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Hair Transplantation in Turkey / My HT result 3200 graft FUE with Safiye Kurt

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Hello everyone! I received a FUE hair transplant from Safiye Kurt on February, 2014 that consisted of 3200 grafts. I have written up a decently comprehensive story of my hair loss history and hair transplant experiences to educate others on the process. Please ask additional questions if you so desire.


My hair loss at the temple regions became noticeable during my last year of college at 22. The loss was minor and it never really bothered me from an emotional or social perspective. Over the last ten years I receded back to a Norwood 3 pattern but my hair and low hair-scalp contrast allowed me to cover the recession to a large extent with a well-placed comb over. I became more self-aware of my hair loss when I accepted a post-doctoral position in a university setting. The sight of Norwood 1s on an everyday basis created envy within me that I was unable to shake. I wanted my hairline back…even if it was higher than when I started!

I was under the impression that hair transplant procedures were now a simple surgical procedure on par with a breast enhancement surgery. I did enough research to determine that hair transplantation had greatly improved since the “plug days,” therefore, I knew I could obtain a natural result. Unfortunately, I did not realize that some surgeons were vastly superior based on their scientific knowledge of hair transplantation and artistic ability. I committed to intense research through several online hair loss sites. After six months of research, I choose hair transplant specialist Safiye Kurt for my procedure based on her ethics, her hairline philosophy and consistent results. Hopefully after this procedure I can forget about hair loss for the next 5-10 years since I am taking propecia/proscar, I currently do not have thinning anywhere else (based on visual and microscopic analyses) and my family hair loss history is favorable (worst cases are Norwood 3v or 4).

I choose Safiye Kurt for my hair transplant due to several factors. First, I agree with her hairline philosophy. It’s aggressive, but not absurd. I was worried that an aggressive, flat hairline might look weird if I ever start thinning in the crown area. But after looking a many, many older men over the last year, my fears more or less receded . I saw a large amount of older men who had an adult hairline (several centimeters above the crease), no corner recession, yet had crown thinning. Second, I choose her because of the consistency of her results, especially the ones that were posted by the patient. Her results were constantly “wow” results, especially for cases that resembled my balding pattern (hairline and corner recession only). Third, the price was right.

Here is my 4th and 6th month result. I will be more than happy to receive your comment and feedback.














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  • Regular Member

The results seem great. You should be happy. I myself talked to Adem and Hevva clinic just a few weeks ago and I'm considering to do the surgery in June. I'm really nervous to be honest. But what was your experience in general with them?

How did the recovery period look like? Did you lose all your hair and then have it all grow back?

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  • Senior Member

You are a clinic representative? If so, can you please post better after photos? The one you showed has a few problems.


- It doesn't give a top view.

- There is shade on top.

- The light source is behind you, which makes the hair on top look thicker than it is.

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  • Senior Member

Congrats on your procedure, It looks like you have had some growth in the hairline although it is impossible to tell the result on the rest of your scalp as your pictures are front on only and not in the same lighting as your pre op pics. And you did have some hair in the hairline pre op already.


Also you say 'a flat hairline would look weird if you ever lost hair in the crown area'. And your 'balding pattern is hairline and corner recession only'. I would beg to differ as although your crown hasnt dropped low yet at the back you have lost most of your hair in the frontal 3 zones and the most of the frontal crown area too.


Would be good to see some better pics to assess the result overall.

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Hi John

My experience with them over all was good and I am really very happy with my result. Even I am planning to get another session to increase the density, but as negative things their follow up and respond after operation really disappointed me. Their patient advesor was quit after a while to whom I was always contacted before and after operation, so new one wasnt responsive as much as previous one. Another things was transfer issues, during the airport transfers and hotel to hospital transfers was always late but I dont want to judge because of this reason since the traffic what i have witnessed was very busy in Istanbul. Anyway as I said am very happy with the result and during my stay in Istanbul with operation etc. Wish you all the best by choosing your hospital for your adventure.


The results seem great. You should be happy. I myself talked to Adem and Hevva clinic just a few weeks ago and I'm considering to do the surgery in June. I'm really nervous to be honest. But what was your experience in general with them?

How did the recovery period look like? Did you lose all your hair and then have it all grow back?

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