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Dr: Arocha & my 4.5 yr update

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It's been almost 4 and half years since I had my transplant with Dr. Arocha. All I can say is I'm still extremely happy with the results and would not change a thing that I did. Especially considering where I started and where I am now. He is a great Dr. and I owe him the fact that I've not been self conscious about my MPB issues since the surgery! This may not be for everyone but it worked for me! Here are some pictures that I had taken a week ago.




Ready for the Road Ahead


HT Website


3092 FUT's

1 Hair - 688

2 Hair - 1812

3 hair - 692

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1) Quackhairny: Thanks. I've been on propecia the entire time with 5% nizerol and I put rogain on daily. It's all just become part of my daily routine. I didn't really find anything difficult post transplant. I did the surgery right before thanks giving and took the week off afterward. Honestly, I didn't really care what I looked like when I was walking around. By the time I went back to work 10 days later my-coworkers thought I got a little sunburn on my forehead because it was a little red but they were non the wiser of what happened. It was pretty awesome to be honest.


2) Squatch. Thanks. For sure! I don't think I reached my full growth up until about a year in.


3) David. He is pretty awesome. And we've kept in touch since the surgery.


4) Spanker: Thanks


5) Pete: thanks!

Ready for the Road Ahead


HT Website


3092 FUT's

1 Hair - 688

2 Hair - 1812

3 hair - 692

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Thanks! I was a worry wart about the transplanted hair, but I believe that just goes with the territory. I did loose a few transplants but I was warned that would happen. I was extremely careful with it for the probably the 2 or 3 months. I didn't scrub the transplanted hair very hard just gently rubbed until the hair was lathered. It wasn't until the redness started going away about 2 months in that I naturally started to worry less and less about it and just feel more natural about cleaning the hair and not paying so much attention to it. There was a bit of shock loss initially but that did stop and as for the scar behind my head it's completely invisible. My hair stylist never even noticed it until I mentioned it to her. With that being said the closest I'll get with clippers is a 2 but my stylist usually uses scissors.


I can't say that there has been any real loss since I had the surgery. I've taken the propecia religiously as directed along with the 5% menoxidill and 5% nizerol. I'm hoping that the loss doesn't return or until there is a cure for MPB lol.


hope that helps you out.

Ready for the Road Ahead


HT Website


3092 FUT's

1 Hair - 688

2 Hair - 1812

3 hair - 692

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  • Senior Member

Very nice result from our Dr. Arocha!

1st HT 1973 FUT's with Dr.Robert Mcclellan 6/28/2007

*unfortunately I have no info on hair count on my 1st surgery ..


2nd HT 3026 FUT's with Dr. Bernadino Arocha 1/9/2014


1's - 797

2's - 3700

3's - 246

5634 hairs



3026 FUTs 1 day HT#2 post op frontal picture

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