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Kids Say that Darndest Things

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Has anyone else had this experience. My kids are 4 and 6 years old. I think the 6 year old knows that I am sensitive about my hair (Not wanting it messed with, etc). I have had 2 transplants and SMP that have brought me from a NW 6 to a pretty decent head of hair actually. The other day, she pointed to a 60 year old guy on TV that looked nothing like me and had very receded thin hair going on and said "Daddy, he looks like you". I asked why and she said, the hair. I was somewhat upset but its a six year old for Pete's sake!! :) Just a few months prior, she said another actor looked like me and he had a nice full head of thick hair. Makes me wonder how kids see things and why my daughter sees my hair as very thin apparently in someone but very thick in others. Very strange... :)

My Hairloss Web Site -


Procedure #1: 5229 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Oct, 2010

Procedure #2: 2642 Grafts with Dr. Rahal Aug, 2013


7871 Grafts



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Funny story. So the other day I show my daughter (9 yr old) a picture of a buzz look SMP client I did. The SMP took 10 years off the guy. It really looks great. So I show my daughter and she goes, "Wow, he looks like a different person!" So I ask, "Why's that?" She answers, "Well he's wearing a totally different shirt!" She then said, "Oh, yeah, his hair looks different, too."

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Go by what you think you know you look better you said you have full hair now so you must look better. Kids and adults can say things to upset you and get you thinking but go by how you feel and how you perceive yourself life is filled with negative comments even the so called perfect looking people get negative comments. Plus little kids are not experts they say crazy things . I've received negative statements from my daughter too and then the next day she compliments me their just kids take it with a grain of salt .

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  • 3 weeks later...

My three year old niece had me in fits of laughter the other day.


She said to my brother: "Daddy, you've got a bald head haven't you?"


He looked puzzled (he's got a very good head of hair) and replied "No I haven't!"


To which she replied: "Yes you have!...A bald head covered in hair!"

I am an online representative for Farjo Hair Institute


Dr. Bessam Farjo is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions shared are my own.

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Absolutely HairJo. Life was certainly a lot simpler back then.

I am an online representative for Farjo Hair Institute


Dr. Bessam Farjo is an esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions shared are my own.

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