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Turning 25 and considering a HT as an option, Pics included please help.

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Hello everyone,


This is my first post here and it is good to be in a place that is filled with such knowledge i hope to get alot out of posting here. My story is basically im turning 25 and im looking to get a HT, or atleast get some informed opinions about weather i would be suitable for one or not.

Just to add to this i am currently on Proscar(1.25mg) Minoxidil 5% with Retin-A and also Nizoral. My Hairloss has been so far gradual and im happy i have not progressed TOOO far down the norwood scale. I have had hairloss since i was about 20 i guess. My father is 56 with what i guess could be a NW 4/5ish Pattern, my uncle is a badly gone NW 3V that progressed really bad.


I have enclosed some pictures for you to view, i hope they load properly. I guess what i wanted to know is would you think i am a suitable candidate. I am Australian and have been in email communication with Dr. Pathomvanich in Thailand who i believe is a preferred HT doctor on this board, just also to note i am realistic with the results i can achieve i like my hair long and would sacrifice lowering my hairline aslong as i could sport some sort of fringe style. So far i have been told by the Doctor that i would need maybe 2000 grafts along the hairline. I plan to visit him in a couple of months as my Girlfriend is currently in Indonesia so only a hour flight to Thailand.


Sorry if this post makes no sense, have been pretty depressed about my hairloss lately and kinda feel like im running out of hope.


Thanks guys.











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Hello everyone,


This is my first post here and it is good to be in a place that is filled with such knowledge i hope to get alot out of posting here. My story is basically im turning 25 and im looking to get a HT, or atleast get some informed opinions about weather i would be suitable for one or not.

Just to add to this i am currently on Proscar(1.25mg) Minoxidil 5% with Retin-A and also Nizoral. My Hairloss has been so far gradual and im happy i have not progressed TOOO far down the norwood scale. I have had hairloss since i was about 20 i guess. My father is 56 with what i guess could be a NW 4/5ish Pattern, my uncle is a badly gone NW 3V that progressed really bad.


I have enclosed some pictures for you to view, i hope they load properly. I guess what i wanted to know is would you think i am a suitable candidate. I am Australian and have been in email communication with Dr. Pathomvanich in Thailand who i believe is a preferred HT doctor on this board, just also to note i am realistic with the results i can achieve i like my hair long and would sacrifice lowering my hairline aslong as i could sport some sort of fringe style. So far i have been told by the Doctor that i would need maybe 2000 grafts along the hairline. I plan to visit him in a couple of months as my Girlfriend is currently in Indonesia so only a hour flight to Thailand.


Sorry if this post makes no sense, have been pretty depressed about my hairloss lately and kinda feel like im running out of hope.


Thanks guys.











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  • Senior Member

2000 grafts sound a little on the higher side. If you're planning to fill your temples, around 1500 should do.


Btw, your hair looks quite good as it is. Research well to determine if you're currently a candidate for HT in the first place.

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Thankyou for the reply Forrest and i guess the compliment on my hair icon_smile.gif. This is all very early stages for me. I must say i have been holding up well with the big 3 so far, my main problem was ive always had a high hairline (Forehead) and have always had a mountain of hair to disguise that. Now that i have started thinning im not looking to massively lower my hairline but more fill in with the NW 2 patter i have to thicken the whole area up. I hope this makes sense to you guys because im pretty lost hahah.

Im not rushing into this thats for sure i have told DR. P that i wouldnt not have this operation done for atleast 6 - 12 months as id like to see if my hairloss stabilizes or degenerates further. I guess i was just wanting some honest opinions from people who have more experience then me.


So thankyou so much.

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  • Senior Member

Timmy25, I am in the exact same boat as you.


I've always had a "BIG" forehead and in the past it was hidden because my hair would cover it up. As the years go by, my hair continues to recede and recede and my "BIG" forehead is more and more apparent.


I used to gel my hair (I think you've all seen the gelled asian look), but because the temple region is disappearing, I am no longer able to gel my hair. I have to just towel dry and let my hair get a tad frizzy simply to make it have a fuller illusion


I'm at most a NW3 Vertex, so I am not bad at all at age 29, but if I could fill in my temples again, (1500 grafts would fix it), I would look like I'm 21 again icon_smile.gif

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I have to just towel dry and let my hair get a tad frizzy simply to make it have a fuller illusion



LOL, oh how i hear this. Are you planning on getting a HT or have you already had one?? Im going to plan it out over the next year and carefully study where i am and where i want to be. I think i have a pretty realistic goal in not lowering the hairline but just thickening where it is already with the goal of having a Fringe (Bangs as i believe Americans may call them) but yeah seems like at the moment 1500 grafts seems to be the consensus

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  • Regular Member

Howdy Timmy,

In all honesty your hair looks pretty good so you may be better off waiting and seeing what the meds do. However, if you do choose to go ahead I'd go with as many grafts as i could get!! I had a procedure with DR Path about 7 weeks ago & found the experience very good....Im sure he will give you some good advice,


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Hey Cautious,


Thanks mate. Yeah like i said im not really going to make a move for awhile but i guess you could say ive started to THINK about it and i guess i have realised that at this point this is the only realistic option to have hair (given the right circumstances) I plan to go and meet with the Doctor in December or January for a face to face visit i will be getting alot of Questions ready to ask and plan out a realistic goal IF I DECIDE TO GO THROUGH WITH IT.

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Thankyou Guys icon_smile.gif. I will definitely stay on medication no worries about that. I still do plan to attend a meeting with Dr P when im in thailand however and maybe set up a plan for the next couple of years to see what we can come up with.


Thanks though guys, thanks alot.

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And also sorry if i have offended anyone or anything, my query was genuine and not looking at getting compliments or anything like that. In my eyes i feel i have receeded a fair way and i realise alot of people on here will be a bit further into the balding process then me, so thankyou for your opinions once again.



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  • Senior Member

Your hair looks awesum, much better than mine and im 24. I honestly don't think you need a transplant yet, stay on the meds and assess the situation when your older/lost more hair!

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100%, listen to the other guys here. Now is NOT your time my man. Enjoy your hair!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Ok, thankyou all for your honest opinions. I will continue to stick with the Big 3 for a couple of years atleast to hopefully continue maintaining what i have and assess the situation If/When it gets worse, thanks guys for all your help.



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  • Senior Member

Timmy25, I dont think your photos will offend anyone.


Everyone's hairloss is different, I showed off my hair too and everyone said it looked fine


We are our own worst critics when it comes to hairloss since you yourself knows your hair best...


I personally would love to get 3000 grafts right now and be postpone my hairloss fascination, I know if I get 3000 right now, I probably wont have to worry about hairloss for another 10 years.


The tricky thing here for EVERYONE on the site is, each one of us that is losing hair does it at different rates, that is what makes it difficult. I've seen other 28 year olds and they are completely bald, while I'm better off with good head of hair with recession and diffused thinning (plus i'm asian, so my coarse hair really really helps)


Getting a HT is a personal decision, but there are several folks on here that have truly gone through the experience and knows what it's like.


I posted a new topic and asked a specific question and no one answered. The question was


"Who received a HT and wished they had waited?"


Many users on this site that had received a HT usually say "I wish I had got a HT earlier in my life"


So again, it's all personal decision, but choose wisely.

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