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Getting FUT in a week. Quote 2500 graft seems like a lot

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New to the forum. Looking of what you guys thinking. I'm going in at the 25th to Colorado Hair Inst. Having the FUT done and was quoted 2500 graft but after viewing different pictures on here I feel I don't need that many.


I'm 29 and everybody seems to point out I'm going balding. I decided to get the surgery done now before it gets worse and also it will be more noticeable in the future that I had the surgery done. View my profile for current picture. I have started using finastride for about a month and some hairs have come in.


Let me know what you guys thinking.

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  • Senior Member

It all depends on your expectations.

I had less hairloss than you are experiencing and was at around NW3 and so far I've had 4,500 grafts to reach my current situation.


I think 2,500 is actually quite low looking at your pics, but it could give you a nice cosmetic transformation in the front and then you could address the midscalp and density issues at a future procedure.

If you want everything in one procedure then you are looking at 4,000~4,500 grafts.


Why are you going with CHI btw? Is it just because they are close by or cheap?

Did you see a lot of amazing results and satisfied patients on this forum and others from this clinic?

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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I chose CHI for 3 reason. First is the price, second the location is only a few miles away and lastly availability. I wanted Dr. Harris but just for an appt. was 3 months out and another 3 months for the surgery. Also with him the cost was well over $15k. I looking to change careers soon and would like to get this done before.


I'm looking for a little denser and also not going for a full hairline. Want something a little more natural for myself. I've had a receding hairline since 24 but not as bad as it is now. So I'm ok with a little receding hairline. Depending on my results from the 1st one I do may in the future do another 1000-2000.


Right now I'm really scared for the "shock loss" the clinc advised me not to exercise a week prior and also not to drink any alcohol or to take any vitamins and this will help reduce the shock loss. Have you heard of that?

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I don't think that 2500 is too many at all, even if you are not doing a "full hairline." I agree that it is even a little low, but since your goals seem modest, I think that you may be satisfied. It is good that you did get on finasteride. That will help your result and maybe reduce shock. The alcohol will thin your blood and make you bleed more, which is not a good thing. Not sure it has anything to do with shock or not. I think that the condition of the hair in your recipient area has the most to do with it. With that said, I think that you will probably experience that so you should mentally be prepared. It usually takes about 3 months to get to a pre-op state, and then noticable growth begins somewhere around 4 months.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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I agree with the others so far in saying that 2500 would not be to many. I recently had a procedure of nearly 2300 all in the front third of my head, and I went in with a little more density than I see in your pics thanks to prior procedures.


As far as reducing shockloss, I have never heard of those protocols you mentioned. I have heard finasteride, minoxidil, and even laser therapy mentioned as modalities to help with shockloss... either individually or all three together. My personal opinion on shockloss is that it is just the luck of the draw. In my prior procedures, I had very little such that I didn't notice any difference. This past one I got hit by the shockloss freight train, and my massive shedding only just stopped about two weeks ago (when I hit the 3 month mark). I have to say though that I seem to be in the minority with that, so I don't think my case is usual. Plus, at 29, I think your existing hairs are probably stronger than mine (I'm 40) and better able to withstand the trauma.

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  • Senior Member
I agree with the others so far in saying that 2500 would not be to many. I recently had a procedure of nearly 2300 all in the front third of my head, and I went in with a little more density than I see in your pics thanks to prior procedures.


As far as reducing shockloss, I have never heard of those protocols you mentioned. I have heard finasteride, minoxidil, and even laser therapy mentioned as modalities to help with shockloss... either individually or all three together. My personal opinion on shockloss is that it is just the luck of the draw. In my prior procedures, I had very little such that I didn't notice any difference. This past one I got hit by the shockloss freight train, and my massive shedding only just stopped about two weeks ago (when I hit the 3 month mark). I have to say though that I seem to be in the minority with that, so I don't think my case is usual. Plus, at 29, I think your existing hairs are probably stronger than mine (I'm 40) and better able to withstand the trauma.



I don't know if you have a thread, but I hope you are able to start one. I would like to follow your progress. Good luck! The next 6 months should be good to you.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • Regular Member

I don't know if you have a thread, but I hope you are able to start one. I would like to follow your progress. Good luck! The next 6 months should be good to you.


Hey Spanker. I do actually. I started a thread titled: "Introduction and Shockloss Question" under the Hair Restoration Q&A that this thread is in. There are also a couple of recent pics of mine in that thread as well. Unfortunately I didn't document things from the beginning, but at least you guys can follow my progress from "ground zero" forward.

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  • Senior Member
Hey Spanker. I do actually. I started a thread titled: "Introduction and Shockloss Question" under the Hair Restoration Q&A that this thread is in. There are also a couple of recent pics of mine in that thread as well. Unfortunately I didn't document things from the beginning, but at least you guys can follow my progress from "ground zero" forward.

Thanks, sorry to highjack the tread for a moment.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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  • Senior Member

2500 is low if your after a 1 pass surgery with your current hair loss IMO! Also your 3 chief reasons for choosing your doctor were price, location and availability?! Seriously? Come on mate they should be at the bottom of your list! The best surgeons will have a waiting list and you should be prepared to travel!

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