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2003 FUE , Dr Demirsoy 22/2/2016

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My hair loss started at 18, when I noticed one side of my hairline was receding. My father had gone bald at a young age- 25, so I was expecting it to happen. This didn't make it any less stressful, especially when you are young and insecure / focused on your appearance.


After researching solutions, I started on Dutsasteride when I was around 22- this halted my hair loss significantly, and I was able to keep my hair throughout my twenties, albeit having to wear my hair combed forweard to disguise my receding hairline. I experimented with generic propecia and Dutsasteride during my twenties as part of my regime.


Around 3/4 years ago I noticed the hairline was thinning and receding further, so I switched to propecia and minoxidil. I had researched hair transplants online and knew that this would be the solution I eventually wanted to pursue to restore my hairline. At 32, with my hair loss somewhat stable I felt it was the right time to do it.


I made a number of enquiries last year and shortlisted the clinics down to two Doctors- both

based in Istanbul- who would specialise in dense hairline packing. I went with Dr Demirsoy based on reviews, photos results, and price- I also felt that their consultation ( via Clemens at Health travels) was impressive and customer focused.


I was originally booked in for surgery in November last year, but I relocated to Hong Kong so had to delay surgery to February.




Everything in terms of traveling - hotels and pick ups - was booked prior to the operation via Clemens at Health Travels who is very helpful. I arrived in Istanbul just over a day before surgery. The hotel I stayed in was clean, modern and I saw quite a few patients who wearing caps and bandages around their heads who had surgery- reassuring.


On the day of surgery I was collected at the hotel reception at Muzzafa who took me to the clinic - conveniently next door to the hotel- for an initial health questionnaire. I then met with Dr Demirsoy who disused and agreed a hairline with me. After a quick change of clothes I went into the operation room, met the techs and had my head shaved.


The extractions were performed by Dr Demirsoy and the grays implanted by the technicians, some of the injections in the doner area hurt a little initially , but nothing too bad. The surgery took around 5 hours and a total of 2003 grants were implanted around the hairline.


Another impressive part of the operation for me was the ethics of the Dr and the team- I had originally been assessed for around 2500 grafts, but ended up needing 2000 at the recommendation of Dr Demirsoy- very ethical treatment of patients. The other clinic in Turkey whom I had approached quoted me 3500 grafts, which made me feel like I was being given the hard sell.


Afterwards I slept with a head pillow, had a hairbrush at the surgery the next day and flew back to Hong-Kong on a 9 hour flight. I had a cap to wear st the airport which I took off when going through security, but this didn't bother me- you have to put yourself in the mindset that you will never see these people again, so who cares if they stare


Back home I took two weeks off work and rested up. Pics below. Pleased to have gone through with the operation as I had been wanting to do it for so long.



















Edited by Fueforthought
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  • 2 months later...
  • Regular Member

Four month update pictures below- pleased with how the growth is going so far, growth began to be noticeable around the three-month mark.


Daily regimen: 1mg generic Propecia, 2 ml Kirkland Minoxodil (applied 1ml twice daily)


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  • Senior Member

That's a lot of grafts for the area covered. I bet this turns out good. Congrats so far and good luck.

3185 FUT with Dr. Rahal on 2/17/16



1204 FUT with Dr. Rahal on 3/27/17



---> total of 4389 grafts to my frontal third via FUT

---> 1mg finasteride daily since 1999:)

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Still growing, waiting for the hairline to thicken out but pleased so far.


Some observations- humidity helps with growth (I live in a very humid place), Minox and Fin together definitely have helped spur the growth on, and I keep noticing small "bumps" in the hairline/temples before growth starts.


Coming up to 6 months now.


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  • 5 months later...
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So 11 months and approaching a year since I had my operation with Dr Demirsoy. I am so happy with the result, and I feel more comfortable with my appearance. Last week I had a hair cut with a quiff- something I haven't been able to manage since I was a teenager!

Yes there were plenty of doubts during the waiting stage, but for anyone thinking about it- I would just go-ahead and do it.





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  • Senior Member

Lot of grafts into a small area ,but what a great result , ideal candidate in some ways being a low NW, mind you i have seen these cases fail where the transplanted hair doesn't match native hair. Congratulations should get a good few years before having to think about a second transplant.

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