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Why not try Irfanview to resize your images (google "irfanview"). And then post some nice, clear photos of at least 800 x 600 resolution from a few different angles. If you want help, help us help you by posting better images, emailing your photos to Coalition member doctors, etc.


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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newcomer, firstly, you really need to take a deep breath and calm down a bit. I know it's tough, but realize there are people on this forum who are in much worse shape than you and who have been butchered by Ht docs.


Nine months is way too early to freak out over the quality of your hair. You have at least another 9 months of your hair maturing and relaxing. I have very coarse hair too, and it took a long time for the kinks to work themselves out. Regarding the color: I would venture to say your donor hair is darker in pigment which is why the transplanted hair looks darker. This also may tone down a bit.


It is tough to judge much in terms of growth without seeing the whole story (pre-op, post-op pics) so I'm afraid we can't help you much there.


If this doesn't satisfy you I suggest you consult with some other top HT docs and get a second opinion.


Best of luck.


P.S. Regarding hair straightening; relaxers do work but they don't last very long and can do serious damage to your hair.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Ok, I thought you mentioned growth being an issue and that you might need more grafts put in.


So if it's just the quality of the grafts then you are freaking out over nothing. Almost everyone who has an HT experiences wirey and kinky hair. Some may have it worse than others. You just need to ride it out for 18 months and the hairs should straighten and soften.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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"I'm definetly going to need some touch up work... for my lack of growth so far because i dont see things ended up like they were supposed to."


Your words man, that's why we asked for more info and before and after pictures. If in addition to extreme kinky hair you had poor growth and cobblestoning then it might be poor HT work and the surgeon could be culpable.


Again, I understand you are worried, but you need to adjust your approach to this forum if you really want us to help you out.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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You really need to stop whining and start listening to the feedback/advice members of this community are trying to give you.


What a hair looks like on the counter isn't going to tell us anything. We need to see high resolution, quality photos of the hair on your scalp you are concerned about if you want any real feedback. If you genuinely want better feedback from this community, present these photos or take my and other member's advice and consult with a reputable hair transplant surgeon for a professional opinion.


It's quite possible that the texture of your hair will change with time as your hair transplant continues to mature.



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You know your own hair and if you say something is wrong, then I'm sure something is wrong, but your hair looks naturally thick and like it probably grows quite wavy when longer, and it's difficult for us to see anything terribly abnormal going on in the photo.


At 9 months post-op you probably have most of the growth you will get, but it's well known that the transplanted hair takes time to relax and mature, and 9 months is still pretty early days as far as that aspect of the post-op process goes.


If the hair at the sides has taken on a similar texture to the transplanted hair, then that's something I haven't heard of before, but it's possible that other FUE patients haven't mentioned it so I can't say it's unique. It's possible that some trauma took place during the extraction process and it seems logical that this might have caused the hairs to behave in a similar fashion to the transplanted hairs, in which case it's possible they will settle down in much the same way.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by newcomer:

All i want to know is if the texture of these hairs is due to damage or trauma from the transplant, and if they will normalize or not, like my normal hair.


Thats all i want to know!...


How the heck can anyone be able to tell you that? You're asking for a crystal ball my friend. I actually think the members of this forum have been extremely helpful and informative in the answers they've provided you. But, the bottom line is no one can possibly know for sure what, if anything, caused your hair to look the way it does or how it will be in the future.

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First and foremost, the forum members here are just that- former, current or prospective patients here to help to the best of their ability. You have received a number of useful insights, the most pertinent of which I would second: take a deep breath, step back from the issue, and look at what is RIGHT with your result.

1) It appears you have good coverage from your procedure, as best as I can tell from the photos (I may be missing any "pre" photos- I don't see any here). That is quite a salient positive to focus on.

2) You do not have a linear scar to be concerned about, as your HT was done FUE- another plus, something you planned on that again, went well.

3) At nine months, you have probably 70-80% growing at this time. This means that in addition to the good coverage you see now, you can expect another 20-30% in the months to come!!

I understand your concern, and make no mistake, I am NOT trying to make light of your situation.

That said, please remember, as the previous members have already stated (more or less) that:

1) You are still QUITE EARLY in your transplant result to make any meaningful critical judgments, other than the positive ones I mentioned.

2) While coarse hair can imply damage which may have occurred during the procedure, it also can occur in patients as a temporary phenomena which will "settle down" over time. Again, now is NOT the time to rush to judgment and implicate the resolve or competency of your surgeon.

3) At some point in your thread you stated you didn't want to go back to your surgeon for an opinion "for obvious reasons" (or something to that effect)- All I can offer is that this borders on the irrational, absent anything other than your emotional reaction to your situation. If he/she is a recommended surgeon from this HTN site, then, IMHO seeking his/her advice and counsel is exactly what you should be doing at this point. IMHO, your situation is better served envisioning your surgeon as your ally, and not the adversary you seem to have created. People in general are more apt to go the distance for someone they perceive to be "positive" in nature, rather than those who convince themselves the glass is half empty, or worse, that they are somehow a "victim".

So, take it easy, go see your surgeon, but most of all- chill out and be patient- the odds are better(i.e., greater chance) that things will work out good rather than bad.

Grow well- I think it will all work out, from what I can see so far.

Timothy Carman, MD ABHRS

President, (ABHRS)
ABHRS Board of Directors
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Personally from what I've seen from Newcomers pics, I'd swap my situation with him, sure I'm getting repaired by a very good doc, but no one can make my strip scar dissapear off my head, its hard to find now, but its still there. Newcomer has no strip scar and he never has to. My bad transplanted hairs on my hairline look thicker than the rest so I'm sure they were damaged, but I'm having new grafts put around them to try to hide them. Out of sight out of mind, same as my scar.


If you doc was Armani, I understand why you wouldnt want to return, but your situ is fixable, until then, at least you can shave down, I cant do that.

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