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3335 FUE HT with Dr Bhatti - Sept 2, 2016

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Hey Guys,


I am 30 yrs old and have been losing my hair since I was 24. This year I decided to go for FUE HT and after months of research I chose Dr Bhatti for the procedure. I was Norwood V and over skype consultation Dr Bhatti advised me that I would need ~4000 grafts for the procedure.


I flew to India from SF on August 30 and had pre surgery consultation with Dr Bhatti on Sept 1 in his Chandigarh clinic, Darling buds. After examining my degree of baldness he advised me that I would need ~3700 grafts (3200 donor grafts from back of my head and 500 beard grafts). On the next day, Sept 2, my HT procedure started at 8AM and went for 8 hours. The procedure was very smooth and I did not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Only mild pain I felt was when Dr Bhatti was giving anesthesia :) Dr Bhatti harvested total 3335 grafts with following grafts breakup:


3027 scalp grafts: 782 - Singles, 1326 - Doubles, and 919 - Triples


308 beard grafts.


During the procedure - anesthesia administration, grafts harvesting, and slit making were performed by Dr Bhatti and plantation of grafts was done by his team. Overall I am satisfied with my experience so far. Dr Bhatti and his team were very professional and they made me feel like home during procedure. Once the procedure was done I was given some medicine and saline water for the night. Next day I went to the clinic for hair wash where Dr Bhatti's team taught me how to do hair wash at home and gave the prescriptions for next 6 months.


First few days were very important so I had to sleep on a recliner chair for next few night to avoid any accidental damage to transplanted hairs and reduce the swelling. After 5 days post procedure I started going office and I did not feel any discomfort. It has been 12 days since my procedure and I am going to post some pics here to track my progress. Please feel free to provide your feedback/thoughts on the progress.


Just before and after the procedure:








Edited by Chuck1805
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Scabs are falling out slowly. some of the transplanted hair were also coming along with scabs. I guess that should be normal. Any thoughts?


Really sorry but i dont Think the density looks good.

I dont know if you have accepted it and discussed it with the doc, but you should not expect a dense result IMO

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Hi Johnny,


Thanks for your feedback. I had talked to Dr Bhatti before the procedure about the density and he told me that with this much grafts, density should be good and I dont need more grafts this time. But I too feel this looks little sparse, at least at this moment.

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Hi Johnny,


Thanks for your feedback. I had talked to Dr Bhatti before the procedure about the density and he told me that with this much grafts, density should be good and I dont need more grafts this time. But I too feel this looks little sparse, at least at this moment.



With your hairloss offcourse its not possible to give you a thick head of hair, but i just Think that the hairs a Way to much spaced apart.

When you say you Also Think it looks a bit sparse at the moment, remember that it does not get better.

Because Right now you have the grafts sitting tight.

But if you only get 80% growth by 12 Month Then it Will be even worse.

I hope that you get close to 100 % growth, otherwise i Think you end up disapointed :(

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Hey Chuck1805,


If you have a look at my own spacing of grafts in the link below, you will see that they are very similar to yours, I too had a few people questioning the graft spacing, but the end result speaks volumes for the skill and foresight of Doctor Bhatti.


You seem to have a similar pattern and hair to mine so I can see you having a similar end result.


Just carry on with Dr Bhatti's instructions, stay positive and enjoy your growth.

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Really sorry but i dont Think the density looks good.

I dont know if you have accepted it and discussed it with the doc, but you should not expect a dense result IMO


Let us leave the negative talk alone. The result looks fine to me so far as I can observe. Give it more time for more growth.

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Dear members,


I would ask that you allow this patient to have the time he needs to see some sort of result. Asking about his "result" only six weeks after his procedure is not only premature, it is also unusual. "Density" as we understand it should be relative to the area addressed. No patient with aggressive hair loss should expect the density one would receive with minor hair loss.


I believe that the density for this patient will be sufficient given his starting point and that no more work will be necessary. Of course, it is rare to find a patient that does not want more hair so this can be discussed in the future but I find it unfortunate when members criticize placement on a patient so soon after his procedure. This only leads to doubt and uncertainty at a time when the patient should be excited and hopeful. This is part of the joy of undergoing hair restoration but instead some of you have chosen to inject negativity.

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