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Bumps to the head, day after transplant

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  • Regular Member

Hey guys,


If one experiences several bumps to the head on the recipient area, how damaging is this?


Day after transplant on the flight home, I bumped my head both on the plane seat and the interia side of the carriage. None of the bumps were really bad, but it stung for a couple of seconds as it had just been operated less than 24 hours ago. I guess this kinda normal stuff happens all the time but it doesn't even register when we havent just had a transplant. It's hard to describe how hard the bumps were, but there really were the sort of things that normally wouldn't even be noticed. I looked at the recipient and there was no fresh blood (although it's still pretty scabby so hard to tell conclusively).


Thanks for your help guys!

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  • Senior Member

You're right, these types of bumps happen all the time and go unnoticed by us until we have call to be concerned as in the case of a recent hair transplant. I knocked my head lightly a couple of times after my last HT.


If there was no visible damage, bleeding, etc. then you're probably just fine. You may not know for certain until your transplant matures but I would not worry about it.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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Generally, bleeding is a sign that the transplanted graft dislodged so if you didn't bleed, odds are that you'll be fine. Of course, you'll know for sure in short order (although the wait is excruciatingly long!).

1,792 graft FUE with Dr. James Harris (Denver, Colorado) on April 2-3, 2015

313 graft FUE with Dr. James Harris (Denver, Colorado) on May 3, 2016 to make it perfect!!!

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Overall, it's generally not good to bump your head in the recipient area in particular the first couple days after hair transplant surgery. However, only a few bumps that weren't that bad probably won't cause much of a problem. If you did experience some bleeding, you may have lost a couple of grafts but I doubt it will make a significant difference. That said, try not to stress it. I know I hit my head a couple of times after at least 2 of my procedures and I remember worrying. But I was honestly fine and I'm sure you will be too.


Best wishes,



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Its extremely common occurrence which I think is caused by people who buzz Their hair off totally need time to adjust to having no hair as buffer.


What hair you had there previously used to act as a buffer between your head and objects so when your hair would feel an object you would instinctively move your head away to avoid contact.


My advice is for HT patients to buzz down weeks in advance to get used to having no hair and becoming cautious to objects and head bumps.

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