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Hair Multiplication

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I have been looking into FUE for years and have met with some of the top & most recommend FUE sergions and I must commend them for their fantastic work. There really are some fantastic facilities and sergions out there but... I have a bit of an issue. My hair is fine and unfortunately for me many of the Dr's I saw told me that it would take a huge amount of grafts some 3000 just to fix my frontal hairline (luckily I have full coverage but going a bit thin on the top) and that I have a finite amount of hair and once it's used to do the FUE transplant then it's used. Now they say that they could fix my receding hairline but my concern is if they use the transplant area and then I lose more hair I may end up with tufts at the front and nothing more.


When browsing on the internet this evening I stumbled across Hair Stem Cell Transplantation® | Hair Science Institute - The inventors of Hair Stem Cell Transplantation Hair Science Institute who offer hair stem cell transplantation not FUE which means they only take part of the hair and not the whole thing in apparently a patented process.


I am wondering if anyone else has experience of the above and could offer me any advice?


Many thanks,



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