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Hair Transplant without using Propecia

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Hi All,


I'd like an advice from the experts here, as they have been very useful to other members. So, I am planning to conduct a hair transplant procedure soon, but I won't be using Propecia because of the side effects. Is it possible to lose the hair that was transplanted from the donor area? Theoretically, my donor area does not suffer from any hair loss at all. So, hair loss should not be a issue since my donor area is in good shape. Hair transplant is my last resort, I do not want to use Propecia. I am 25 years old. Thank you all.

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I concur with the advice above. You should not be doing a HT if you are not a candidate and willing patient of Propecia. Flat out, that is a horrible idea and if a physician is telling you that this is an acceptable approach then you are possibly pursuing a HT with a corrupt doctor.


In the end it's your call, but having a HT done without using Propecia for anyone under 60 is a very bad idea. In the end you will never have anymore hairs on your head then you do at this current moment. A HT does not give more hair and Propecia doesn't regrow lost hair. What you have is what you have to work with. Without Propecia you will continue to loose hair and you will only have so much to be able to transplant to fill the voids on your head. It is a procedure that involves an incredible amount of foresight and talent by the doctor. I'm not sure what your age is, but assuming you are still a young man I would advise against proceeding (if you are not currently and successfully on meds). Without Propecia you will be in bad shape. Disagree? Then go ahead and listen to the doctor who is telling you otherwise and then look me up on here in 3-6 years and tell me I was wrong. You will be placing hairs that will likely never fall out around hairs that will eventually be lost, which is not a pretty sight.


Sorry for the long narrative, but I think this is a topic that patients really need to understand and stop thinking that there is a way around - there is not. On that note, Propecia side effects are extremely rare and those who report them are typically suffering from ED with or without Propecia. While the side effects are scary, as they are with all medication, you need to understand that they are very rare and probably worth the minor risk if you are a big enough gambler to pursue a HT in the first place. If a HT is something you want to do then you should take meds for at least a year, see if your hair loss has stabilized and you are free from side effects and then you are in a position to pursue a HT. If you don't want to do a HT keep on the meds, as they will significantly slow down your genetic battle of hair loss.

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It depends on your hair situation and your outlook in the future, but also life in my opinion. But yes in certain situations getting a HT at this point in time without using medication isn't a bad idea at all.


Regarding your question about your donor area, when they are transplanted they won't get affected by androgenetic alopecia.

Edited by Swooping

Proud to be a representative of world elite hair transplant surgeon Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic.



Online consultations: damian@bhrclinic.com

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It depends on your hair situation and your outlook in the future, but also life in my opinion. But yes in certain situations getting a HT at this point in time without using medication isn't a bad idea at all.


Regarding your question about your donor area, when they are transplanted they won't get affected by androgenetic alopecia.


What certain situations?

Not a bad idea you say ? Why you say that?

So all donor folicals stays alive do they?

If that's the case everybody would be a good canidate then huh?

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I concur with the advice above. You should not be doing a HT if you are not a candidate and willing patient of Propecia. Flat out, that is a horrible idea and if a physician is telling you that this is an acceptable approach then you are possibly pursuing a HT with a corrupt doctor.


In the end it's your call, but having a HT done without using Propecia for anyone under 60 is a very bad idea. In the end you will never have anymore hairs on your head then you do at this current moment. A HT does not give more hair and Propecia doesn't regrow lost hair. What you have is what you have to work with. Without Propecia you will continue to loose hair and you will only have so much to be able to transplant to fill the voids on your head. It is a procedure that involves an incredible amount of foresight and talent by the doctor. I'm not sure what your age is, but assuming you are still a young man I would advise against proceeding (if you are not currently and successfully on meds). Without Propecia you will be in bad shape. Disagree? Then go ahead and listen to the doctor who is telling you otherwise and then look me up on here in 3-6 years and tell me I was wrong. You will be placing hairs that will likely never fall out around hairs that will eventually be lost, which is not a pretty sight.


Sorry for the long narrative, but I think this is a topic that patients really need to understand and stop thinking that there is a way around - there is not. On that note, Propecia side effects are extremely rare and those who report them are typically suffering from ED with or without Propecia. While the side effects are scary, as they are with all medication, you need to understand that they are very rare and probably worth the minor risk if you are a big enough gambler to pursue a HT in the first place. If a HT is something you want to do then you should take meds for at least a year, see if your hair loss has stabilized and you are free from side effects and then you are in a position to pursue a HT. If you don't want to do a HT keep on the meds, as they will significantly slow down your genetic battle of hair loss.


This is a tad over the top. Anyone under 60? You realize propecia doesn't stop hair loss right? Many have stabilized loss without it and many continue to lose hair (quickly) while on it.


Dr. Lindsey posted on this forum that (I believe) only 1/3 of his patients take the drug. Are you saying he is an unethical doctor? Or do you think all of his patients are old geezers who fit your age 60+ stipulation?


It depends whether the transplant would yield a natural looking hair loss pattern with continued loss. It also depends if the patient has enough donor hair and other resources to keep up with the loss, among other things.


Lastly, what kind of statement is this?


"Propecia side effects are extremely rare and those who report them are typically suffering from ED with or without Propecia."


Maybe it's time to just stop posting.

Edited by Matt27
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OP, here is a case of a 27 year old who had an FUE done with Dr. Feriduni (one of the best). He doesn't take propecia due to side effects. They will operate on younger men not on finasteride, but they use their expertise on a case by case basis.



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Have you actually gotten side effects from the drug or are you just hesitant to take it? You should know that an HT is the last step in addressing your hair loss, which starts with finasteride. If you are balding at a young age, then it is typically indicative of an aggressive pattern, which means you will likely need the drug.

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What certain situations?

Not a bad idea you say ? Why you say that?

So all donor folicals stays alive do they?

If that's the case everybody would be a good canidate then huh?


Let's say OP is 25 years old. He is a NW2-3. Balding doesn't seem to be aggressive. Has a good donor quality. Most importantly the guy values hair more at a young age than at a older age.


If you think in this case going for a hair transplant without medication for example is a bad idea you are completely wrong in my opinion. Seeing as how things develop lately in research the future is looking quite bright too.


The donor follicles don't get affected by androgenetic alopecia. Doesn't mean that they all stay alive in the process of getting a hair transplant and thereafter. But generally yields are extremely high as you know as long as you get a skilled surgeon and don't opt for extremely big sessions.

Proud to be a representative of world elite hair transplant surgeon Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic.



Online consultations: damian@bhrclinic.com

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"Balding don't seem to be aggressive "

Obvious your young & still can't see the bigger picture here.


Fact is that Nobody incl the so called top Drs can say what your going to be in 5/10 yrs down the line & if he says you will be a NW blah blah he's living in a dreamworld.


Just because you get a HT at 25 means that you may have won the battle but you defo haven't won the war

MPB don't have a time & taking drugs will help you a great deal & being on Meds will help secure your 10K investment.


I've lost count over the yrs of so many young bucks has a HT only to be back & forth the clinic over se yrs & either tapped out there donor or the wallet all could have be avoided if only they even tryed to take some sort of Meds.


Again like KO said HT should be the last stop saloon & even doing HT its never a slam dunk all the time

HT is very very risky a lot risky than many people think.


Remember this is a billion $ business & yep you see stella results out there ever day, the business wants you to see that but you don't see many bad results do you? Yep there out there & more out there than people think also.


I've got 20yrs ontop of you proberly & just trying to give some good solid advice to somebody younger cas when you get older & read your post your going to say what did I say that....yes you did.


Just be caeful about this want want want & demand demand attitude.

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Sorry...I see a few typos just on my crappy cell waiting on my next job but I sure hope you get the jist of what I'm saying here...

HT will always be there I say to young guys don't rush things but at least try Meds & don't believe everything on the web cas most of it is BS...IMHO.

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Probably best to be on meds before proceeding, but I will just add that propecia (which I have taken for some time) is by no means a miracle cure and in a lot of cases will only put the breaks temporarily on your hair loss rather than stop it all together and forever more.


If you do proceed without meds, you are likely to need more than one transplant too, as you will continue to lose native hair, Callum Best being a prime example of someone who has to have several transplants because he does not want to take Finasteride.


Calum Best ditches beard ss he prepares for THIRD hair transplant in 2 years | Daily Mail Online

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Agreed on all points FUE2014


I've been keeping in touch with this MPB for over 20yrs maybe I'm not as near most educated of the pros on here but still there's not a wk or month that goes by only to have another break through with MPB only to be yesterdays news paper....I've seen & hear all the stories.


Fin / Min is defo not perfect by any means & not all fits everbody I agree but the truth is that's all we have to work with & so, so much to know about the human body.


This is science we are messing with & that's why they call it the "practice of science"

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Sorry...I see a few typos just on my crappy cell waiting on my next job but I sure hope you get the jist of what I'm saying here...

HT will always be there I say to young guys don't rush things but at least try Meds & don't believe everything on the web cas most of it is BS...IMHO.


I agree with some points of you, also I agree that using medication is the best option obviously. However some people get side-effects and in some certain situations it is isn't a bad idea to do a HT at all without medication. I remember Erdogan or Hakan quoted that they see more and more people who refuse to go on medication.

Proud to be a representative of world elite hair transplant surgeon Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic.



Online consultations: damian@bhrclinic.com

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While it's true that people are getting HT without meds, that doesn't mean it is advisable. If they are getting side effects from meds, that does not make them a better candidate. You can get hair transplanted, and then watch it recede constantly, and go and chase your loss. Then you will have pluggy looking grafts on a bald head. We haven't even gotten to shock loss yet.

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While it's true that people are getting HT without meds, that doesn't mean it is advisable. If they are getting side effects from meds, that does not make them a better candidate. You can get hair transplanted, and then watch it recede constantly, and go and chase your loss. Then you will have pluggy looking grafts on a bald head. We haven't even gotten to shock loss yet.


Not everyone balds aggressively. HT's can bridge quite some years for many people who ain't balding that fast without meds. Secondly like I said it also depends on your outlook. I for example will give absolutely nothing about my hair when I'm 40-45 as strange as that may sound to you. Sure it's not the most optimum thing to do, but is it always a bad idea like projected? Nope.

Proud to be a representative of world elite hair transplant surgeon Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic.



Online consultations: damian@bhrclinic.com

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Sorry...I see a few typos just on my crappy cell waiting on my next job but I sure hope you get the jist of what I'm saying here...

HT will always be there I say to young guys don't rush things but at least try Meds & don't believe everything on the web cas most of it is BS...IMHO.


I think certain posters on here erroneously consider anything a net loss if you eventually end up in a worse position than you would have been without a transplant.


But if you are in a much better position for 10 years (when you are younger and your hair is much more important), that isn't necessarily the case. Especially with the prospect of new treatment options on the horizon. The OP appears to be a 3A at age 25 so I think anything more than a conservative NW3 hairline or forelock restoration would probably be unwise in his case. There is also the likely possibility that he shouldn't do anything at all.

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So being you & the Drs you mention can forcast the future MPB, maybe can you let know esp the older guys like myself of what new options are coming our way in the next dacade then?


I remember having the same outlook as you some 20 plus yrs ago, arrrr don't worry something will turn up & hear we are having the same convo.


Best out there is Fin & Min & Min has its limits....

Use it or loose it....MPB don't fix cas you had a HT.


Don't take it then have HT then your most likely be in a bad place down the road & yep trust me you will give a shit when your 40 / 45 yrs old with No donor left, a big bald patch behind the graths & proberly bank account which don't say much.

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Of course you will care at 40. I just don't agree with the typical western idea that we should sacrifice the present for the future. It's like slaving toward retirement to have the best pension years possible mentality, so you can live life to the fullest (if you even live that long) complete with your bad back and ailing heart.


I am not suggesting that the OP get a transplant. I am just arguing against the general idea that finasteride is always required... let alone up until the age of 60. That's insane.

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There are also alternatives to Fin and options to keep your hair, albeit not as effective and scientifically proven as Fin, such as saw palmetto, nettle, pygeum, beta sitosterol, topical spiro, RU, nizoral, copper peptides and minoxidil.

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Not everyone balds aggressively. HT's can bridge quite some years for many people who ain't balding that fast without meds. Secondly like I said it also depends on your outlook. I for example will give absolutely nothing about my hair when I'm 40-45 as strange as that may sound to you. Sure it's not the most optimum thing to do, but is it always a bad idea like projected? Nope.


And how do you know how a person receding in a NW3 at age 25 will bald in the future?


And when you are 40-45, you will care about your hair, especially as that is the typical age for a man to get an HT. You will definitely care if you have pluggy looking grafts and are slick bald behind it, especially if you have a strip scar. Spend enough time on the forums and you will meet these men.


You ever seen men with frontal transplants who later balded? I have, just saw one this weekend. Have another guy like that at work.

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And how do you know how a person receding in a NW3 at age 25 will bald in the future?


And when you are 40-45, you will care about your hair, especially as that is the typical age for a man to get an HT. You will definitely care if you have pluggy looking grafts and are slick bald behind it, especially if you have a strip scar. Spend enough time on the forums and you will meet these men.


You ever seen men with frontal transplants who later balded? I have, just saw one this weekend. Have another guy like that at work.


Perhaps I will but by a margin what I do at a young age. That said in 10-15 years, believe it or not there will be way better options available. I'm a extremely skeptical and objective person but considering how the pace and development is going the future is looking bright. With the Taiwanese being the primary example.

Proud to be a representative of world elite hair transplant surgeon Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic.



Online consultations: damian@bhrclinic.com

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The future is very dim. I would not expect anything to come out for about 10 years, and if it does, it is a nice bonus. Taking interesting work from a laboratory to clinical studies to trials to actual approval and release is a long, long road.

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The future is very dim. I would not expect anything to come out for about 10 years, and if it does, it is a nice bonus. Taking interesting work from a laboratory to clinical studies to trials to actual approval and release is a long, long road.


The primary exciting papers and research lately is coming from countries like taiwan, korea etc. Primarily Asian countries. I'm in contact with one of them. The timelines you are talking about definitely don't apply to those countries.

Proud to be a representative of world elite hair transplant surgeon Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic.



Online consultations: damian@bhrclinic.com

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