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Everything posted by Fueforthought

  1. So 11 months and approaching a year since I had my operation with Dr Demirsoy. I am so happy with the result, and I feel more comfortable with my appearance. Last week I had a hair cut with a quiff- something I haven't been able to manage since I was a teenager! Yes there were plenty of doubts during the waiting stage, but for anyone thinking about it- I would just go-ahead and do it.
  2. Looks like it will be a really good result. You are at the most difficult stage right now, you will over analysing and rethinking every look in the mirror- my shedding was similar to yours after my operation with Demirsoy. Just got to hold tight and wait for the growing to start!
  3. Front hairline, cut short, combed forward slightly
  4. Still growing, waiting for the hairline to thicken out but pleased so far. Some observations- humidity helps with growth (I live in a very humid place), Minox and Fin together definitely have helped spur the growth on, and I keep noticing small "bumps" in the hairline/temples before growth starts. Coming up to 6 months now.
  5. Four month update pictures below- pleased with how the growth is going so far, growth began to be noticeable around the three-month mark. Daily regimen: 1mg generic Propecia, 2 ml Kirkland Minoxodil (applied 1ml twice daily)
  6. Looking great- really good growth. Had my procedure with Dr Demirsoy end of Feb and had a great experience. Very ethical doctor which I found hugely impressive.
  7. i think the noticeable redness at six weeks I'd due to the dense packing. Just got to weather the growing phase, I am relieved I went through with it and had it done.
  8. So at six weeks and most of the grafts shed around the 3-4 week mark- a few hanging on in there. Receipient area still red, aloe Vera does help. I'm one ugly duck at the moment!
  9. Applying Aloe Vera to the recipient areas seems to have helped with the redness
  10. Receipient area very red but grafts seem to have settled in. A couple of slight scars at the front
  11. Two week update pictures to follow- can only post one picture at a time as I'm using a Ipad
  12. Fueforthought

    Hair operation

  13. Fueforthought

    From the album: Hair operation

  14. Fueforthought

    From the album: Hair operation

  15. Fueforthought

    From the album: Hair operation

  16. Fueforthought

    From the album: Hair operation

  17. Fueforthought

    From the album: Hair operation

  18. Fueforthought

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