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Hair loss or just maturing hairline ?

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Hello , i am 20 years old and recently started to notice some thining around the edges of my hairline:confused: , my temples havent yet receded , so my question is am i starting to develop a mature hairline or MPB:confused: ,and what about those litlle hairs at edge ? are those normal, or ? tnx for all replies :)








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Unfortunately it looks the the beginning of MPB reminds me of my hairline when I was a young man I had amazing curly hair loads of it ,think Mark Bolan, those of you of a certain age will know he is ,but always had a dodgy hairline, I had an uncle who predicted I wouldn't hold on to my hair, the hair-line gives the game away, i was lucky i suppose because i had so much hair that it got me through to my early -mid forties with out being the full horse-shoe

look, but in reality I was a Norwood 5 by the age of 40 ,I had a hair transplant at the age of 52

pretty much bald apart from stubborn miniaturised hair left on top , so no real worry about further hair -loss, pretty much what i have on top now is transplanted hair , you are better off waiting to have a transplant I would say until at least the age of 28 -29 if your hair loss progresses which I think it will by the pics you have shown , that will maybe get you 6-7 years

then you will need a second one, of course this all depends on how things go on top, genes are crazy, i have younger brother who has a full head of hair and my older brother has a good hair-line bit thinning slightly, my Father was a Norwood 5 at the age of 27 but all his brothers have hair, bit of a lottery ,you still have lots of hair by the pics so don't worry ,certainly I wouldn't advise anything drastic, but as I said the hair-line gives the game away, I knew mine was waving goodbye even though I had loads of hair on top, just a slow death, ha possibly worse than losing it all quickly, but shit either way it sucks.

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thank u good sir for answer ,am wondering what is the difference between maturing of hairline and actual losing of hair, my family history isn't too good although my uncles have still good hair in their mid 40's, few weeks ago i noticed few smaller hairs on edge of my hairline , i've read about those and few doc's say that small hairs at edge are normal for mature hairline process, i really dont know , being paranoid last few days about it .. and u can see trought hair because play of light on your hairline

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At twenty you are really too young to worry, I know that;s seems a silly thing to say ,if you are worried you are worried,,but form your pics you have a long way to go, hair loss is often difficult to predict even by the experts, just try to forget about it, you still have lots of hair, review the situation at the earliest in 5 years time ,lots of guys on here recommend going on finesteride maybe that's an option to maintain the hair you have .

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Markoni - you have a nice head of hair, of course its not the same as when you were 15 or probably 18 - you are at a great age to try to halt further recession with possibly meds, good supplements that nourish the hair, and good shampoos, etc. What I would suggest you DONT do is panic and think that you need a HT at your age - I warn you of this because I was about 24 when I prematurely had a small procedure in the early 90's which left me with "pluggy" grafts in my hairline, which I spent alot of wasted time & energy trying to conceal until I had a corrective procedure a few years ago that immensely helped me out and gave me back some normalcy. Don't immediately assume that HT is the way to go especially at your age. True, there has been excellent progress and advancements in the HT field since I had my bad experience - and today's HT's are much more natural, etc., but once you go the surgery route, you're always chasing to keep up as hair loss is a "continuous & progressive" cycle.


So as I said before, do what you can now to try to halt your hair loss - see a dermatologist about whether meds are an option for you. Research, including using this site as a resource, about what supplements such as Biotin, Saw Palmetto, Glucosamine Chondrotin +MSM, Folic Acid, etc, help with hair loss. Be proactive - which it seems you already are - but let surgery be your LAST option when you're older and your hair loss has stabilized.


Just some words of caution from an older guy who learned the hard way! Best of luck to you....

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If you don't plan to get on meds I would echo the sentiments above. Don't worry, noone in a million years would ever think you were losing your hair by looking at you :)


Keep an eye on it but try not to obsess, if things progress and you're not happy, meds are probably your first port of call and are not nearly as scary as the all-knowing interwebs can make them seem ;)

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i dont have any plans to go on meds soon , but i guess ill visit derm to see what he says , thank u sir once again for reply :)


Brother - the best advice I can give you is get on Finisteride ASAP and stay on it for he rest of your life in conjunction with a Rogaine regiment. If only I had gone on Fin in my mid twenties when my hairdresser first pointed out that my hair was thinning. She recommended I start using Nioxin shampoo, which I did, but if only I had done more research back then. Unfortunately denial crept in until a bad break-up 2 years ago had me looking in the mirror and realizing that I was screwed on top.

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