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Can a NW7 have a transplant?

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My name is Am and i am 30 and have been going bald/hair thinning since 20 ... I believe i will be a norwood 6/7 in a year or 2 as its continuously thinning.


I am an Indian male and naturally hairy -

- thick hair on the sides of my head,

- thick hair on my face (beard),

- Medium thick hair on cheast, legs, arms etc


So have plenty of hair on my body


I am looking for a hair transplant - FUE but can not afford the prices in the UK.


Does anybody know of clinics in Europe that are good, and cheap? I would like as much hair as possible so looking for over 3000 grafts if that is possible.


Is 5000 grafts realistic?


I have heard that Turkey is good ....




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  • Senior Member

Have you considered taking medications like finasteride? I understand you might have read about its side effects, however, I will say that those side effects are uncommon and most people tolerate the drug well, without any issue. It may help you, and if you post pictures of your situation, forum members may be able to guide you.

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  • Regular Member
Have you considered taking medications like finasteride? I understand you might have read about its side effects, however, I will say that those side effects are uncommon and most people tolerate the drug well, without any issue. It may help you, and if you post pictures of your situation, forum members may be able to guide you.


This is honestly a poor suggestion for someone who is a NW6/7.


The way Finasteride/Rogaine work are you need hair to make hair. It will not magically grow tons of hair. It can possibly maintain existing hair, while additionally having the potential to make it thicker.


If you don't have hair it will do nothing, and even if you do there is no guarantee it will work.

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  • Senior Member

You have no idea what you're talking about. Finasteride is always a good suggestion for somebody who wants to retain hair. It doesn't "possibly" maintain existing hair, it conclusively maintains existing hair. Furthermore, even a NW6 can be in danger of his sides dropping down or his donor thinning out. In addition, he may be showing a NW6 pattern, but with still substantial native hair in it.


Furthermore, he has not established that he is a NW7 via photos, he just thinks he is.

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  • Senior Member

Agree. Even nw6 pts should be on fin, it helps keep the sides from dropping.


You'd need to post photos to get any kind of recommendation or see a recommended clinic.


My general and personal thought is that if you are really headed to a nw7 at 30, you should really consider trying the shaved head for a while and seeing if you can accept it. A nw7 can get limited coverage and limited density, but not the kind that will make most 30 year olds happy.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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