!

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Well I dont want to use propecia for that. My concern is if I start using it, and have side effects, or I stop, and I still have side effects (possibly permanent). Feels like I'm like gambling (like eventually the effects will come, and the way my luck has been, I'm usually the 2% ha).


Here's what I'm planning as a strategy for my thinning:


- Biotin 5000mg everyday

- Take Saw Palmetto every few days

- More water intake/exercise/better diet (more greens and vegetables)

- Nizoral Shampoo every 2-3 days

- Coconut oil twice a week

- Rogaine 5%

- Laser Cap or Laser Comb


I have a few questions though for everyone:


1.) Whats your take on the strategy above. Would I be able to maintain most of my hair, and regrow a good percentage of it?


2.) Is it best to start with a month supply of rogaine or 3 month supply?


3.) I'm African American (my hair is coarse, but very thin), would the laser comb be as effective as the cap, or would i need the cap? I'm just curious cause $2700 is quite expensive if doesnt work compared to around $200.


4.) An op posted I should consult with more professionals. Why is that, I thought Dr. Arocha was one of the best professionals on here?


Thanks for all the advice!




Thank you again for your interest in Arocha Hair Restoration. Regarding the Propecia side effects, there is not a single documented case of "infertility". The side effects have to do with decreased sex drive, sexual function and in rare cases a reduced semen volume. It is your choice to take Propecia or not but you have to be aware of the facts before you make a long term decision that WILL affect your hair.


1.) Whats your take on the strategy above. Would I be able to maintain most of my hair, and regrow a good percentage of it?


Your strategy is fine except for two points. Replacing Propecia with Saw Palmetto doesn't help for two reasons. First, you have to take a LOT of saw palmetto to get any quantifiable DHT fighting benefits that come close to mimicking Propecia. Second, it's the action of lowering DHT that causes side effects, not the manner in which it is lowered. If you are thinking of "going natural" to lower DHT it won't make a difference.


2.) Is it best to start with a month supply of rogaine or 3 month supply?


Probably one month is best to make sure you can tolerate it. It may irritate your scalp so you don't want to waste money on a three month supply if you can't take it.


3.) I'm African American (my hair is coarse, but very thin), would the laser comb be as effective as the cap, or would i need the cap? I'm just curious cause $2700 is quite expensive if doesnt work compared to around $200.


It is expensive, yes, but the comb is weaker and less effective. The cap uses more diodes and is more consistent with energy delivery and. Will it work? No gurantees but if you aren't going to take finasteride you should do everything else in your power to stop your loss and to potentially turn it around, even a little bit.


4.) An op posted I should consult with more professionals. Why is that, I thought Dr. Arocha was one of the best professionals on here?


We appreciate your faith in Dr. Arocha. He is indeed one of the best professionals around but there is nothing wrong with getting a second opinion. What you need to know is that if hair loss is affecting you on a daily basis you really should consider all options before surgery. You may be surprised to see the results especially with a comprehensive approach such as Dr. Arocha suggested. You are also welcome to call the office anytime and Dr. Arocha would be happy to see you again as well. This is not something to be rushed but rather time should be taken to make the right decision.

Online representative for Dr. Bernard Arocha


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No way a laser comb or hat does the same as propecia. Nothing does more for loss than propecia but the risks are in my opinion high. The reports on propecia I believe to be false. There are more people that experience sides than 2%. Of people I know in my personal life it's rare someone does not have side effects in fact it is almost 90% of people I know that tried it.





Have you ever tried using laser comb or therapy or just assume it doesn't work because of what you read from some people?


I started using the comb as I wanted to take action against hair loss and didn't want to take fin due to possible sides/ health reasons.


I wish the laser was available in my 20's and If you struggle with hair loss and don't/can't take fin you are stupid not to spend a couple hundred and try it.


I know it worked for me, at one point my cord broke and I went about 2.5 weeks without using it, my head started itching and feeling like crap again, started the laser back and head felt good again. It probably won't grow new hair, but will increase the health of scalp and thickness of miniaturized hairs and control loss or at least it did for me for the past 7-8 years.


Also, I'm Caucasian western Europe dissent, light brown hair and was always pretty fine, everyone in my family is fine hair.


My FUE doc typically uses .80 punch or less for donor, needed to use .85 in my case similar to what he uses for Hispanic men.

My only explanation is the laser comb as I have been using over my whole scalp for years.

Maybe I'm the rare bird that it works for, but I doubt it.

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BTW houtex88,


I think the proposed regimen, is right on the money if you are wanting to avoid fin. I did the Nizoral also/ don't know much about the coconut oil, but a massage with it a couple times a week can't hurt.


Biotin 5000mg everyday

- Take Saw Palmetto every few days

- More water intake/exercise/better diet (more greens and vegetables)

- Nizoral Shampoo every 2-3 days

- Coconut oil twice a week

- Rogaine 5%

- Laser Cap or Laser Comb

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