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2000 grafts dr karadeniz


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Swooping, you need to watch your language here. Who are you to call me a kid? You being a the representative of another clinic and a troll doesn't give you the right to insult a doctor..


Just because you are dr does not give the right or privilege to insult people calling them a troll or a clinic rep or intellectually inferior just as swooping should not be calling you a child.

As a dr you should show more self control and let the moderators do their job and deal with these things.

Can we please try and stop with all this insulting there's no need for it especially from a recommended dr here.


Let's concentrate on what Roscoe has to say after all it is his thread.


Hope you had a good journey home Roscoe how was the journey was there any problem with the hat? You didn't dislodge any more grafts ?

Were you getting any strange looks on your travels ?

Has the sleeping situation improved now your home?

Would like to know the answers to these seen as how I'm gonna be in the same boat in a few weeks so any tips always appreciated.

Have a nice day and a speedy recovery.

Edited by 1966kph
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Agree with 1966kph theres no need for this on someone's thread. Start another thread if you feel so strongly about it, its embarrassing tbh.

If the doctor would kindly answer what rossco123 stressed concerns about you would be appreciated after all it is he's thread. and i believe he asked you via email to comment about what stress he concerned about you not to answer back to someone thats obviously got a hatred for you. The whole things silly if you ask me people come to this site for help not to look at arguments.


Any way i hope all is well roscco123 hows things going

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At other members? I'm only helping members here, the only who i'm throwing stones at is Karadeniz. With all valid reasons. But yeah ultimately your salary is paid by him so no wonder you got to protect him. Sad story. You are getting to the bottom of this? False suspicion on nothing. You begin to slander me in the same way as Karadeniz does? What a hero. Here I'll help you to get to the bottom of this;


View Profile: Swoop - Hair Loss Talk Support Forums


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I'm a moderator too at stopaga.com too, it's a private forum with around 500 active member a day. Ask Blake, he's a member there. Perhaps you can scroll around in these forums in my post history, you'll see what opinion people have about me. They only have good stuff to say about me cause guess what; I am there for the members. To educate, engage in interesting discussions and provide my straightforward honest opinion. Heck, I am even going to do something big which will be centered around innovation for the AGA sufferers. Your turn now.


Also I'm in mailing with 2 renowned hairloss researchers and I'll be present at the hair congress in November. You can meet me there. Want that proof too? Or wait perhaps you want a scan of my ID?


Seeing how also most members voted against a doctor joining this site it seems like this site isn't here for the members. It's more like a dictatorship based on nepotism. Even one of your most objective and helpful members left because he felt that something wasn't right. Ban me all you want I'll keep providing my opinion about Karadeniz. Ok I'll be less harsh, but I will definitely heavily advise against him if people ask for opinions. Not only on this forum, I'm already doing that across all forums. If you still ban me that's ok Bill, you think I will sleep any less over it? Heck I will probably smile because it will lay down your motives and the foundation of this site.


To remind you; nothing what I did was wrong, I reported Karadeniz immediately when he slandered me. What did you do Bill? Absolutely nothing. If it would be the other way around a member would be banned immediately.




Yeah, there is it Bill. From time to time it's good to hold a mirror to your own face. Again do what you want then, if I can't give my opinion it's clear. Honesty wins in the end anyway.


Dear Bill and all members of the forum,


I admit that I did a very risky thing by putting clinics using technicians for FUE in Turkey on the operating table. I probably annoyed not only technician clinics, but clinics that have a reputable surgeon using technicians for graft extractions. It is not surprising that million dollar companies have representatives that even moderate their own forums to improve business and will accept no limits in promoting the clinics they represent.


I would like to make it clear at this point that my motivations were not derived by a marketing strategy to downgrade these clinics as a matter of competition; it is all about patient benefits. Patients should be allowed to know what they are offered. IMO it is okay for a patient to go to a technicians clinic as long as he knows who is going to do the treatment and what he should expect from it. It is okay for a patient to choose a reputable surgeon using a technician for graft extractions as long as he thinks that a hairline design by this reputable surgeon is worth the investment. It is also okay to choose a doctors only clinic where all graft extractions and recipient site incisions are done by the doctor himself.


This is not the thread to discuss this, but at this moment when an avalanche of trolls are attacking me for sharing my philosophy, which may have put other philosophies at question, I would like to clarify;

Once a doctors reputation goes very high up in the rankings, it may not be possible to have this doctor do the whole procedure, from a business standpoint. After the price of a surgeon goes beyond 10.000-20.000 Euros per procedure, it is not possible to increase the price much. What can a surgeon do if he has a waiting list of 6 months and his price is close to the maximum? Can he start charging 50.000? I don't think so. Again from a business standpoint, there may be no option but to use technicians to be able to do multiple procedures a day.


I am aware of this fact and have no intentions to criticise these institutions. However, I still think that the patients have a right to know that, the use of technicians in this case, is not due to the fact that technicians can do extractions equally well compared to this surgeon, or technicians can be used because hairline design is the only critical part of the procedure; it is a necessity dictated by business.


I believe I have said enough on this topic; therefore I will stop posting my opinions that seems to encourage fierce arguments, as I am now spending all my time on the forum answering shills, instead of posting on scientific discussions and patient results.


Dear Rossco123,


I have sent you a couple of emails trying to answer your questions in detail, however I have not received a reply. I also offered to talk to you on the phone, as I believe talking live will be much more fruitful than posting on the forum under the shade of trolls, who love this opportunity to insult me. I will wait for a while to see if you would like to communicate with me. If not, I will answer your questions openly on the forum.

Ali Emre Karadeniz, MD (Dr. K)

AEK Hair Institute

Istanbul, Turkey

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I have asked you not to post on any other topic until the issue with you sharing multiple IP addresses with other users has been resolved. Since you have not provided a clear explanation nor can you listen to simple instructions, your account is suspended.




I expect this forum to be filled with dissenting opinions. However, if you are truly a forum moderator you should be familiar with the typical rules and regulations of a discussion forum community. Furthermore, don't you expect people to follow your forum rules? We expect the same here. I have asked you to be respectful and keep the childish insults off this forum. Instead, you accuse me of being unethical, which is the furthest from the truth. You may disagree with a particular doctor's recommendation, but your opinion isn't the only one that matters. He has proven to meet our high standards for recommendation.


Look the bottom line is, this topic is to discuss Roscoe's hair transplant procedure and nothing else. I expect you to stay on topic when you participate in a discussion and to be respectful. Simple at that.



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Hi Guys,


Seems like things are becoming too heated here, so I want to see if I can cool things off a bit:


First, the name calling is unnecessary. It doesn't matter if it comes from a physician, patient, or moderator. There is no place for it and it won't be tolerated.


Second, I do know Swooping from his activity here and his activity on the forum he moderates, and he's a legitimate poster. He's been involved with online communities for a number of years and I have no reason to believe he's secretly representing a clinic. Frankly, it seems like he and Dr. Karadeniz got off on the wrong foot. I don't think they are going to change on another's mind, so it may be best to simply ignore each other.


Also, Bill's comments are a result of a wave of recent controversy from another clinic. We've had significant issues with members covertly promoting other clinics via similar arguments, and this is why he made the initial comment. The situation has been very stressful and created a lot of work for the moderators. I think the comments are a reflection of this situation.


Lastly, we need to respect this member's thread. He created it to share his experience and ask legitimate questions, and I feel like it's been 'hijacked.'


From now on, please report inappropriate posts in this thread instead of responding or fighting. It's taking away from Roscoe's legitimate experience and getting us no where. I hope this clears a few things up.



"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Thank you blake.

I think we should all wait to see what Roscoe has to say now.

This is all very entertaining but its not a game of chess we should all think before we make a move and think about what we're saying more to keep things civil and on topic.

Have a good day all

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Hi guys. Im sorry for the delay in getting back on here....but what a surprise, whats happened to my thread, its got a bit crazy here..... right journey home wasnt actually to bad, I managed to get a bucket style hat and turn it up at the sides.... I looked like bloody heisenberg from breaking bad... and suppose it kinda looked funky aswell... but main point it was compfy, covered the areas it needed to and didnt cause any damage to my grafts like the previous night. I got the odd look from peope, but sometimes I feel it is in our heads. As at an airport we see all manners of different people and different styles, so it was ok to be different... at turkish airport I had to remove hat slightly, they saw blood on head and let me through, then back in scotland had to remove again to get through customs...but by that time my journey was nearly finished so was just desperate to get it done....and get home to my partner and newborn son....whom mite I add has hair like me now haha...1966kph just make sure you take a hat like that and is loose fitting. Dr karadeniz said a no to baseball caps and wooly 1s...both of which I brought to cover area

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Oh and did my 1st hairwash today. That was scary, so scared to touch area, so was a gentle pat on areas with the shampoo, and light drizzle from shower.... now its time to hide in the house for couple of days till redness dies down a bit.... I think this is when maybe being a vampire would help, as at night nobody can see our heads haha

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Apologize in advance as this comment below is probably off-topic from the patient started thread but for those reading this thread for what it has become , I want to make a few things clear as I see them --


I think the moderators do a pretty good job here on this forum keeping it sane and level headed . When has freedom of expression ever been suppressed ? I cannot think of one example.


What needs to be called out is uncivilized discourse and name calling -- that is akin to cyber bullying and people who indulge in such behavior have no place on this forum.


The moderators may benefit from the commercial aspects of this website -- but tell me what exactly is wrong with that ? Their time and resources spent in maintaining and running this site are just as valuable as our time and money in our individual professions.


And this site's value to sponsors / doctors derives precisely from the fact that it manages to remain objective and thus draws viewers to it. The moment it stops doing that, the forum will lose its audience and the monetary value accruing to the forum owners will go down.


-- People who keep lambasting the moderators that " oh, you are just going to support surgeons since they are the ones paying your $$$ " should remember this very important dynamic .


No ones viewpoint is ever perfect, and that is why we have open debates but when they devolve into situations like the one here , there is no productive outcome.


I value this forum too much to have it become a circus and turn other people off from benefiting from what is in my opinion among the top 3 or 4 resources on hair loss , bar none .


FUT #1, ~ 1600 grafts hairline (Ron Shapiro 2004)

FUT #2 ~ 2000 grafts frontal third (Ziering 2011)

FUT #3 ~ 1900 grafts midscalp (Ron Shapiro early 2015)

FUE ~ 1500 grafts frontal third, side scalp, FUT scar repair --300 beard, 1200 scalp (Ron Shapiro, late 2016)




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Well said sir.

Have a good day


Apologize in advance as this comment below is probably off-topic from the patient started thread but for those reading this thread for what it has become , I want to make a few things clear as I see them --


I think the moderators do a pretty good job here on this forum keeping it sane and level headed . When has freedom of expression ever been suppressed ? I cannot think of one example.


What needs to be called out is uncivilized discourse and name calling -- that is akin to cyber bullying and people who indulge in such behavior have no place on this forum.


The moderators may benefit from the commercial aspects of this website -- but tell me what exactly is wrong with that ? Their time and resources spent in maintaining and running this site are just as valuable as our time and money in our individual professions.


And this site's value to sponsors / doctors derives precisely from the fact that it manages to remain objective and thus draws viewers to it. The moment it stops doing that, the forum will lose its audience and the monetary value accruing to the forum owners will go down.


-- People who keep lambasting the moderators that " oh, you are just going to support surgeons since they are the ones paying your $$$ " should remember this very important dynamic .


No ones viewpoint is ever perfect, and that is why we have open debates but when they devolve into situations like the one here , there is no productive outcome.


I value this forum too much to have it become a circus and turn other people off from benefiting from what is in my opinion among the top 3 or 4 resources on hair loss , bar none .

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Rossco 123 I am very interested in your progress I was booked to take the plunge in feb but canceled got cold feet conflicting info was motorised extraction best or manual best survival rate or implanted by pen or other means in the end I canceled just found it was all about money I even booked all the flights so lost about 300 pounds but felt released when I called it off still didn't see your pics

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Hey 1966kph


Hows everything?howd your op go?


I think mines is going as planned. Scabbing lasted about 7-10 days for me. I must have been a quick healer. There is nothing more upsetting though than when the scabs fall off with hairs attatched. No matter how much you read that it is normal etc... you think you have done something wrong. Im now in what they call the ugly duckling phase, ive had a fair bit of shock loss on the top of head but im just leaving it now to grow as i do not suit a skin head.... i just really wish i could fast forward 6 months :-)


I spoke with Dr Karadeniz re my concerns,but in the end it was like talking to a wall. He has now he stated sends his clients to a new hotel im sure he said 5 star, so i guess atleast people in future will not experience what i had. I felt he was quite patronising during discussion,he offered me 10 euros, to compensate re breakfast and hotel, not even 10 bloody pound....lol.... then he offered me a night in this new hotel,if i return to istanbul...come on im hardly going to pay 200-300 pound to fly there to benefit from his gesture of 1 night... he then never replied to my emails. So he talked a good game before surgery, really poor experience during and aftercare pretty poor aswell.... for a dr that wants to break into uk he sure gotta learn alot , a wee email to see how everything is etc wouldnt go a miss...i asked him to put my photos up aswell...no reply on that subject... So if anybody asked i wouldnt recommend him... i only hope his transplant skills are better than the rest...time will tell

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Hey Danny


Who were you booked to go with? Thats a shame you called it off, but yeah if you aint 100% sure then best to take a small financial hit than regret for life.....what pics? Ive got some at start of post if they any use? Im still not 100% sure how to upload from my phone or would have added a few from present(not that there is much to see) lol... i also think you will always get contradicting information re whats best, but yeah i think majority especially in turkey its about the money... you did right thing mate

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Good to hear your good obviously apart from the shock loss.

Have you any photos you could share.?

I don't think Dr Karadeniz has advertised himself very well with your case thats for sure

and what you have just said high lights this further still.

I suppose we could make allowances for some parts of what you've stated

because his practice is in its infancy but some aspects are shockingly poor.

But as you say its the results that matter and with this I wish you all the best.

My jaunt over to Turkey went as smooth as smooth could be apart from the journey out.

I have a neck and back problems that gives me really bad headaches which in turn makes me

feel really sick so I did not sleep the night before the ht and the last meal I had was on the plane until half way through the ht.

Once I had taken the painkillers before the op it took about half a hour and I felt fine.

A part from that everything was perfect a faultless service from being picked up at the airport to being dropped off back at the airport.

My thread with pics is in the fue section if you want a gander?

I'm 14 days post op tomorrow and will be posting fresh photos, a little tender in donor and numb in recipient but all in all I'm good.

Would really like to see photos of yours to see the extent of the shock loss as far as I am aware I have zero and I hope it stays that way.

Has most of the transplanted hair shed or have you just lost what came away with the scabs.

Will be interesting to compare results yours from a recommended doc and mine from a dr who's name and clinic I cannot reffer to.

Yours who gave you a shoddy service and mine who's was flawless.

Results though thats all that matters now and I'm sure you feel the same you just want the hair the rest will just be a distant memory and so hopefully will your hairloss problems.

Pics if you would be so kind ?

Here's to outstanding growth for the both of us.

You have a nice day

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i finally managed to get some photos up, excuse the positioning, forgot to rotate etc, was just happy to finally have got them up. As you can see ive had alot of shock loss on top, as well as shedding all the hair that was transplanted.... but i did alot of reading and i guess this is the norm

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