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29 yr old, 2300 FUT with Dr. Cooley

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any new updates... i just sent Cooley an email requesting some information about a HT from him.


I got my stitches out last Thursday, 2 weeks after my procedure. Everything seems to be going well, I think i'm starting to shed some of my grafts, but thats to be expected. I trimmed my hair with a #6 guard and the suture line is still not visible in the back, so thats nice. I'll try going lower once the suture line has had more time to heal.

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One month update!


Around week two my grafts started to fall out, as expected. A few days ago I noticed what looks like some growth beginning up front which is very encouraging!


My donor area feels better every day. The bad news is that around week 2 I noticed some shock loss under my suture line. The good news is that dermmatch makes these areas pretty hard to notice. Not sure what I would have done without this product! Hoping for growth in my shock loss areas but I know that takes time. Everything I have read elsewhere makes it seem like shock loss in the donor is very rare, but thankfully I know that it is nothing to be alarmed about thanks to this forum/site. Just part of the pain to get the gain. :cool:





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Thanks for keeping us updated on your progress. Sorry to hear about the shock loss but you'll recover in time. Best of luck!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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Shock loss in the donor is not that rare but also not common and it will grow back but takes around 4-5 months to fully recover.


Congrats on your surgery and for providing good quality photos.


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



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Shock loss in the donor is not that rare but also not common and it will grow back but takes around 4-5 months to fully recover.


Congrats on your surgery and for providing good quality photos.


At the one month mark is it safe to say that all shock loss has "stabilized" and will only get better and not worse?

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Sorry no it is not safe to say yet that it won't get worse before it gets better it could still get worse over the next month but hopefully you have seen the worst of it already. Hang in there I have seen much worse cases than yours totally recover.


Former patient and representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.



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  • 3 weeks later...
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2 months!


Not seeing anything different so far since one month in my recipient areas. I do feel like my donor is slightly improving. The shock loss got a little worse shortly after month 1, but I feel like it has at least stabilized now and is slightly improving. One month left until I see some growth hopefully!





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  • 1 month later...
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That is the best time when you start to see the hairs starting to poke through.


I've read that Dr. Cooley uses different solutions to help start the hair growing quicker. Did you use any special things to rev up the growth?

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Quote from Charles R. Swindol



March 14, 2013. 2462 grafts to the crown

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That is the best time when you start to see the hairs starting to poke through.


I've read that Dr. Cooley uses different solutions to help start the hair growing quicker. Did you use any special things to rev up the growth?


This should be a fun month! During the first 4 days, he gave me a spray bottle with "vitamins" in it to spray on the grafts every hour. Other than that i'm not on anything else but fin.

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Crazy how you are starting to see growth and the other guy who had a ton more grafts from cooley isn't seeing anything



I seriously wonder the success rate of hair transplants. I am pumped to see you are getting growth. I spoke with the lady from cooley. Seemed a little to cocky for me though.

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Crazy how you are starting to see growth and the other guy who had a ton more grafts from cooley isn't seeing anything



I seriously wonder the success rate of hair transplants. I am pumped to see you are getting growth. I spoke with the lady from cooley. Seemed a little to cocky for me though.


Honestly I think the nature of our transplants is just different. My recipient area was slick bald, so any tiny hair is much more visible and easier to see, where as if you are are grafted into a diffuse area its harder to see it at first. Who did you speak with? Lollie did my consultation and she was great.

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What do you mean when you say a bit cocky?

Maybe she was just being upfront & saying it the way it is & that's the way good honest consultants should be.

A good rep or consultant will never surgar coat things & just call the way it is.

Maybe you just mis read her that's all.

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just wasnt' clicking with me. Lolli howoever you spell her name, she just seemed like every question i asked wasn't no big deal. Made me feel kind of like why am i asking these questions do you know who Cooley is..


i think now within this industry its getting pretty good but ultimately it comes down to how your body accepts the grafts and how they are put in. Cooley's work looks good, but the way she acted seemed like they have a 100% rate of everyone reaching there goals.


For me i would spend twice as much money if i knew it was guaranteed or i paid after the HT, but that's not an option. I guess i just always see people on here who have decent results yet we hardly hear about those who didn't see much. THe other guy who had cooley might be our first one yet who has what i call "not much change" so i guess we will see.


hope your's keeps growing, because trust me i wish everyone had the hair dreams!

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Having a phone convo or email don't really give you a true feeling.

I see your point tho & being Dr Cooley is in your neck of the woods I'm sure he would welcome you for a face to face consultation.

Dr Cooley has got a good track record as far I can see & well respected in this business for over 15 yrs across the world if I was you give him a call & ask for a meeting.

These Drs like Cooley are very far between.

Again set up a meeting you have nothing to loose & maybe you have a different look.


I'm in the same place as you window shopping , asking questions blah blah & this guy is on my short list of say 5 HT Drs throughout the world.


Its just my op I've got nothing to sell I'm just trying to support you in some way.


Can you tell me the other guy your talking about would like to look into this.



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I am at eight months with Cooley. You can go through my thread. Basically, I had around 2,800 graphs. Things were slow until around 5 months. Then my hair literally started exploding. It looks better now than it did as a senior in college.


Lollie wasn't there during my actually appointment, but I can say that Dr. Cooley and his staff were some of the most professional, accommodating individuals I have ever met. I was a bit nervous going into the procedure, but after meeting them I was totally at ease. Remember, Lollie isn't the one putting hairs in your head.


I would say my decision to go with Cooley was life changing and that is not hyperbole. I don't pretend to be an expert in HTs but I feel I did my research in that I spoke with many Cooley patients before going through my procedure. All of them had what I would say were good to amazing results.


I may go back for a second one. Not because I need one, but because this one turned out so much better than I could have anticipated that I think with one more I could have Robert Plant hair. Well maybe that IS a bit hyperbolic.


Anyway, happy to help if I can.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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4 month update. Hair is really starting to come in! Its still very wispy and thin though which shows up when using flash. Hopefully it starts to thicken but I am pretty happy with my progress so far. Using some toppik really makes it look good and match the surrounding hair better.




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Can't believe how far you've come in such a short time. You're going to be thrilled when this matures. Congrats!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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