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Hair Transplant Clinics/Surgeon Recommendations


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I am currently considering a hair transplant at the age of 28 as my hair loss has now become substantial. It has been thinning since i was about 19/20 but has had significant loss within the last 2-3 years all over my scalp.


Tried both propecia and Minoxodil and saw little or no results (at least nothing that i could notice myself)


Please can anyone suggest a good place to have a HT done in the UK and offer any advice at all?


Went for a consultation in Bristol with Vinci but haven't heard much about them and can't seem to find much information on any website/forum that fills me with any confidence. The consultant i saw told me due to significant amount of hairloss i would need 2 procedures to regain full coverage over my entire scalp. (2 x FUT sessions @ ?6500 each) I was told if i make a decision before 29th Feb it would ?11,000 in total with other free aftercare treatments included. This seemed like a bit of sales technique to me.


Ive heard the only reputable company in the UK is Farjo so was just wondering if anyone has any experiences or suggestions that can share with me.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Dont know anything about the clinic you mentioned but its a sales technique for sure - no one should be pressuring you for a decision. Rather than saying "2 procedures" they should be telling you an estimate of grafts. You could do a 4300 strip in 1 procedure which would be the same as 2 days of FUE at 2150 a day. # of procedures really doesn't tell you too much.


If you want to go outside the UK go to Bisanga. Mwabma, or Feriduni in Belgium and see what they have to say. I think 2 of those 3 have free evaluations and it just costs you a train ride and some time.


It's always better to go face to face for evaluation if you can. You are old enough now where you will be more of a candidate than 5 years ago. It's still pretty young in the big scope of things but if you are like a NW4+ right now you are probably headed to NW6 in time and you can plan your surgeries around compensating for that.

Jan 2016 - 3800 graft FUT with Dr. Konior

NW 5A to 6.


Docs whose results I am most consistently impressed with: Konior, Cooley (FUT), Hasson (FUT), Diep (FUE) (yeah I like the zig zag).

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Its certainly the usual sales techniques they are trying on with you. Farjo should be your first and last stop if your set on having a procedure done in the UK.


However like I mentioned you should really do some research and look further afield.

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International society of hair restoration surgery. International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery for Hair Loss and Baldness This is the official world governing organisation of collective hair surgeons. They meet once a year to discuss the cutting edge developments of hair restoration and you can check each surgeons attendance year by year. Any surgeon on their list is a dedicated hair surgeon and they are the authority you should be choosing your surgeon from as they a non profit organisation dedicated to guiding and advising you through the whole process. Check them out and I hope that helps.

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  • Regular Member

Thanks for the advice thisguy1.


I would say i am a norwood 6 using the scale


He did mention that it would be around 9000 grafts but i still feel like it was a pressured sale, funny though as apparently he used to work for faro :roll eyes:


Conveniently he had a HT with the new company he was now working for.


He showed me the back of my hair with a microscope and told me the donor area was very good.


I would prefer a UK HT but i don't mind going to Europe if it means i can get better value for money.


Should i be looking for clinics or actual surgeons?

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  • Senior Member


I would prefer a UK HT but i don't mind going to Europe if it means i can get better value for money.


Should i be looking for clinics or actual surgeons?


Will the clinic or the doctor be doing your surgery? Should answer your question. :cool:


Not sure how pound is doing vs euro but euro has dropped a lot past 2 years vs dollar so has become a much better bargain for Americans to go overseas now than 2 years ago - as much as 33% better I estimated than early 2014.


But forgetting that - if you can better doctor for even same money, it's worth the trip. There are guys that fly from US or Middle East or Asia to get to some of those doctors in Belgium so you just have a train ride or short flight.


As a NW6 you are probably looking at 6000-8000+ over time - if your donor is good you are going to most likely want to start with strip surgery. Realistically you will need 2 to get good coverage so that's a discussion to have with surgeon in terms of your laxitivity and donor quality. You may have good donor $$$ but there is a guy here who a lot of the best surgeons have refused for lack of donor and those puppy mill places in UK were happy to take his money and say he had more than enough donor. Not saying that was your case but until you hear from a serious surgeon I'd wait on assessment.

Jan 2016 - 3800 graft FUT with Dr. Konior

NW 5A to 6.


Docs whose results I am most consistently impressed with: Konior, Cooley (FUT), Hasson (FUT), Diep (FUE) (yeah I like the zig zag).

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  • Regular Member

Thanks i have just sent of some pictures for the online assessment with Feriduni in Belgium and asked a few questions so i will wait to hear back from that and take it from there.


Will you keep you posted on what they say compared to Vinci.


Thanks again guys :)

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  • Senior Member

I think the best advice is for you to take your time, research different surgeons and use this site for reviews and feedback. Consult with a few surgeons then take things from there. Belgium may be your best, also consult with Bisanga there as he is good also. Belgium is a short train ride away so don't let distance put you off.


I had my procedure with Mr Ball in London last year, he was very good. He's recently opened up his own clinic on Harley Street called the Maitland clinic, check that out.


Also post some pics so the forum can give you suggestions.

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