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Post procedure pain-sleeping

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Regarding the post-procedural scar on the back of my head (for about 1000 grafts). How difficult is it sleeping, considering the scar is right where I lay my head on my pillow each night? How long do you think it might compromise my night time rest? I know people are different, just trying to get an idea how uncomfortable it might be.

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  • Senior Member

It'll be pretty uncomfortable the first few weeks. Things would be slightly better after the sutures/staples are taken out, but it might be a couple of months before you feel somewhat comfortable.


However, you might get used to the discomfort after the first few days.

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  • Senior Member

I found that laying on the scar wasn't the sucky part -- instead, not being able to lay on my side was the bad part. Won't be a problem if you only do crown work.


You do get used to it pretty quickly though and by the 2nd week or so the sleeping isn't so bad -- at least in my experience.

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considering the scar is right where I lay my head on my pillow each night?


Your surgeon should have given you a neck pillow (U-shaped pillow) that fits at the back of the neck. This would relieve pressure on the excision zone at the back of the head.


BTW, it was not difficult for me (sleeping on the back of the head). But this depends on your threshold of pain level, which is high for me. I didn't take any painkillers after my surgery; only the anaesthetic during the operation it self.

take care...



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I was only in a pain right after the surgury and thats the only time I needed the pain killers. The donor region was uncofortable for a few days after but each day got easier. I went and bought one of the U shaped travel pillows from the drug store and that really helped me to sleep! Best Wishes!

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I also used a u-shaped pillow which helped alot. Today is day 6 post-op for me and yesterday I was brave enough to sleep w/o popping the vicodin. It hurted and took me longer to fall asleep, but when I woke up, the pain was even worse.


So I'm going back to popping the pain killer pill right before I sleep.

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  • Regular Member

Hi All,


I hear it's important to keep your head raised above the heart during the first 5 days. Did you sleep in a recliner, prop your head up with pillows, completely disregard that suggestion...ect. After my surgery I'm going on a little vacation and I'm considering getting a recliner put in my room. What are your thoughts on the elevated head advice?





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  • Senior Member

I agree with you guys regarding the U-shaped pillow; it definitely makes a world of difference! The night of the operation was pretty rough for me...I didn't have that U-shape pillow yet (bought it at the Vancouver airport for the flight home). I would consider it a must have the first few weeks following a HT.

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I have to be honest....


I still use my U shaped neck pillow all the time...not because I have to, but because it's very comfortable. In my opinion, it's a "must have" for anyone traveling by plane for their hair transplant. In fact, it would probably be great for the car ride home too. Frankly, I'm not sure how I survived the first several hair transplants without it.



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