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is it ok to shampoo every day ??


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when i was younger i used to shampoo every day. but now i'm working and very busy. people say do it every day. but other pwople say only once a week. but want to know how many times a week a person should shamppoo the hair???

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Excess of everything is bad! Same goes for Shampoo! Washing your hair everyday with shampoo may cause dry hair or it may frizzle it up!

Its recommended to shampoo twice a week!


aha i see.. ok i will try. but you know everything has price. maybe this can help because many times oily hair need less shampoo because you do it too much then it build up on the scalp. i remember a man who had oily scalp. he wash everyday. then his hair became more oily. he complained about this to his doctor tole him to wash 2 times week like you say. he now has better looking hair and scalp is healthy.


is true that natural shampoo is best for scalp? do you have good recommendation for good shampoo?

Edited by omaral
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David, I checked his IP and it is the same, so his profile is now disabled.






Why don't you block the IP address? At least he won't be able to enter this site from that location.

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Would you normally ask the person posting from the same ip address to explain the finding?. could there be 2 people using same ip address?, would it be more practical (if feasible) to track mac address as well so that posts coming from same computer can be tracked and if malicious or duplicate could be disabled?.

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