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Vertex Area, is it thinning?

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Hey guys,


Please help me decide if my vertex is thinning out or not.

I really hoped I will at least only suffer from A type of balding.

But now it looks like the hairs are lighter in the vertex area.



Edited by milanello
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Looks like you're in the very beginning stages.


I can't tell from the pics about the front but you don't appear to be a 3a there. If you're not on fin, I agree it's time to get on it. It's very very minor. Most people don't catch it that early.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Oh,damn last thing I wanted to hear :)




It is crazy there is absoutely no one in my family who have bald spot on the top.


Maternal grandfather is nw1, paternal is nw2-3,my father went nw 2 when he was around 24-5 and maintained it without any treatment.




I have been on fin for 6months but i do not know it works or not.


I can not even decide my hairline receded back or not in the past year.


I stopped using rogaine becouse my skin did not like it,do you think I should start using it again?




My FUE did not turn out well,I was gonna make a longer post about it and request some advice,recommendation about where to or not to go for the touch up.


I'm considering Dr.Erdogan,Doganay but after my last surgery it is hard to allocate that much money for it again(7-8keuro)



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I think you're beating yourself up a lot about your FUE. You look way better than you did pre-op...you have a hairline now. I know you hate to hear this, but it's only been about 6 months, right? There is still time for it to thicken up a bit. I'm surprised your doctor waved the white flag before 12 months.

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  • Regular Member
I think you're beating yourself up a lot about your FUE. You look way better than you did pre-op...you have a hairline now. I know you hate to hear this, but it's only been about 6 months, right? There is still time for it to thicken up a bit. I'm surprised your doctor waved the white flag before 12 months.


No,unfortunately it is almost 9 months already :(

Edited by milanello
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Yep,sure it got better no doubt!

Currently if it would not be worst,I think I could live my life without feeling myself desperate.

But I think 2400graft should have give a better result anyway.


Dr.Doganay seems affordable and great to get the job done.


To be honest in the bottom of my heart i hoped due to fin and lack of family pattern, I will be able to at least stop it for a while.

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Hairloss is unpredictable man, sad you are losing despite no bald genes in your family. Well one of my friend is 41 and he is NW1 though his dad,brother and uncle are bald, so you never know.

About your hairline it really looks good and about having another affordable HT, you may check recommended doctor from India.

About how many grafts that can be harvested from good donor area, well a face to face consultation with top doc would clear your query better

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Milanello,


The thinning in your vertex area looks like it is just in the very early stages. If you start taking biotin supplements and using topical minoxidil, you should hopefully be able to restore it completely without surgery.


By the way, I've been following your hair transplant progress here and was wondering which clinic/doctor in Budapest did your FUE transplant?


Are you feeling more satisfied with the results now, or are you still not happy with them?


I look forward to your reply.


Thank you,



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Hi Milanello,


The thinning in your vertex area looks like it is just in the very early stages. If you start taking biotin supplements and using topical minoxidil, you should hopefully be able to restore it completely without surgery.


By the way, I've been following your hair transplant progress here and was wondering which clinic/doctor in Budapest did your FUE transplant?


Are you feeling more satisfied with the results now, or are you still not happy with them?


I look forward to your reply.


Thank you,






Yeah,that is what I'm hoping for.

I have been on fin for 6months and started to use rogaine for a week,so I hope these can help.



I'm not satisfied with my result, the density at the left side is still much weaker and even the right side is far from most of the great results I have seen here.

I received 6000hairs which should have been enough to give a good result according to my doc and according to the pictures-forum threads I have read here.


I feel better overall and if I style it right it can be covered and looks better than pre op,no doubt. I'll post some pictures soon,so you will see what im talking about.


I contacted Dr. Doganay and I'm planning to do a touch up in january.

I hope after the touch I can forget about this whole hair loss thing at least for some years,and do not even think about it.


My fue transplant was performed by hair hungary clinic.

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Thanks for the quick reply! Did you consult any other surgeons in Budapest before choosing that clinic?


There is one called Hair Palace, that seems to do nice work. Are you familiar with them? If so, what is your opinion of that clinic?


Regarding your current hair loss pattern, I'm not sure you should go to Turkey to do such a procedure. It may be better for you to consider one of the doctors in Poland or Belgium, which cost almost the same, but where the doctor performs the surgery, not just assistants. This can definitely affect the quality of the end results.


In general, as you are young, you should focus primarily on keeping your existing hair, through a healthy diet and minoxidil. You can buy a version of Minoxidil without PG, which won't irritate your scalp.








Yeah,that is what I'm hoping for.

I have been on fin for 6months and started to use rogaine for a week,so I hope these can help.



I'm not satisfied with my result, the density at the left side is still much weaker and even the right side is far from most of the great results I have seen here.

I received 6000hairs which should have been enough to give a good result according to my doc and according to the pictures-forum threads I have read here.


I feel better overall and if I style it right it can be covered and looks better than pre op,no doubt. I'll post some pictures soon,so you will see what im talking about.


I contacted Dr. Doganay and I'm planning to do a touch up in january.

I hope after the touch I can forget about this whole hair loss thing at least for some years,and do not even think about it.


My fue transplant was performed by hair hungary clinic.

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  • Regular Member
Thanks for the quick reply! Did you consult any other surgeons in Budapest before choosing that clinic?


There is one called Hair Palace, that seems to do nice work. Are you familiar with them? If so, what is your opinion of that clinic?


Regarding your current hair loss pattern, I'm not sure you should go to Turkey to do such a procedure. It may be better for you to consider one of the doctors in Poland or Belgium, which cost almost the same, but where the doctor performs the surgery, not just assistants. This can definitely affect the quality of the end results.


In general, as you are young, you should focus primarily on keeping your existing hair, through a healthy diet and minoxidil. You can buy a version of Minoxidil without PG, which won't irritate your scalp.






Yes, I visited more clinic before I made my decision.

Looking back it is actually funny how their offers were totally different.

In one place they said I need 1-1,2K grafts, here I was told I need 2,2k.

The one I went to was the most expensive and had the best reputation.


I have not heard about Hair Palace,unfortunately.

I have friends who has had their hairtransplant in Budapest and got a nice results.

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