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Full front top and back hair transplant - 6000 FUE


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I'm posting to share life-changing FUE hair transplant results for a 45 year old man at Dr. Robert Jones Clinic in Oakville (Toronto), Canada.


In two 3000 FUE sessions in March and October of 2013. This gentleman went from very balding (Norwood 4 or 5) to a head full of hair.


I've posted the results, including photos of the grafts used.


Note these are not my personal results; But I am a very grateful patient of Dr. Jones' who is helping share other men's success stories.


Here is the video: **outside link removed by moderator**


Here are the photos:


Photos 1 and 2: Before

Photos 3-5: Results

Photos 6 and &: 3000 + 3000 FUE grafts used
















Edited by Future_HT_Doc
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The video really helps to show the density moreso than the still photos... Are there any other examples of a FUE with fewer transplants than this? What does a procedure like this one cost? Looks like a nice result but I'd like to see some others... Are transplants cheaper in Canada than the US? I'm in Florida but would consider coming up to CA...

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Hi Steve,


I understand the cost of treatment up here in Canada is considerably lower (lower dollar, etc.).


Dr. Jones has done hundreds of these procedures and can best tell you directly himself. I only have the details for my own procedure (he keeps patient info very confidential unless people want to share).


Dr. J would be delighted to hear from you and can be reached by email at **outside link removed**

He's an excellent surgeon and good man.


If you want to reach me directly just inbox me or write at **outside link removed by moderator**


Edited by Future_HT_Doc
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I'm thrilled this patient met his goals and restored his hair. However, I was forced to edit several of your above posts because they violated our (agreed upon) Terms of Service. What's more, although you are posting these results in the "Hair Transplant Experiences and Surgeon Reviews" section, these are technically still non-personal results shared by a representative for a clinic that has not been reviewed and approved by our community.


You are more than welcome to share your own personal results and answer any questions directly related to the aforementioned clinic, but I do ask that you do not share clinic results featuring other patients. What's more, outside links are not permitted on the forums. I also ask that you edit your forum signature to reflect the fact that you are a representative for the clinic.


I'm sorry to have to share all this information. If you would like to discuss the recommendation process or have any other additional questions, please feel free to send me a private message.


Thank you for understanding!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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Hi Blake,


Thanks for taking the time to edit and guide me as to proper use of the site. I’m new here and guilty of not carefully familiarizing myself with the Terms of Service.


I’m actually both a patient of Dr. Jones and someone who has offered to help other patients share their experiences.

My intention is to bring value to your site and help men improve their lives. I’m going to re-read carefully the Terms of Service and will contact you in a private message with a few questions on how best to go about this with these goals in mind.


I believe in operating with utmost integrity and transparency – indeed Dr. J. is uncompromising on these values as well.





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