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question about ht and quiestions about future

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I'm seriuosly, seriously considering a ht. But from what i've read I wanted t oask people who have already had a ht if it was worth it.


The reason I'm asking is because people who have had bad ht's definetly dont recommend it whilst the people who have had gud ones rave about it. I'm rambling a little but what im trying to get at is that it seems even the successful cases still have to go back for more ht's in the future and so i wanted to get ur thoughts on this. do you feel you've been locked into something now for the rest of your life or is it all worth it?

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I'm seriuosly, seriously considering a ht. But from what i've read I wanted t oask people who have already had a ht if it was worth it.


The reason I'm asking is because people who have had bad ht's definetly dont recommend it whilst the people who have had gud ones rave about it. I'm rambling a little but what im trying to get at is that it seems even the successful cases still have to go back for more ht's in the future and so i wanted to get ur thoughts on this. do you feel you've been locked into something now for the rest of your life or is it all worth it?

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?™ am extremely happy with my HT so far, but obviously there are limitations which is why research is vital before taking a decision.


Lovestospoon, congrats on your great result!

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Originally posted by Pritz:

Hi John,


Sorry to hear that. Can I ask did you have them done recently and what dont you like about them?



My first Ht was done in june of 08. The doctor actually gave me my money back for my silence. What does that tell you? My second was done in March of 09 by Dr Feller who is suppossed to be one of the best. While I can't blame the doc for my hair line looking pluggy, at 5.75 months he did not alleviate the situation any either. So for now, I have nothing good to say about Ht's. I know, I know--it's still early, but with no hint at growth, things are getting real scary. I thought that I would be in a better situation by now. One thing that terrifies me is that the First Ht surgeon put 2 hair F.U's on my hairline--and to this day that is all I see. In other words, I know Feller did not put any 2's in the front and that is all that is there, so while people suggest that I may not be noticing the growth--I'm not because it's not there. Isn't the hairline where you see the first signs of growth?

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Hi Lovespoon Thanks for answering your hair looks awesome. What I was concerned about was really after your ht do you feel that it is most likely you will be requiring a second one in the future?


What I'm thinking is that if I get a ht and it looks great than 5yrs later I need to get another one and so on and so on until I have no more donor hair left. Thats what really bothers that 1 procedure isn't enough and I'll have to keep going back. Am I correct in thinking this? Or is 1 ht usually enough?

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You are 5 months out from your second hair transplant. Why are you touting your unhappy all over the forum? You really have to be patient bro. You can't expect results so soon, especially since patients only start to see new signs of growth between 3 and 5 months.




I'm very happy with my hair transplant results. Do keep in mind however, it took multiple procedures, time, and money to accomplish my goals. Developing realistic expectations is also crucial before having a hair transplant since only so much baldness can be covered with adequate density. This is due to a limited supply of donor hair. Keep in mind that future hair loss can also impact the overall hair restoration result and must be factored into a long term hair restoration plan. Donor hair therefore, should always be used conservatively and wisely, keeping enough in reserve for subsequent procedures as needed.


Ultimately, many patients will require multiple hair replacement procedures to meet their short and long term hair restoration goals, assuming they're realistic. What can be accomplished with a hair transplant depends on:


1) The skill and experience of the hair restoration physician and technicians

2) The amount of hair that can be harvested and transplanted in a single and multiple procedures (donor characteristics - hair density and laxity)

3) A patient's hair characteristics

4) A patient's area of baldness (present and future


In my opinon, begin looking through photos of hair transplant patients with similar degrees of baldness and hair characteristics and consult with a few doctors that impress you the most after researching them. You can view photos by degrees of hair loss (Norwood Scale), by visiting our Hair Transplant Photos website.


Best wishes,



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Like Bill, I'm very happy with my hair transplant, but realize and accept the limitations; though I sometimes might feel the HT was a "cure", like most anything it isn't perfect, and I still deal with the harsh realities of MPB and continued hairloss. Thankfully, I do believe that with the right doctor and strategy *many* sufferers of MPB can get a HT and consider it a positive step in reclaiming their hair and all that goes along with it.


This forum is a terrific place to research HTs further, and the doctors capable of being admitted into the Coalition are great places to start your research into specific clinics.


Btw, John, you should post some pics, or at least take some for yourself and compare it to your pre-ops. Often, we feel that little progress has been made when in reality quite a lot has gone on (this was the case for me, and Spex often talks about this while posting cases for reference) -- and regardless, at not even 6months out you truly should not be overly concerned about your result as so much can, and likely will, happen.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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