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statute of limitations


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Question,In 2006 I had work done,can't remember the name of the place,in west LA.They did a great job.I'm a professional musician so this is very important..in 2008 I went to Dr.Ken Siporin on Olympic Blvd in west LA to do another round,,if I remember right it was about 2400`2600 grafts.

The experience was rather unpleasant from the day of the surgery on,,,The nurse had a horrible attitude.During the healing process I noticed one of the stitch areas getting sore and swollen.

When the stitches were removed they even accidentally left one in that I had to remove myself with tweezers and it still has a slight bump to this day!!

Ans the worst part of all was that,compared to the first work done at Zeiring(just remembered the name!!),,this guys work sucked!!not only did I not get a good yield of healthy hair,but I was left with a big,obvious scar!!

This whole experience damaged me so much it has been a daily fight to cover the scar area,make whats there look great,etc,,,like I said,I'm a professional,touring musician.

My question is this for anyone who might know,,,How long is the statute of limitations for getting a mediator and trying to get some kind of answer to how I can fix this???I believe I signed something at the time that said any unhappiness or disputes would be settled this way..I've thought about it many times through the years but a)even if a mediator said he had to fix the damage,do I really want someone who screwed it up in the first place trying to fix it??can I get my money back after so long?the work was done just under 7 years ago and it's honestly taken me this long to even finally want to face up to what happened,but at the same time if there's still time I'm ready to do something if there's something to be done...

I hope someone reads this who can help.

Thank you,


Edited by basskat64
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Unfortunately, Dr Siporin passed away a few years ago. I don't know how this affects the statute of limitations. Let me know if there is anything we can do to help.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


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I'm sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with Dr. Siporin. I don't know the statue of limitations for such a complaint but seven years is certainly a long time to wait. This will likely be further complicated by the fact that Dr. Siporin passed away in 2013.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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You'd have to show that there was so much neglect you're better off to move on.


You should be talking to a lawyer not a forum also.


I know as a rep I may look bias so I'll let others answer, but it is very unusual for someone to win a case like that. I'm not real familiar with the doc so I can't say much, but since he's recommended, the chances of him putting out work that would win litigation is pretty low. You'd basically have a really really bad result that looks freakishly unnatural that no reasonable direction would perform. Low yield and a scar won't cut it most likely. Especially seven years later.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Isn't the statute of limitations generally about 2 years for this sort of thing? I know it's 2 years in NJ. Even if you didn't reach the statute of limitations in your area how would you prove anything that you're mentioning?


I will say I am not bashing you in the rest of this post or against you in any way, so don't take the following personally. However these are the questions you will get if you want to try a lawsuit.


1. A rude person at the clinic. Oh well. What does that have to do with the work performed? How do you prove the other person was rude? How do we know it wasn't you who was rude first?

2. They left a stitch in and you had to remove it yourself. Any proof of that? Or is it just your word? Why didn't you go back to the clinic to have them remove it? Did you call them to tell them?

3. They left you with a large noticeable scar. Didn't you already have a scar in the same location from the first HT done by someone else? How do you prove it was the 2nd Drs work that was bad? It sounds like from your description that he was trying to fix a bad scar from the first HT. If so, it's not his fault your first scar wasn't ideal. Also, you must know after the first HT that HTs leave a scar.

4. You don't feel the yield was great once it healed. That is your opinion based on what and when? Nearly 8 years later? Did you have another Dr look at it to get his opinion?


Most important of all is did you ever notify the Dr of any issues or concerns that you had within the first days, weeks, months, or even the first year. If you didn't then you are wasting your time (I think you're wasting your time anyway after so long) because there's no way to show that you were not satisfied until many years later and there's no way for the Dr to know you had any real issues that he may have been able to resolve.


Final thoughts: It's extremely hard to successfully sue for elective surgery barring any major, immediate, life threatening problems that happened as a direct result of the surgery. I know because I tried years ago. Whether you like what it looks like or are happy with the results doesn't matter. You weren't happy before the surgery. That's why you had it done. The fact that you still aren't happy afterwards doesn't mean it was the fault of the Dr or due to the result of the surgery.


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I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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I have merged the replies from all three of the discussions in which you posted your question into a single thread. There is no need to create multiple copies of the same question.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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