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best surgeon in the world?

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Joe, there is always a "best". Just very difficult to really know who is the best unless you have multiple surgeons perform HT procedures on identical clones and compare the results. I have no doubt that there is a big difference between the top surgeons and then the next best (tier two). I get that it is subjective, but I think its a great question, and with the vast knowledge of multiple members on this forum, am very interested in having those folks provide their own views of who they rate as the best. I this it would be very helpful as a datapoint (one of many) for folks trying to identify who the best surgeons are. I went for one of the tier 2, and really regret not going with one of the top surgeons I mentioned above.

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Hi Mav,

I can appreciate your point but I will elaborate on why I strongly disagree. When one says that one doctor is the best in the world it may be the case for that person but I have seen so many variations on what one may think makes "the best doctor" that sayig "it is subjective" does not pay the situation proper justice.


You mentioned a few doctors in your earlier post and you are more than entitled to your opinion but I'm positive that many would disagree. In fact, I guarantee it and some may be patients of one of those doctors you mentioned so those opinions would come from personal experience. In my case, Dr. Wong was the best doctor in the world for me. Is he the best for you? Probably not. Is he the best for everyone? No.


Different doctors have not only different skill sets but also different ideas of what to do for one patient compared to what another doctor may do. Some may be fantastic at repair cases while others actively AVOID repair cases for the simple fear that not having a cherry picked perfect patient will lower the quality of their overall portfolio. It happens, more than many may realize.


This is why I don't like these types of questions because I think they are useless for proper research. Opinions are great but too many people take this to heart and get lazy in their own research because someone said they "heard Dr. X was great" when in reality that might not be the case.

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joe the question is not asking for a definitive answer but a general consensus. for example the best sides in football are Barcelona,Real Madrid, Bayern, Chelsea etc.. whilst that is also subjective and not everyone will agree but it gives a person a rough guide.


i'm a diffused thinner, who are specialists in diffused thinning maybe you can help with that?

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  • Senior Member
mav who would you rank in tier 1?


I only researched North American surgeons. Based on researching pictures pictures pictures as well as reading the blogs and doing some consults, my tier 1 top surgeons are Rahal, Hasson, Ron Shapiro, Konior, Wong and Gabel. Just my own opinion, but I'm not nearly as knowledgable as some of the big hitters on this site, so would love to hear their own opinions.

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Joe I hear you, I really do, and you make a great point. I definitely think it's near to impossible to know who the single best surgeon is, but we should be able to identify the best handful, and maybe even try identify the best handful for situations, I..e the best surgeon for FUT megassessions, the best for FUE, the best hairline ect ect. I still think that the top surgeons out there can accommodate the different situations, and I really get the impression that some docs are producing stellar results, whilst some average or good (but not stellar). Surely we must be able to truly separate the consistently stellar from the good. That's what Kingarfa is asking for, and whilst no disrespect to the surgeons recommended by this site, I think there is a gap between the top tier and then the next best. I went with tier 2 (recommended by this site) and although I'm satisfied with the job he did, I regret not going with one of the top guys, and will be going with Rahal for my 2nd procedure which may not have even been necessary if I went with him in the 1st plac.

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the ones u mentioned are ok but not even remotely close to the best in the world. there is no BEST surgeon. ALL the great surgeons do something great but no one surgeon will do everything best.


its a case by case depending wat u personally need done. thats like saying "this guy" is the best plastic surgeon in the world. well, some only do faces. some only do breasts, some only do lipo, etc.... there is no one best that fits everyones needs. no different with a HT surgeon.


Joe, there is always a "best". Just very difficult to really know who is the best unless you have multiple surgeons perform HT procedures on identical clones and compare the results. I have no doubt that there is a big difference between the top surgeons and then the next best (tier two). I get that it is subjective, but I think its a great question, and with the vast knowledge of multiple members on this forum, am very interested in having those folks provide their own views of who they rate as the best. I this it would be very helpful as a datapoint (one of many) for folks trying to identify who the best surgeons are. I went for one of the tier 2, and really regret not going with one of the top surgeons I mentioned above.
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I know.... I know.... Lots of good ones out there, and lots of different circumstances. I do agree with Joe T. But in my biased opinion and just for fun..... Dr Gabel. I swore every one of those 3972 grafts grew!:D You know I spent enough time in the mirror to count them a dozen times.:P

Edited by Squatch

Dr.Gabel 3972 FUT 11/3/14

Progress/Results Below ;)


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  • Senior Member
if money was no object who would you say is the best surgeon in the world?


would it be Dr Feriduni?


also who is the best for a diffused thinner?


Thank you.



Kingarfa, due to the controversy it seems to cause by trying to commit to naming biased views of "the best" surgeon in the world, perhaps you should rephrase your question to "which surgeons would end up on your shortlist if you needed a HT and money was no object".


Still believe that there are definitely best in the field, just like Usain Bolt is the fastest man over 100 meters in the world. No doubt that all the surgeons recommended by this site are going to be solid at what they do, but I think it's a valid question to ask who really stands out.

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The best surgeon is the one who did your operation. Why would you knowingly choose one who was inferior?


I'd go along with this, only had the one HT and the surgeon smashed it!




Dr Bhatti 3305 FUE 20/10/2014


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I would say there is definitely a tier 1. There are also a lot of things to consider in the actual procedure. Honest graft counts, incision and suturing, graft placement, density, hairline design. The top guys are masters in all these areas. Tier 2, well, I originally considered going to a tier 2 guy but wisely reconsidered. Do it right or do it twice.

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Definitely agree that there's isn't an objective best, but there is a semi-consensus around a sort of "elite group." Someone threw out the names Hasson, Wong, Rahal, Konior, and Gabel for North America, and there's a pretty critical mass of praise around those names. But they're all very different surgeons; if I needed a megasession, I would not--with all respect to the other docs--let anyone other than Victor Hasson touch me. It's just all about the research.


I'm not as knowledgeable outside of North America, but the chatter tends to center on Feriduni, Farjo, Erdogan, Doganay, Bisanga, and Lorenzo.


But look: I'm sure there are hidden gems out there, and all things are possible. I had a knockout transfer from a doctor that isn't recommended by any of the hair restoration groups. So just consult, consult, consult and research, research, research.

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