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STILL losing hair!!!


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I've had two HT's. The first about 7 months ago and the second 5 months ago. So far I am very pleased with the results.

After my first HT I started taking 1mg of proscar per day and also applying 5% minoxidil to my scalp twice per day to try to hold on to the hair that I have left.

At first my hair loss accelerated as a result from the drugs which I hear is normal. Not long after my hairloss stabilized. It was great to see that these expensive treatments were working.

However lately I have noticed that I'm losing a ton of hair everyday. I notice this the most when brushing my hair.

I haven't changed my routine at all regarding the proscar and minoxidil I'm taking.

Does anybody know why this might be happening? Or has anybody experienced something like this?

Please let me know what you guys think.

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  • Regular Member

I've had two HT's. The first about 7 months ago and the second 5 months ago. So far I am very pleased with the results.

After my first HT I started taking 1mg of proscar per day and also applying 5% minoxidil to my scalp twice per day to try to hold on to the hair that I have left.

At first my hair loss accelerated as a result from the drugs which I hear is normal. Not long after my hairloss stabilized. It was great to see that these expensive treatments were working.

However lately I have noticed that I'm losing a ton of hair everyday. I notice this the most when brushing my hair.

I haven't changed my routine at all regarding the proscar and minoxidil I'm taking.

Does anybody know why this might be happening? Or has anybody experienced something like this?

Please let me know what you guys think.

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you had 2 HT's, 2 months apart?

That doesn't sound right.


Could you give us some details on the procedure itself?

How many grafts, what type of grafts, what type of procedure (strip vs. FUE), where the placements were and how many to the area.

Also, who was your Dr.?


It's going to be hard to give you an idea, without knowing this.

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The procedures were strip. About 2000 grafts each. The first procedure covered the front 1/3 of my head and the second has covered the middle of my head. My crown is now the area I'm thinking about having done next.

I was told it was alright to have the second HT only 2 months after the first because we were transplanting into a different area.

Bad Move?

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I wouldn't call it a bad move, but I strongly feel it should not have been done.


You donor scar is still in the healing process. You run the risk of poor scalp lactisity, and not utilizing all hair due to shock loss of hairs from the first strip in the donor area, that could have been available for use.


Also the risk of transection of hairs during the second procedure, where the transition starts from the first procedure.


What Norwood were you before your first procedure?


And do you think these are transplanted hairs, or old existing?


Also, could you please provide the Dr.'s name, so we may research him, and get a better idea.

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  • Senior Member

I agree with Hairbethere,


YOur donor scalp is what is of concern with 2 quick HT-- preferably one should wait 12 months. The receipiant area should be ok because its different than 1st HT. But your donor hasnt even rerouted blood supply fully-- scalp is still "shocked". This is if the donor was removed from same area of scalp.

IF donor was removed lets say from left ear to middle on 1st HT, then 2nd donor was removed from right ear to middle (then that might be OK). Otherwise you need to have your scalp which is tramized to recover before 2nd HT.

Sounds like you are having a bad case of shock loss occuring maybe to the 2 HT being close together? I would contact your surgeon.

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Smoothy and Hairbethere made some excellent points regarding laxity and shockloss. The shockloss is probably the biggest factor as to why there has been so much post-op shedding.


I just do not understand why ANY doctor would have done two procedures in such a short time. Restoring a different recipient area does not justify the other critical areas of risk so I believe there should have been "at least" nine months minimum between the two procedures.


I think we all want to know who the doctor was so this does not happen again! icon_eek.gif


Hang in there. Most of it should come back.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Na, C2E..

No debates from me. What's done, is done.


I would suggest definetly staying on the proscar and minox. It sounds like it is shockloss of the hair that were doomed to begin with. I suffered it also.


I don't think there is much else you can do.


Good Luck and keep us posted.

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My sentiments exactly, "what's done is done..."


Do you utilize the minoxidil on the recipient area as well? I have been using it on mine twice a day since my procedure. Since it was my first, I cannot say if it makes a difference or not truthfully, but I cannot fathom as to how it would hurt. It very well can help stave off future shedding. Whatever you do, I would definitely <B>at the very least</B> continue your current regimen of the Finasteride and Minoxidil. You may also want to look into Nizoral 2% to help soothe any itching and inflammation up there. Add to this Neutrogena T-gel and use each 2 or 3 times a week. Any more would probably be pointless.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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I can speak from experience when I say do not schedule sessions less than 12 months apart. I had 3 procedures done by Dr. Brandy in 1997; each one 5 months apart. Out of the 1,400 grafts I received, I would say no more than 700 grew. Plus, there is not sufficient laxity in the scalp to have this done. I have a big scar to prove it.

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It is situations like yours as to why waiting adequate time is CRITICAL. And really, you make a good point in waiting a full year to regain enough laxity. A few may regain enough a little earlier and some can take even longer than a year. Scalp laxity needs to be tested by a competent surgeon for "every" procedure. Subsequent trauma to the scalp too early will definitely compromise adequate blood flow and can adversely affect yield as you pointed out.


If you don't mind my asking, did you ever have your strip scar revised or do you have enough laxity now to accomodate a scar revision? Thanks for earlier sharing your own personal experience.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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