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different answers from different doctors???

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Here's my question...


I had an FUT surgery exactly two weeks ago, and all the grafts from that surgery were placed on the front area of my scalp.


Now I want to do another HT as soon as possible, but this time FUE on the crown.


Two totally different procedures coming from different donor areas going to different recipient spots on my scalp.


so ... here's my question... how soon can i get the FUE procedure done for my crown area since i had my FUT two weeks ago for my front area?


I've heard different responses from surgeons... I've heard as soon as i want, to 3, 6, 9 months and a year.

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I believe highly respected Dr. Feller said to wait at least a year so complete "revascularization" can happen.


edit: I suppose this is slightly different scenario


Question: Dr. Feller how long do you think it is best for a hair transplant patient to usually wait between strip procedures? I know there might be many variables and no set rule. I had a 4352 graft procedure in August 2012 and would like to have a followup procedure to get more grafts placed in my crown. Are risks of shock-loss and scar stretching lessened by waiting 2 years vs say a year?


Dr. Feller: I would give the scalp a minimum of 8 months before round two, but optimally a year and a half. By then the recipient area is revascularized and the donor area is stable. If your hair restoration physician plans to work in a completely untouched area then you can cut that time down considerably.


Dr. Alan Feller

Edited by Shampoo

Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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If the subsequent procedure is in a completely different recipient zone, then revascularization is not a big issue IMHO.


However if the new grafts are harvested from the same donor area, the trauma level from the previous procedure should first stabilize.


It is not unusual to have a range of opinions and suggestions.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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It's not two strip procedures...


It's me wanting to go the FUE route. I had FUT two weeks ago. With the grafts being placed in a totally different area.


I don't want to mention which doctors said what... But they definitely vary in opinion.

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In theory, because you are doing a different procedure, well at least the donor harvesting method is different and our transplanting in a different area, in theory you really don't have to wait more than a couple of days between procedures. That said, it's a good idea to wait at least a couple of months for overall healing. For example, you could experience some donor shock loss after your FUT procedure. Bus, if you only waited a couple of days between procedures, and you harvested some of the follicles for FUE that were going to be shocked, that could create an issue.


You will probably get a different answer from each physician you talk to because every vision has their own philosophy and technique. My personal opinion is that it would probably be best to wait at least six months between procedures to give your first procedure a chance to heal. That said, you might want to wait a full year to see how your first results great win because you might decide that you need more hair in the front before targeting the crown. You won't know for sure until the results grow in which takes approximately one year to grow and mature.


I hope this helps give you some general principles to think about.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member
In theory, because you are doing a different procedure, well at least the donor harvesting method is different and our transplanting in a different area, in theory you really don't have to wait more than a couple of days between procedures. That said, it's a good idea to wait at least a couple of months for overall healing. For example, you could experience some donor shock loss after your FUT procedure. Bus, if you only waited a couple of days between procedures, and you harvested some of the follicles for FUE that were going to be shocked, that could create an issue.


You will probably get a different answer from each physician you talk to because every vision has their own philosophy and technique. My personal opinion is that it would probably be best to wait at least six months between procedures to give your first procedure a chance to heal. That said, you might want to wait a full year to see how your first results great win because you might decide that you need more hair in the front before targeting the crown. You won't know for sure until the results grow in which takes approximately one year to grow and mature.


I hope this helps give you some general principles to think about.


Best wishes,






Thanks Bill...


You're definitely on the same page as me.


A part of me just wants to do the crown area as soon as possible, becasue... I need it. so, at first I gave myself 3 months, (one very highly respected surgeon here in the US, and in these forums, said he would do it May and I'll be ok) but now I'm thinking 6 months.

But... Like you said... What if I'm not happy with the front and need more. That would suck.


I don't want to wait a year, since in theory I could actually do it much sooner. Decisions, decisions.


The waiting game sucks.

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Believe me, I remember just how bad the waiting game really does suck. As a four-time hair transplantati Believe me, I remember just how bad the waiting game really does suck. As a four-time hair transplant patient, I really had to learn the definition of the word "patience". Perhaps it is no coincidence that the words patients and patience are homonyms.


That said, almost 10 years later after my first hair transplant, I'm glad I waited approximately one year between each procedure because it gave my scalp a chance to kill between each one and I'm very happy with the results I have. Waiting just a little while for a permanent long-term result isn't all that bad when all is said and done.


Best wishes,



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I have to agree with Bill I am approaching the 16 month mark post 4200 FUE ,and even at this point I am seeing changes especially the crown area, I will definitely wait until the 18 month before I decide about second transplant

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