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Can someone help and explain why I deprogressed after 9 months of Propecia?


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Since no one would answer my other thread, I really need some help. Anyway the first eight months of Propecia I was looking to make a full recovery. As said in other thread I was in the hospital and was not to be able to take Propecia for four days. When I got home and starting taking it again, my hair just started thinning out so bad on the vertex/hairline/crown/sides and it just seems to be getting worse, I have lost a lot of gains just from getting back on it which will be three weeks this Wednesday. Can someone explain whether I am experiencing hyperandrogenicity? I notice my face has been a little more oily but no raging libido or increased body hair? This is just very frustrating for me because Propecia was really working for me and now it just seems like my hair continues to thin out day by day.


Here is a picture of my hair wet at 6 1/2 months, it was only getting better from this point.





Now this is last night with no flash!




I just don't know what to do, my hair has no volume at all and I was thinking if things keep going the way they are, I might have to buzz my head. I was hoping by this time I would look good for my Sister's wedding and now I feel like I should pray it won't be a windy day outside. I mean it was helping me in the front and thickening up my hairline now my hairline and the hair beyond it is so thin.


My hair feels like where it was after one or two months of Propecia.


I can only think of three things that could cause this

1. hyperandrogenicity

2. Telogen Effluvium since I was in the hospital for acute pancreatitis

3. My hairloss is just progressing/getting aggressive.


Please any opinions would be appreciated.

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Reflex hyperandrogenicity is a very rare thing if it exists at all, it's only known online lol but things do happen. You could have TE or your MPB is getting worse despite Propecia. The only way to know is to go to a doctor that's all I can say. And to know if your MPB is getting worse you should have a miniaturization test done.

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The only other thing I can think of is I was anti-biotics from the time I got home till this past Wednesday morning. I checked with my Doctor and online and ciprofloxacin does not interfer with finasteride. So I am just at a loss all I can figure is stress induced hairloss due to me freaking out while being in so much pain at the hospital.

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Well this might make since but I doubt it it's from wikipedia.

Ciprofloxacin may interfere with the the levels of thyroid medications resulting in hypothyroidism.[77]


But wouldn't the symptoms be dissappearing since I have been off it since Wednesday.


Plus, I am not even on thyroid medication.

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How long did it take you to recover?(hair-wise and body-wise, I still get cramps occasionally)


What meds were you on?


I know I am coming across as pretty scared but to be honest, after making so much progress (imo) after such little time and just feel like it dissappeared after a couple of weeks, it is slightly frightening.

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Too long to explain, long story short, hair grew back. although my stay was more serious than most. Was given last rights while in an induced coma. Wouldn't know where to start on the meds and doubt I could even remember. JUst try to stop worrying and give it time. It's going to turn into a form of a self-fulfilling prophecy for you. Don't be hyper-vigilent. Look long enough, you'll see things that aren't there, well in your case, won't see what is there. You don't appear as if your losing any hair.

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Okay I found on mayoclinic.com this, maybe it can explain it.

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre"> </pre>

Less common


Incidence not known


Hair loss or thinning of hair

Headache, severe and throbbing

Other side effects not listed may also occur in some patients. If you notice any other effects, check with your healthcare professional.


Either way, I think the sudden onset of acute pancreatitis, the 104 degree fever, and not being able to eat for three days along with the multiple antibiotics in the hospital would cause anyone to shed/thin out.


Although, I figured it would happen a month or so after the hospital not after a few days.

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i used to take propecia last year,with great results but also great side effects. am 34 yrs and did two blood tests and sperm analysis. results were awful as my testosterone dropped and sper morphology went down hence infertility( thats when i got suspicios ...my wife wants to start a family). anywyas, stopped propecia after 4month did same test...things are back to normal and libido ok now....so guys can i go for HT without propecia...appreciate your help....

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....so guys can i go for HT without propecia...

short answer - yes you can.



Leeson gave you the best advice. just ride it out. it could have been just a simple shedding stage for you. it takes 3-4 months for the shedded hair to come back. sheds are very common while you on hairloss drugs hence the term rollercoaster ride.

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If you are looking for volume first off stop WETTING your hair or putting all that gel in your hair that smushs down you hair ... of course you have no volume when you wet or gel your hair life some mafia dude. Blow dry it, comb it .. get some volume in it if thats what you want.


Propecia is not some miracle drug that allows you to hang onto hair that is so fragile that if you discontinue it for four days it falls our for ever. Hairs that are on the outs mostly go through some minaturization and thinning before they are gone forever.


You will probably lose the vellus hair in the future so it is unlikely that you will hang onto those in the coming years. Best you can do is take your meds, check out what your other male relatives look like on their chrome at the wedding to see what might happen to you in the future, and possibly consider a hair transplant in 10-15 years if you are not happy where your hair ended up.



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  • 4 weeks later...
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Well I stuck with it and me thinks my hair is getting better after the current pictures. I still think I might have T.E. due to the physical stress I suffered a month and a half ago. My hair is still growing in but it has become brittle and shiny all over with just being thin all over.

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  • 6 months later...

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