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Scalp feeling

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Hi guys


I know i m asking a lot of silly questions but just i cannot hold myself without asking them it help me a lot if i share them with you



I m now post 3 months there is no itching anymore in donor area but it is still thin but so much better than before you still can see the skin but i do not know if it will continue growing or this is the maximum



I m applying minoxidil on all of my head even donor area, and taking biotin and saw palmeto pumpkin seeds, and pantogar also i m taking each month a growth factors session, my surgent heavily recommend it as those growth factors are so essential for hair growth (IGF-1), Rh-Polypeptide-1 (bFGF), Rh-Polypeptide-9 (VEGF), Rh-Polypeptide-11 (aFGF) and other stuff

I m thinking to add nizoral shampoo also


The hair is start growing as my doctor said i m shown an early growth which consider a good sign but the hair is thin and weak could they thicken up in the future or this their true texture ?


I had an inflammation in receipient area so the doctor prescribe me a steriod cream to apply for 10 days abd really it helps a lot There is no more redness or irittation like before but only pinkish which confuse you if you see yourself from distance you would see like dark pink and it so ugly and hairline appear unatural like half circle on your forehead and i hate it it feels fake, but if you look closer you do not see it that much it looks almost normal


the scalp it is also better than before and the skin has improved but i still feel it is not normal always when i m trying to focus on something else i feel awkard that there is a discomfort feeling from the scalp it is not sharp pain but you feel there is somthing there and not feel right and always take my focus away and this is bother me a lot because it is permenant feeling each minute, is this normal? Can the scalp back normal again and this feeling goes away? I m sick of it , its always there from 3 months till now without stopping, I can describe it like " i m always feeling my head"

Edited by Sam23
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Sam everything you've described is normal, donor shock loss may have occurred and can take up to six months to grow back, donor area discomfort is also normal as the nerves are healing, it should be getting better each month, the transplanted hair will first begin to show as a thin vellus hair and will continually thicken as the months progress, it will fully mature between 12-18 months, you're only 3 months so patience is key.

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