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I've removed a number of baiting posts and I'm not going to tolerate any more of it on this or any other thread.




I believe you are a legitimate prospective patient looking for answers. Thus, I suggest that you use the "find" feature of the forum to see what his patients are saying. Since you had a positive experience with him when you visited with Dr. Jones last time, I'd suggest consulting with him again if you are genuinely interested in his services. One mark of a quality physician is turning down patients who aren't candidates.


This forum is regularly used to compare and contrast doctors and is filled with patients sharing real experiences and photos.


Like anything else however, read comments with a critical eye and be leary of half truths. Draw your own conclusions based on a number of resources on and offline.


Best wishes,



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Wow! I don't think I've ever experienced any other forum like this.


I understand where both sides are coming from on this argument. Dr. Feller's concern is that Janna77 might be just a "troll" recently created to *possibly* malign another doctor. And I'm not saying Janna is a troll account at all. Probably just a concerned poster looking for answers.


But that's a big concern to even the elite hair surgeons because the industry has such a bad reputation from the past couple of decades worth of debacles. A fake account intended to harm could cause a huge loss of income considering we are a rightfully sceptical crowd.


I'm a very much a "newbie" here but realize I have to be careful with my posts.


For example, I wasn't hearing exactly what I wanted to from Mike Zuppan on a consult. So I expressed a mild frustration on here. But in retrospect, he was 100% right and I was 100% wrong, but he stuck to his guns. He could easily have just told me what I wanted to hear but he didn't do it, and I respect that. I want to know what is reasonable and what isn't, and not be told otherwise just by someone trying to get my business.


But in the end, the whole debate on who's the *best* surgeon is usually a moot point. The top guys here like Shapiro, H&W, Feller, Rahal, etc. are so close to perfection, saying one is better than the other is very hard to do. On any given day, one of these guys might rate 99.5 out of 100 on a surgery, while another might rate 99.6/100.


If you need a microscope to tell the difference, then that's a good thing. icon_smile.gif

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I believe you are a legitimate prospective patient looking for answers

So do others. That was my point .

So I suppose my post was valid.

So was the one that was removed but off topic a little

If you do end up going to Jones and you are not happy you know after the doc whos to blame.

If you are happy come back and congratulate Feller.


Bill was right in removing it and other things said even though it was all true ,just a little harsh .

It is a shame when a doc calls someone a bandwagon jumper when hes just trying to help /slightly warn

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Bill. To show my sincerity towards this matter Im asking you to remove it. Make it go away. It was not my intent nor will it be my intent at anytime to be malicious or motive driven.Im not a poster looking to hurt anyone. I have no disrespect towards Dr. Jones. Like I said I found him to be sincere. Lets not make a bigger deal of this then it is. I dont want to hurt anyones business and if you ever read this Dr. Jones we met 3-4 years ago and you never left a bad taste with me. I asked this original question wih all due respect.

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Janna, I don't find anything offensive with your post TBH. We can't have an open forum if members start censoring themselves due to pressure from the outside.


If we start doing that, then Bill needs to make a seperate private forum where doctors and consultants are not allowed to participate.

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Let me just point out this one FACT. Dr. Jones helps pay the bills over on hairsite.com and yet you still dont get glowing praise from his patients over there. He is hardly ever mentioned anywhere on the web. So yeah Janna77 keep looking for a doctor with a PROVEN track record and HAPPY patients.


Is this post ok???

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Maybe I misunderstand your post, but your use of the rolling eyes icon indicates you are mocking me for trying to run a fair forum that allows members to share they're legitimate opinions while protecting doctors from being unfairly maligned.


We do our best to keep our forum fair and safe for all. See Maintaining a Safe and Fair Environment on our forum for Patients and Physicians for guidelines we use to handle these situations. Our terms of service also make it loud and clear as to what we accept and don't tolerate on this forum.


I would have thought that as a clinical representative you would appreciate our attempts to be just as fair to doctors as we are to patients.



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That's kinda funny. "Devil's lawyer or smthing".

Dunno what to say, just found it weird how Dr. Feller answered it. I mean, we just evaluate by what we HAVE, we can't take a point such as "the doctor is good till he proves his not", for me "the doctoris BAD till he proves he's good". That's why for me Dr. Jones is still a bad Dr.

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Ok, we're done with this thread. Even the original poster recommended twice now that the entire topic be removed. And this thread only seems to provoke negativity.


One final thought on attitude: Whereas I feel that patients need to be cautious and research all physicians they are considering, to say a doctor is "bad" until proven "good" is false logic and only spawns the kind of negativity Dr. Feller was talking about.


Are people guilty until proven innocent? Or is it more appropriate to give people a chance before throwing down the gavel? Think about it.




Good luck on your research. Frankly, I think this is all you're going to get out of this thread. Now, the rest is up to you to research and consult with doctors that interest you.


All the Best,



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