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Dr Ross of Dr Rahal experiences/thoughts?

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Hi everyone,


Does anyone have any experience with Dr Ross, based out of Dr Rahal's office in Quebec? Can't seem to find any experiences/result pages due to their being a conflicting Dr. Ross based out of california. Any help is much appreciated!

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I too was not aware that another physician was operating out of Dr. Rahal's clinic. I only knew of one Dr. Ross who used to be recommended here but due to personal issues we had to discontinue his recommendation. I doubt it's the same Dr. Ross.


That said I will be contacting Dr. Rahal tomorrow in order to learn more about this doctor and will keep everyone posted with what I learn.


Best wishes,



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Then this is definitely a different Dr. Ross which is exactly what I anticipated. That is definitely good to know. That said, I am interested in learning more about this position. I'm sure if she is being trained by Dr. Rahal or working with him, that she must be doing good work. I'm sure Dr. Rahal would not want to jeopardize his reputation and clinic my hiring a physician who is inexperienced and or isn't doing high-quality work.


That said, don't take that as a recommendation from this community. I am just formulating a general opinion at this point. Obviously in order to make an accurate assessment of the physician's work, we will need to see examples, both in the form of postoperative pictures immediately after surgery and results.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

Completely understand you walking me through your thought process, no worries. Her work is intermingled with the successes coming out from Dr. Rahal due to them being so similar in performance is essentially what I was told. I'm extremely excited if that is the case and from the specific ones i've seen that were done by her, she seems to be doing fantastic work.

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I'd only go with Rahal personally.


Associating with someone great does not make you great, even if it increases your chances of eventually becoming great too.


Just my 2 cents.

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Just wanted to throw in my experience with the clinic in October 2015. When I booked my procedure, I was never presented with a choice of Dr. Rahal or Dr. Ross. Dr. Ross stopped by the guest house to chat when I checked in, and she was at the pre-op sitdown between me and Dr. Rahal when my head was examined, goals discussed, and new hairline drawn. She was incredibly friendly, genuine, and observant--she noted some sparseness in my right temple peak that Dr. Rahal hadn't caught and called it to his attention. She was not involved in the actual procedure. To be very clear, Dr. Rahal extracted the strip, made the incisions, and checked in on the progress of the implantations by techs. Her role was that of a collaborator of Dr. Rahal's, but without hands-on involvement in the surgery. There was absolutely nothing inappropriate about her presence or role, and the clinic never remotely tried to substitute her for Dr. Rahal in any part of the procedure or suggest that I should allow her to participate in the surgery. I was very glad to have her on hand and she helped me feel comfortable and attended to.


That does not mean that her role has not changed, but I have to say that Dr. Rahal and his clinic have been candid, consistent, and above-board in every aspect of my dealings with them, including follow-ups. I would be very confident that they aren't indulging in the kind of poorly defined roles for dual-doctor practices that we've seen elsewhere; it just isn't Rahal's style.

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Thanks for sharing your experience. It'll be interesting to learn more about Dr. Ross as time goes on. I haven't had a chance to email Dr. Rahal but I will be doing that sometime this week. That said, I've always been very impressed by Dr. Rahal and his work. I'm glad to hear that you had an excellent experience.


Best wishes,



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I believe she is practicing, and I'll be moving forward with my surgery with her personally. From what work i've seen of hers I am extremely impressed. Will update post surgery in a few months.

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  • 4 months later...
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I think if you want Dr. Rahal you should wait until he is available. Dr. Rahal is recommended and a good doctor but I have seen no examples of Dr. Ross work. I am not saying she is not good but their is not enough information to base a judgment in my opinion. If you are considering not using Dr. Rahal because of availablity why not look at another recommended doctor as well?

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Thanks Lorenzo! You are right. I will probably go with rahal in few months. I went for a consult with dr diep in the SF bay since I stay here and he suggested 5000 grafts for hairline and top part. I think I am NW 2 and started thinning at the top. But when I spoke with dr rahal's clinic they said , I will lose more of my normal hair on the top due to shock loss if I go with HT on the top as well. They asked me to wait and suggested 2000 for my front hairline and wait for the next HT in few years. I felt safe with Rahals opinion so was considering his clinic.

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