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Hair Transplant booked with Dr. Felix Popescu


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Hi all,


This is my first post on the forum.


I have made a booking with Dr. Felix Popescu in Bucharest, Romania at the end of November.


I've been quoted €6,000 for 7,000 hairs, which seem like a great price considering the website quotes a standard price of €1 per hair


Now, initially I didn't think I would require anywhere close to 7,000 hairs as I am not fully bald on top (yet?)


Does this seem reasonable?






I look forward to reading your replies

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Hi, welcome to the forum! Regarding your question; Did he recommend 6-7 k of "hairs", or "grafts"?




He recommended 7,000 Hairs based on the pictures I sent him.


The quoted price of which is €6,000


I have no idea how to gauge or quantify 7,000 hairs but it sounds like a lot?

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with ur amount of hair loss 7000 hairs won't make a dent in what u will need. ull need double that at a minimum.


7000 hairs is like 3000 grafts giv or take if u factor in doubles and triples. ur certainly not gonna have 7000 single hair grafts transplanted.


again, 3000 grafts will do nothing to alter ur appearance.


how much body hair do u have? and how much facial hair? ur gonna need both if u want to restore ur head back to a reasonable level of hair loss. its tough to gauge ur donor area based on ur pics. post some better pics of ur donor zone.




He recommended 7,000 Hairs based on the pictures I sent him.


The quoted price of which is €6,000


I have no idea how to gauge or quantify 7,000 hairs but it sounds like a lot?

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  • Senior Member

A graft can contain between 1 and 5 hair follicles. The extraction work in FUE is the same, independently of the hair count, except if the surgeon chooses to change the extraction instrument, but this is very uncommon, and I doubt that Dr. Popescu does this. Thus it is not common to pay per hair, but per graft. The extracted grafts in average contain somewhat like 2,2 hairs.

7.000 hairs hence would equal 3181 grafts.


The price per graft then is average, about 2 Euro. He does only present 3 grown cases on his page, though. They look ok, but hmmm..

If I were you, I would rather look into doing it in Turkey, or pay a little more and go with belgian docs. Your case it not easy, as you seem to have below average donor, but a huge area to cover. Plus, and that`s very important, you have a lot of miniaturization, hence the danger of shockloss is to be considered. You definitely need a wise long term plan. I`d suggest that you spend some more time researching, looking at results, comparing surgeons, and asking specific questions. All the best!

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Wow, thanks for the informative replies BUSA and Questionmark.


I have already paid a €500 deposit but now you've given me some serious doubts! :-/


Im not expecting a thick head of luscious hair but realistically I would hope for "all over" although less dense cover


Do you not think that would be possible with 3000 grafts / 7000 hairs??



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Please upload a picture on which your donor area is shown. We would need to know your age, also. But I can tell you now that 3000 grafts never will give you a satisfying result, let alone a natural one. You definitely need two procedures, one 3500-4500, better over two days, and then you hopefully have enough donor left to add density. Maybe via bodygrafts? In any case if I were you I would be as careful as possible with planning. You got only one donor ;)

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The hair transplant industry is unfortunately unlike any other industry in that it lacks significant regulation/oversight yet demands a HUGE amount of expertise. With your amount of loss, you do NOT get a second chance to get things right. If I were in your shoes, I would only go to a recommended top 10 surgeon. You are not purchasing a TV; you are purchasing an image that you and everyone else will look at for the rest of your life. I have seen so many people visit unknown surgeons and get butchered. Who knows, you may be one of the lucky few, but why take the chance?


I saw what a top Ivy league educated doctor did to my father back in the 90s; I just don't want the same thing to happen to you, mate.Very few doctors should be doing hair transplantations. Please note that this is only my opinion.


In Europe, for FUE, I like:


Dr. Feriduni

Dr. Bisanga

Dr. Lorenzo


You can also check out the recommended Turkish Doctors. For FUT, I like: Hasson & Wong

Dr. Konior

Shapiro Medical Group


I hope it all works out for you. Cheers!

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Pretty much agree with what has been said.


7000 hairs should get you a moderate to low density over the region I've marked below, with density decreasing in the direction of the white arrow.


Probably 1500 of the hairs will be grafted as single hair units in the hairline with the other 5500 being multi hair grafts. So I expect the 7000 hairs would be 1500 + 5500/2 = 3750 grafts.


I don't know much about the doctor.


4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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