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cutting 5mg finasteride into 10 pieces?!


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  • Senior Member

im buying the 5mg finasteride now, what are your thoughts on cutting into 10 pieces and getting .05mg each time?


Ive tried to cut the pill into 10 and it works but the pieces get really smal!!

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  • Senior Member

I've have also sliced each pill into 4 pieces...but was told to only take each piece 3x per week (I'm on a Mon/Weds/Fri schedule)...so I'm only consuming .75 pills per week


Should I take it more frequently? Loss seems to have stabilized in the 2+ years I've taken it, but of course it's hard to tell in a scientific way (not to mention I've had 3 procedures since I've begun taking it). Side effects have been minimal, if any.

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  • Senior Member

Hi Pulp,


You should consult your doctor on this. I consume 1/4 pill daily and it's worked for me. If your method is working for you....then I wouldn't try to fix what works for you!


All the best!

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  • Senior Member
A lil' off topic, but why are there no 1mg Finasteride pills?


For a generic, can't they split up the dosage as they like?


I think it has to do with Proscar being a 5mg pill and Propecia the 1mg pill. Propecia's patent came and expired later, and cost more. It's messed up and stupid, but w/e.

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