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I started losing my hair when I was in my early 20’s and I hated it. Who wouldn’t? I don’t like to admit that I care about my looks. I should just shave my head and be done with it, at least for a while I have a fairly big head and I look like an alien without hair.

With a receding hairline, I looked older. My right front temple was almost completely gone by the time I finished college. My self-confidence was also gone.

Some would say that this is a good way to build character. Adversity make us better people. I’m already a good person. I don’t need to lose my hair to make me a better person. I decided to battle my hair loss.

I spent hours every night on hair loss forums. I won’t get into all of the details of the crazy experiments I tried. Here are a few of the off-the-wall ones. Mesotherapy , Rogaine , Washing my hair with vinegar, Trying silly, expensive shampoos like Nioxin, Buying and trying a hair system, Quit exercising for fear it was increasing testosterone, Oil applications, Biotin supplements, Laser Light Therapy ($700), Doubling my Propecia dose. The list goes on but I won’t bore you.

1 year ago I decided to get a hair transplant. I probably spent over a hundred hours researching surgeons, techniques, studying results. I decided to go with Dr. Safiye Kurt. She’s based in Istanbul.

I chose Dr. Kurt, because he seemed to be performing FUE (I’ll get into this), and had good results.

My results were pretty good. The transplant made a huge difference in the overall appearance of my hair. I went from a receding hairline to a solid but mature hairline. I didn’t want the hairline of a 15 year old. I wanted something to match my age.

However, I do have some gaps where the hair didn’t grow and I have a fairly large bald spot on the right side of my head where my surgeon probably removed too many hairs.

I would do it again in a heartbeat. In fact, I’m going in for a touch-up procedure in May. I’m going with Dr. Safiye Kurt as second session.














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that does look really good for such a large area being covered.


but I think u need to lower ur hairline and create a more natural looking hairline. ur head is large and therefore u really need probably another 3000 grafts to give any real density. doesn't look like u have that many in ur donor zone but tough to tell from those pics.


do u have body hair?

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  • 2 weeks later...
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It was the maximum amount of grafr for first session. I am considering another session within few months to increase density. Hope it will be much better ;)


Is the average amount of growth for that amount of graphs??? I mean looks good, but as a guy in my 30s I have started to thin badly . I fear that's just not enough growth for me if this is the average amount
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I am planning two undergo second session for more 3000+ grafts if my donor will be enough, if not as doc recommendation she will use my body hair. Bu doc told me that boady hair is really not convenient for life time. They might be fall down after a while. Anyhow she will transplant both body hair and donor hair too.


that does look really good for such a large area being covered.


but I think u need to lower ur hairline and create a more natural looking hairline. ur head is large and therefore u really need probably another 3000 grafts to give any real density. doesn't look like u have that many in ur donor zone but tough to tell from those pics.


do u have body hair?

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Hi royalkhaled,


Amazing result and coverage! I'm sure you're over the moon.


I'll continue to follow your posts.

Any questions, please let me know.


Robert Ha, Senior Patient Advisor

Dr. H. Rahal is a highly esteemed member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

Rahal - Restoring more than just hair™


Current Hair Loss Arsenal:

Proscar 5mg (Cut into 1/4): 1x Daily

Generic Minoxidil 5%: 2x Daily

Nizoral Shampoo: 2x weekly

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