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Anyone get HT without taking Fin?

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  • Senior Member

You're not thinking about this clearly. One thing matters, are you going to lose a lot more hair? If so, just imagine being bald with some transplanted hair on top. (If your pattern is not expected to advance much (say NW3 at age 55) you will probably be OK). HT's have serious limitations in what they can do, and if you're not on meds before doing an HT you're not setting yourself up to succeed. If you are afraid of meds, you will need significantly lower expectations.


MPB is a moving target, you are covering an area of your lawn that is losing grass with grass from another area. There is only one way this can end.

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  • Senior Member
You're not thinking about this clearly. One thing matters, are you going to lose a lot more hair? If so, just imagine being bald with some transplanted hair on top. (If your pattern is not expected to advance much (say NW3 at age 55) you will probably be OK). HT's have serious limitations in what they can do, and if you're not on meds before doing an HT you're not setting yourself up to succeed. If you are afraid of meds, you will need significantly lower expectations.


MPB is a moving target, you are covering an area of your lawn that is losing grass with grass from another area. There is only one way this can end.


Every post that you contribute seems to involve you saying more or less "go on FIN, or forget HT" I'm wondering why you are so hell bent on forcing it down everyone's throat. just an observation. peace

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  • Senior Member

If Fin will work for everyone there will be no HT transplant anymore and no body will bother him self about baldness. You always put Fin as a permenant solution and ignoring its serious effects. Ok if we ignore the side effects. Can you guarantee Fin will work and it will stop the baldness. No best thing can do is postpone it like postpone death. So then there are two scenario here:


1- HT without Fin: can give 5 years with good results and no fear of any sexual effects


2- HT with Fin can give 10 to 15 years with good results and fear everyday of sexual effect.


I read many articles about FIn it might not give you any sexual effect in few years but after your body get use to it or you stop it the whole system can crash even if you stop Fin and all the statestic and the studies shows higher risk on long term so that means the risk increase esch year. So you cannot say that i m on Fin for 5 or 6 years and i do not have any problem, you will not know when it will happen maybe you did not arrive to the point yet. More people can be suffering silently cuz they do not wanna anyone to know that their penis are not working. So the declaraed sexual problems percentage can be less than reality.


beside of that when you become older Fin will hide your prostate problem and at that age you have to make a check for yourself routinly. With Fin you cannot dignose your status. So you have to turn it off to check up yourself and then turn it on again so if you still wanna continue on it, that means you double the risk again and you make a new disturbance for your hormone level or you can ignore your prostate at that age also and not make any check up .


Really it is so irony how sex and hair are link together by DHT level


So if i wanna choose with 50 % to 70%,risk to ruin my HT and loose my future cosmotic status and appearance because my baldness will increase in fast way against 20 % to 30 % risk of sexual and hormone problem and prostate problem that will increase also eash year It is clearly and easy to me what i will choose.


You be lucky and not have any side effect after all of that but also i can be lucky and not ruin my appearance without Fin.


I will not make the same mistake again when i did my HT without taking baldness risk in consideration.


This is remind me with similar tradeoff. (Fin/sex risk, smoking/cancer risk)


Biolizard keep growing man, when did you have your HT, it seems you are new like me ?

Edited by Sam23
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