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HELP!! I slept normally after hair transplant on some of my grafts

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I recently received a hair transplant with 2200 grafts. About 100 were on each side of my head and most of the others on my crown and temples. I slept on my side on a soft pillow. What are the chances I lost grafts sleeping normally? I finished the procedure at 2 pm, kept the hair wet with copper peptide every hour, and fell asleep at 3 am (13 hours after surgery). Could I have lost some grafts by sleeping on my side with my head not elevated? It was a very soft pillow. There was blood on it and some hairs on it the following morning but I think they were normal hairs falling out, they looked too long to be grafts. I may just be paranoid and nervous post-op. THANKS TO ALL WHO RESPOND!!

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  • Senior Member

Its normal to be paranoid. The vast majority of HT recipients go through a scared/paranoia stage.

You'll snap out of it eventually though.


Unless you're a paranoid schizophrenic, and then perhaps you need to up your meds a bit ;)

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Did you notice/see blood from the grafted area?

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You're fine.


Believe me, if you scratched or pulled a graft out, it would be VERY obvious. I've done it a couple of times by accident and I thought it would never stop bleeding. I remember thinking "how can so much blood seem to come out of such a tiny hole?"


As far as the rest, some hairs are going to fall out. They'll come back, don't worry. Some grafts will stay in, others will shed, go dormant and will come back in.


I guarantee you that you're just paranoid and nervous post-op. It's new to you, you don't know what to expect. I remember going through the same thing - you're not alone.


By the way, nothing will help those grow as fast as you want them too (like a full head of hair two weeks from now). It takes time. You should start noticing a bit of growth around month three, a bit more in month four, by month six you see some very noticeable growth and by month eight - you should be a very happy guy.

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Oh yeah, I'm a proponent of supplements, so you might consider taking some iron (have it checked to make sure you're not deficient), also a B-complex (biotin, folic acid), vitamin E and zinc.


Everyone may not agree with me on the use of supplements but I feel those that I've listed help maintain a good environment to support hair growth.

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  • Senior Member

I guarantee you that you're just paranoid and nervous post-op. It's new to you, you don't know what to expect. I remember going through the same thing - you're not alone

I'm actually thinking about starting a fun thread on all the paranoid thoughts we have before our first hair-transplant.


I've had some crazy ones, thats for sure :D

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  • Regular Member

Steve I appreciate it. Ya i have been paranoid as he'll until recently. Its starting to wear off gradually as everything fully heals. Now I'm just concerned about the shedding. Do u use oils or Rogaine or anything? Any vitamins or things i should take? I do tree ale biotin and forwarders. Thanks for your help!

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  • Senior Member

No, I wouldn't touch Rogaine personally (bad experience with it).


As far as anything on the scalp, I was just using shampoo and condition. If you're really intent on using some kind of oil, I'm a fan of a hot oil treatment. Use olive oil, nuke it for about a minute or minute and a half (not so hot you can't stand it), comb it through and wash it out after about half an hour or so.


I do that now, because I occasionally get dry hair but google the benefits on olive oil treatments for hair.


Keep us updated how you're doing and upload pictures of your progress. It's nice to see results and at some point, seeing your progress might help someone else in their decision in the future.


I've never used Tea Tree Oil on my scalp. I'm not so certain I'd want to use that.

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  • Senior Member
Steve I appreciate it. Ya i have been paranoid as he'll until recently. Its starting to wear off gradually as everything fully heals. Now I'm just concerned about the shedding. Do u use oils or Rogaine or anything? Any vitamins or things i should take? I do tree ale biotin and forwarders. Thanks for your help!


Don't worry about the shedding. It's completely normal and a natural part of the transplant process. They'll be back, they're just on hiatus for a little while.

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