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Dr. Erkan Demirsoy - FUE 2710 Grafts (9/18/15) - Long Post


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It will be interesting to follow your progress! I had my surgery just 11 days before you with dr. Demirsoy. Good luck!


Awesome! A few Demirsoy patients showing up with some nice results as of late. Here's to hoping we all get fantastic results!


At the moment I don't have much to add to this thread aside from the fact that I've been on Minox for about a month or so now and it's picking up very quickly!

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Here are some pictures of my current hair situation 3 months post operation.


I've also included three 1.5 month post op pictures to show the difference. It's worth nothing that I've been in Minoxidil and Biotin for approximately 2 months. Before the operation I was also on Minoxidil and and I was a very good responder especially in the frontal 1/3rd.


So to be honest, I don't know which are Minoxidil grown hairs, which are native hairs making their way back, or even which are newly transplanted hairs, but I'm enjoying the progress so far and it's safe to say it's a mash up of all 3 types of hair previously mentioned.


Everything has healed well so far except that i'm getting some pimples here and there as of two weeks but that hasn't gotten out of control and they are not really bothersome.


Questions and comments welcome.


Hi- res photos can be downloaded via the Dropbox link found below:
















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Looks like your headed for a excellent result. Nice early growth happening already !


Thanks! I'm hoping that this will be the case! But the long wait ahead is killing me! I'm thinking of removing the mirrors from my house :D

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you have got past the worst part ! Its just going to get better and better from here. I know its tough but yes stay away from mirrors and constant checking... You will notice a change month to month and not hour to hour :-)


Best advice possible, really living by this statement now!


Thanks for the comments everyone! I'm off for vacation in a few days and will be back in time to update this thread by the 4th month post op.

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I'm with him next month. The nerves are starting to kick in....:eek::eek:


Trust me, you will be (shockingly) at ease once you realize that you are about to tackle a big personal issue - at least that's how I felt once I got into that elevator. Good luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...
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There has been a massive improvement since the 3rd month post op as evident by my pics below. I was on vacation during that time and didn't really have time to analyze my hair every hour or so and the growth really became apparent once I got back home! Even my mom mentioned that she's unsure whether I'm using Toppik or not - her face was priceless when I told her I hadn't used any since my vacation.


I've added some dry pics, wet pics, heavy lighting (seriously heavy) and some dimmer lighting. There is a lot of hair in there but the majority of them are still thin, and they almost all look like singles but they are there! :)


Not much to say at this point aside the fact that I'm ecstatic at how things are moving along and I really do hope the progress keeps coming in! Just having a hairline and not having to use any more Toppik has already been a life changing experience.


Note: This has been the first time since the operation that I've let me hair grow this long and I think I will leave it alone for now.


Comments/questions are welcome!













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  • 1 month later...
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Hey folks, I have not forgotten about this thread but today is our weekend over here so I thought the pics can wait a couple of days.


Anyway the change since last month has been remarkable. The growth literally erupted out of no where. I remember checking the mirrors very, very closely (even though I tried not to) looking for new hairs that will sprout, and while I saw some (not many), I didn't expect them to make a big difference between one month and the other, but they certainly did.


Some points to bring up:


1) The characteristic of the hair is still not even close to being as my native hairs but this is fully expected at this point as I'm only at 5 months. They are slightly wispy and just don't feel/look as strong


2) I'm very satisfied with the density, but I do hope for some growth in the coming months. I know at this point the growth won't be like the last months but anything else at this point is a plus. I guess this is the hair greed that I've been reading about.


3) Some spots are not as dense as the others but this is not in any way shape or form noticeable in real life. Camera makes things much worse than in real life.


4) Comments/Reactions: I had a friend who didn't know I had a transplant mention " X's hair looks so damn perfect and full, I just want to fluff it up" This comment was said in front of a couple of other friends who knew I had the procedure so they were amused by that comment. She was very confused when we all started laughing only to later to tell her I had a procedure. She was shocked/impressed. Other friend who helped me research/choose the doctor also mentioned yesterday that it looks amazing and there is no way to tell you are balding. Another friend who had to leave the country came back recently for a visit and I was chatting with her and she said "wow I mean your hair from last month just went...poof". It really feels good and btw, I don't try to hide that I had a procedure from anyone. Why would I?


5) I'm still on Minox, however I apply it now once a day or so. I also take Biotin. Toppik hasn't been used since a while now and this feels damn great guys. Probably the best part about having the procedure.


6) I can now style my hair using the paste I had purchased more than a year ago in anticipation for this procedure.


7) My face has a hairline, it's framed, and this was the absolute number one priority going into this surgery.


8) Big thanks to Clemens, Dr. Demirsoy, and all his team.


Pics below and comments are more than welcome. Photos were taken in different conditions...directly in front of 3 light bulbs, out doors, and indoors with natural lighting. I will try and post some wet pics later on tonight.


Edit: post #37 shows pre op state and my oh my what a difference :)













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It's been one heck of a (life changing) journey and if this was the result I would have been promised with at the 5 month mark prior to the procedure, I would have taken it and run home with it!


I will definitely keep this thread updated with more pics and comments as my hair continues to get better.

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I wanted to post some pictures where the camera doesn't emphasize the "lack" of density but to show a more real life representation of how my hair actually looks like when I view myself in the mirror so I went around trying 10s of different angle until I got some pictures that give you a good idea how I actually look when I see myself in the mirror :D


I'm really happy with the results thus far and I hope it continues to build for the next few coming months, especially the right side :)







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Amazing result VectorH. My brother and I have both scheduled with Dr. Demirsoy end of March. Your result definitely gives us even more confidence about our own procedure.


Not many cases posted online for Dr. Demirsoy and that doesn't help, but you are in good hands. Good luck on your procedure and do share your experience with us.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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its been over 6 months now, would be nice to see some new pictures



Sure, here are some quick pics I snapped! hair has filled up nicely and the gap on the right hand side has also filled in - i'm extremely satisfied with the result.


I went in this weekend for my second hair cut and the hair "stylist", with a lot of uncertainty mentioned "have you had a HT done?" I said yes. - turns out he was looking into doing one himself hence why he was able to notice - Similarly how I was able to notice the Toppik on his head because i've had prior experience with it.


Funny enough, I had cut with this person before about 2-3 months ago and he wasn't able to notice. He then called in his colleague to show him what an excellent procedure I had done and he was very, very impressed and mentioned that it's the best he's seen so far with all the clients he gets. With that said, his colleague is now going to contact Dr. Demirsoy to go under the knife.


Anyway, some quick remarks on how the hair still doesn't feel fully natural:


1- Hair is still a little wiry, but there has been significant improvement in that sense since last month. The curls and waves have went down a notch, but they're still not there yet.


2- Hair feels more propped up then other hairs. I cannot flatten them down as they have the tendency to pop right back up.


Aside from that, everything is going according to the schedule and I'm glad I've went through with this procedure.





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